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Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


Obverse.—Bust of His Majesty KING EDWARD VII. Double Legend: "Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. King Edward VII. Patron." .Reverse.—Figure of Hope assisting Coxswain-Superintendent of Life-boat to buckle on his life-belt, and wishing him and his- crew, " God speed." Life-boat manned in distance ready to launch, and awaiting the instructions of the Coxswain-Superintendent. " G. W. de Saulles." The colour of the ribbon (which is corded silk) attached to the medal is blue.

The following is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS which have been voted by the Committee of Management of the Institution since its establishment on the 4th March, 1824 to the 31st Dec. 1909, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on our Coasts, etc., have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded in detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals and Clasps .granted by the Institution is 1,370, of which 101 were in Gold, and 1,269 in Silver.

Note.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal or Clasp. The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.—C.G.— Coast Guard. R.C.—Revenue Cruiser. M.M.—Master Mariner.

Abbot, Sidney, Clovelly.

Abbott, John, C.G.

Acraman, J.t Fishguard.

Adah-, R., late Coxswain Ballywalter Life-bait.

Adair, W., C.G.

Adam. J., C.G. (I) Adtnu, Thomas.

Agar, J., C.G., Morris Castle.

Agnes, Samuel, Wivenhoe.

Ahem, John, C. G., Kilmore.

Alkln, J., C.G., Cushendall.

Aitchison, Alexander.

Alexander, W., late Cox.

Thorpenem Lift-boat.

Allan, JIM., Holy Island.

Allen, Luke Ju., M.M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Edward, late Coxswain Palling Life-boat Andvson, George, Seaman.

Anderson, John G.,R.N.,C.O.

Annis, M., C.G. (») Anthony, Owen, M.M., Holyhead.

Armstrong, J., late Cox. of Hauxley Life-boat.

Armstrong, R., Newbiggin.

Armstrong, W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W* Newbiggin.

Arnold, . W. H., C.G., Sandown.

Astdn, J., BaUywalter.

Atkins, T., C.G., Wainfleet.

A oaten, m« Seaman, Rams* gate Steamer Vulcan.

Antridee, Lieut., R.N., Doonbeg.

AvlMe, I. N., M.M., Boulogne.

B«xn, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, James.

Bailey, James, Boatman, Deal.

Baillie, Lieut. Henry, B.N.

Baillie, Lieut. H., R.N.

Bain, Alex..Seaman, Skerries.

Bake, Lient., R.N., C.O.

Baker, Lt. G. S., R.N., C.».

Baker, Lt.W. H., R.N., C.G.

Baker, T., C.G., Brooke.

Ball, D. Graham, M.M.

Ball, K., Angle.

Banyard, John, C.G.

Barlach, Henry, M.M.

Barnard, A., C.G. (2) Barnes, George, Christohnrch.

Barrett, J., C.S. Carnsore.( S) Barrett, W., C.G.

Barrett, W., Jon.

Barron, R. N.

Barry, Lt G., R.N., Kineal*.

Bartholomew, R. J.

Bate, Samuel, late Aast.

Cox. Paostow Life-boat.

Bate, Thomas, late Cox.

Bade Life-boat.

Bates, Thos., C.G.

Batlst, J., C.G., Dymchnrch.

Beataon, G. B. M., C.G. (2) Beanclerk, The late Lord Chas.

Beck, Robert, late Cox. of Point of Ayr Life-boat.

Beddoe, D., Fishguard.

Bedwell, Wm., M.M.

Begg, —., M.M.

Belsey, Hy., Ramsgate.

Benett, Capt. C. C., R.N.* Berriman, James, M.M.

Berry, David, Ramsgate.

Sevan, John, M.M.Bkkerrtaffe, R., Ut« Cox.

Blackpool Life-boat, (2) Bfflett, R., C.G., late Cox.

Lydd Life-boat.

Bingham, Wm.

Bishop, Geo., Polkerris.

Bishop, S., C.G., Caister.

Bishop, Thos., late As'. Cox.

Palling Lite-boat Black, A., C.G., Strangford.

Blackmore, Wm., C.G., Pensanoe. (2) Blaakwood, Rev. J. O'Reilly Ballywalter. (?) Blair.Lt Horatio, R.N., C.G.

Blampied, C., Jersey.

Blanoe, John, Shetland.

Blissendon, William H..C.G Biota, Oapt. J. R., R.N.* Blythe, Him Ellen.

Bolitho, Simon, C.G, Bade.

Bongourd,H., Pilot, Guernsey Banner, G., C.G., Collieston.

Bouchard, John, St. Martin's Bowen, Lient. C. H., B.N.* Boyd, Henry, C.Q.

Boyd, John, Portrush.

Boyd, Mrs.

Boyle, Marcns, late Cox.

Wexford Life-boat (2) Boyle, Lieut. Hon. R.F., R.N.

Bradford, John, Exmonth.

Bradford, Uriah, Exmouth.

Bradley, Wm., Southern].

Brioe, W., C.G., Greencastle.

Bridle, W., M.M., Lyme.

Brims, John, late Cox.

Thurso Life-boat, (2) Brine, Thos., Douglas.

Brinksmead, W., M.M.

Brittain, Lieut. J. S., R.N., C.G. (2)* Britton, Henry.Cox. Waltonon- Naze Life-boat.

Britton, J., Master of the American Ship Xochattr.* Britton, Wm., late Cox.

Harwich Life-boat.

Broad, W., Falmouth.* Brooke, Thomas W., Holyhead.

Brooks, A., C.G., Dungenesa.

Brown, Christopher, Brldlington.

Brown, Fredk., Bridlington.

Brown, Henry, JSewbiggln.

Brown, James, C.e.,Dnnbar.

Brown, John, late Cox. Newbiggin Life-host. (2) Brown, Solomon, Caister.

Brown, Thos., late Cox.

Cresswell Life-boat (2).

Browne, Capt. P. R. M. (2)* Brune, Hiss B. M. Prideanx.

Brune, Miss £. F. Prideanx.

Brnne, Miss G. R. Prideanx.

Brune, Hiss H. K. Prideanx.

Brunton, Lt.J.,R.N.,C.G.(2)* Buck,W.C., R.N..C.G.

Buckett, J., late Cox. Brighstone Grange Life-boat Bndd, James, C.G.

Bnlkeley, J.B., late Cox. of Teignmouth Life-boat.

Bulley.Lt J..R.N., C.G.(4)** Bumby, J..C.G., Clovelly.

Bant, John, C.G.

Bunt, John, Porttshead.

Burden, W. J., Tsignmouth.

Barnard, T., Bideford. (2) Burn*, J., C.G., Penzanos.

Bums, John, Sen., Shields.

Barney, B..C.GK, Banff.

Burton, James H.

Barton, William, Bamsgate.

Bury, Ld. Viscount, P.C..M.P.

Butcher, James, Lowestoft.

Butcher, Rich., Lowestoft Byrne, Lawrence, C.G.

Byrne, Private R. Irish Kegt Canterbury, His Grace The Archbishop of (Dr. Manners Button).* Cable, James, Coxswain Aldebnrgh Life-boat (3) CahlU, D. F. L., M.D.

Cain, Wm.

Callaway, W., Seaman, Lyme Callow, Wm., late Cox. of Castletown Life-boat.(2) Campbell, James, Leestone.

Campbell, Hiss J., Drogheda.

Campbell, Angus, Cutter Prinau RoyoJ. [C.G.

Cameron, Capt. 0. S., R.N., Candllah, J., late Cox.

Lytbam Life-boat Cannell, T.,late Cox. Isle of Man Life-boat.

Cannon, John, late Cox. of Hasborough Life-boat.

Carberry, Patrick, Wexford.

Carbis, Thos., late Cox. of the Pencanoe Life-boat. (2) Carey, H., Shrove Head.

Carr,C.8.,Gunner R.C. Sylvia.

Carr, Henry, H.M. Customs, Wexford.

Carr, John. C.G.. Donmanns.

Carr, Samuel, C.G.

Carrington, J., Steam-tug Liverpool, Harwich.

Carrington, Lieut. R.N.

Carrington, W. H. [Regt.

Carroll, Private, Royal Irish Carter, Fredk., Weymonth.

Carter, J..C.G.

Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland.

Castel, G., Broadstalrs.

Caulfleld, Geo., Howth.

Cay, Capt. R. B., R.N., C.G.

Chaddock, J., C.G.

Chaplin, — ., M.M: Chapman, Thomas, the late, F.R.S., V.P.» Chappell, T., Bideford.

Chappell, Capt W., Bideford.

3hard, J., Boatman, Thorpe.

}hesnutt, George, C.G.

Cheyne, William, Orkney Isles.

Chlttenden, K., Broadstalrs.

Christian, Thomas A.

Clark, George, Seaman.

Clark, T., Bridlington.

Clarke, Lieut Joseph, R.N.* Clarkson, T., Coxswain of the Lytham Life-boat.

Claybnm, T., late Cox. Scarboro' Life-boat (2) Clayton, S., Assistant Cox.

Margate Life-boats.

Clayton, Lt. R.N., C.G.

jleave, K., Wlvenhoe.

Clements, F. G., Ecclei.

Oloke, W., Mot, Mevagissey Cobb, Rev. C., M.A., Dymchurch.* Oockrom, W., H.M.8. Baglt.

Oofiey,P.,Tramoie,Waterford Oalby, Hathani.1, lat* Cox.

Pakefleld Life-boat.

Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenho*.

Collard, 8., Pilot, Deal.

Collins, James, C.G., late Cox. Rye Life-boat.

Collins, J., Master of the American ship Jtoseiui .* OoUlson, R., H.H.

Collopy, J., C.G.,Porthcawl.

Combe, Lt 11., R.N., C.G.

Coneys, Anthony, Clifden.

Connlck, J., Dundalk.

Cook, Stephen, Cox. Folkestone Life-boat Cooper, Hugh, C.G.

Cooper, T., Sen., Ramsgate.

Cooper, T., Jnn., Ramsgate, Coppin, Lt. F., R.N.. C.U.

Corbert, W., late Cox. Ardmore Life-boat.

Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey.

Corbett, W.. Douglas.

Cork, W., C.G.,Fort George.

Corkhill, W., late Cox. Padstow Life-boat. (2) Cornish, Lt. J., R.N., Bovis.

Costello, M., Rosslare.

Cotton, D., Brighstone, I.W.

Cotton, James, ditto, Cox. of Life-boat. [Life-boat. (2) Cotton, W., Cox. Atherfleld Conl, Alexander, Montrose.

Coul, Charles, Montrose.

Cowln, J., Ramsey.

Cox, Lt. H., R.N., C.G. (2)» Cox, Surgeon H. L., A.M.D.

Cox, Joseph, late Cox. of the Appledore Life-boat (3) Cox, J., Jan., late Coxswain Appledore Life-boat (2) Cox, W., C.G., Kllmore.

Craggs, J., C. G., Devonport.

Cragle, J., late Cox. Southwold Life-boat. (3) Crawford, Wm.

Cronen, Dennis, Ballycotton.

Cropper, Peter, Cox. of Liverpool Life-boat Crosby, Nicholas, Dnndalk.

Crosswell, T., C.G.

Crouch, J., Broadstalrs.

Crouch, R., Broadstairs.

Crowden, J., C.G Muchals.

Cubttt, W., Bacton. (2) Cubitt, W. Jun., Bacton.* Calmer, — ., C.G., Leigh.

Cnmisky, W. J.

Cummins, J., late Cox.

Arklow Life-boat [Junninghani, J.

Curnow, Paul, late Cox.

St. Ives Life-boat (2) Cnrteis, W., C.G.

Curtis, Steph., Christehnrch.

Dabiae, Lient., RJT., C.G.

Dand, M. H. (1) Daniels, Sergt. T.

Dark, William, M.M.

Darling, Wm., Light-house keeper, Fern Island.

Darling, Grace, his daughter.

Darragh, H., C.G.

Davies, late Vice-Adm, G.

W Davies, Capt. Thomas, R.N.

Davies.Gaorge, late Cox. Hoylake Life-boat.

Davison,W.,lat* Oox underland Life-boat.

Dawson, T., HartlepooL Day, Chr., Middlesbrough.

Day, Thomas, Bideford.

Deane, Henry, C.G.

Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne.

Dempsey, Daniel.

Dempsey, D.,jun.

Dempsey, Alex.

Dent, J., Newbiggln.

Desmond, John, Limerick.

De St. Oroix, F., Jersey.* De St. Croix, J., Jersey.* D« St. Oroix, P., Jersey.* Devereux, M., Rosslare. (3) Dillon, Jas., C.G., Arklow.

Dinneen, J.,i C.O. s.s.

Mbatrots, of London.

Dobson, T., late Cox. Donna Nook Life-boat Dodd, Thomas, Cox. Hoylak* Life-boat.

Donkln, A., CuUercoata. (2.) Donovan, Dennis, C.G. (2) Donovan, J..C.G.

Dooley, Lt. D., R.N., C.G.

Douglas, Alexander, C.G.

Douglas, J., Harrington.

Dower, Capt A., Dnngarran.

Downing, Nicholas B.

Drayson, D., C.G.

Dufly, M., Mullaghmore.

Duncan, Darld, late Cox.

Montrose Life-boat.

Dunmore, The Earl of.

Dunn, William, M.M.

Durban, John, Walmer.

Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe.

Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe.

Dyer, Lt H. McNeill, R.N.

Dyer, John, Straiten.

Earle, Lt. E. C., R.N., Bye.* EasUway,R.,C.G.

Eastaway, T.

Eddy, R. Pilot, Plymouth. (3) Edlngton, Chas., C.G.

Edwards, D., Montrose.

Ellis, Henry, C.G., Bnde.

Elphlnstone, Geo., Dundalk.

Else, Lieut, R.N., Fowey.* Mton, Lt W. H., R.N., C.G.

Elwln, Lt., R.N., Lymington Elyard, Lt CoL J. (2)* Erridge, E., Boatman, Deal.

EsaeU, Lt. Wm.F.,R.N.,C.G.* Evans, D., C.G., late Cox.

Poolbeg Life-boat.

Evans, Henry, Carnarvon.

Evans, Capt Thomas.

Evans, J., M.M., Flshgnard.

Evans, Lient Thomas, R.N.

Evans, T., sen.. New Brighton.

(2) [ton.

Evans, T., Jan., New Brigh- Evans, Wm., Cox. New Brighton Life-boat.

Evans, Wm., Pilot, Neath.

Evlson, Lt J. C., R JH., C.G.

Fairbairn, W., Cox. Dnnbar Life-boatFarmer, David, Hayling. Giles, W. M. M., P»d§tow.

Farrin, G, H.M.S. jjax. Glllespie, Andrew, Sauna-.

Fell, Robert, late Cox. of Gilmer, Wm., Dundalk.

Ramsey Life-boat. ttilson, Lt. T. A., R.N., C.G.

Fellowes,Oapt.T.H.B.,R.N., Gimar, E., Master of the Fernie, Peter, Buckle. [C.G.

Festing, Lieut., B.N.

Keating, Colonel Sir F. W., C.B., K.C.M.G., R.M.A.

French brig Lt Norman.

Gin, N. Francois, Boulogne.

! Gleeson, R., Fethard.

Glover, J., Harwich.

Fiddler,Daniel,Orkney Isles. Goldring, W, M.M., Hay- Fled, Lieut. Wm. Geo., K.N. ling. [wold.

Field, W., Miltord Haven.

Fmlay, G., C.G., Lamb»y.

Goldsmith, E. W., South- Haylett, James, Sen., lit« Horsford, Miss Josephine.

Aest. I0ox. Calstta- Lifeboats.* Haylett, J, Jun., (the late) Oox. Oauter Lifeboate.

(2) Haylett, John, Oox. Caister Life-boats.

Haylett, Walter, Caister.

Haynes, J., Coxswain of Port Isaac Life-boat.

Hayter, John, late Cox.

Goldsmito, John, Ramsgate. 1 Brooke Life-boat. W Finlay, William, Montrose. Goldsmith, Rd, late Asst. I Headon. Richard, late Cox.

Fish, Qua. E, late Cox.

Ramsgate Life-boat. (3)«* Oox. Ramsgate Life-boat.

Goldsmith, S, Ramsgate.

Fish, John, Sonthwold. Gordon, John, lat« Cox.

Fisher, A. E., Ramsgate. Tyrella Life-boat.

Fisher, S., Horseierry-rd. ; Goae, O»pt. T. B. N, C.G. (2)* Fisher, Mrs., North Feroe. Gough, J., Waterford.

Fitzjames, Jas, R.N. '• Would, Lt. Wm., R.N., C. G.

Fitzpatrlck, J., C.G. '. Gourlay, James G., St.

Fiann, Wm., Portland. i Andrews.

Fleming, George, Gorleston. j Graham, G., Lt. R.K., C.G.

Fletsher, T., C.G., Rosslare. ! Graham, Capt. Philip, R.N.* Flett, Jas., Pittenweem.

Flory, J., Portishead.

Flynn, P., C.G, Kilrush.

Fogg, Janes, Fleetwood.

Foley, J., M.M., Port Talbot.

Koley, Thos., M.M.

Foley, Winspeare, Ballycastle.

Forbes, A., Peterhead.

Foreman, W., late Cox.

Broadstairs Life-boat.

Formby, Joseph, late Cox.

Formby Life-boat.

Forward, T. R., Commander R.C. Sylvia.* Foster, J., C.G., Aldeburgh.

Found, W., Padstow.

Fowell, John, Seaman.

Fowler, James, M.M.

Fox, John, late (Jox. Fleetwood Lite-boat.

Foy, Thomas, Rossglass.

Frankish, T. H., Bridlington.

Franklin, Lt. E., R.N., C.G.

Franklin, J. H., Seaton Carew. (2) Franklin, M., Seaton Carew.

Franklyn, Lieut. 6., R.N.

Freeman, H., late Cox.

Whttby LUe-boat. (2) Freeman, James, Helston.

Freeman, John, Seaman.

Freemantle.Capt.C. W.,R.N.» Freeney, John, Kllllney.

French, Charles, C.G.

Friend, Thos., Ramsgate.

Fulton, Robert, R.N.

Furlong, A., Fishguard.

George the Fourth, EisMost Gracious Majesty King.* Galbralth, Mrs. E, Whitney.

Gale, W., Barking.

Gallagher, P.

Garrett, R., (the late) Coxswain of Ramsey Lifeboat.


Gartside-Tipping, Lt. it. T., George, Philip, late Oox.

OaisterUfe-boat(2) [wood.

Serrard, R., Pilot, Fleet- Gilbert, James, late Cox.

Tynemouth Life-boat. (2) Granby, Charles, M.M.

Grandy.J. S. W.,R.C.Harp».

Graady, Lieut. 8, R.N. (2)« ttrant, W., late Cox. of the Margate Life-boat. (2) Graves, J., M.M., Carlisle.

Gray, A., C.G., Fort George.

Gray, D., C.G., Kilmore.

Gray, Geo., Bridlington.

Gray, J, M. M., Peterhead.

Gray, E. W. D., Dublin.

Gregory, J., C.G, St. Andrews.

Greig, Robert.

Grey, George, Hartlepool.

Grier, John, Cl&cton.

Griffith, David, Beaumaris.: Griffith, Robert, Anglesey.

Griffiths, B., M.M., Portmadoc.

Griffiths, G., Pilot, late Cox.

Llanddwyn Life-boat.

Griffiths, T., C.G, Mnlbay.

Grigson, G., sen., Clacton.

Groat, William, Orkney Isles.

Gruer, Wm, C.G.

Guy, Philip, Bldeford.

Hall, G. E, Lowestoft.

Halse, R., C.G.

Hamilton, B, Coxswain of the Black Rock Life-boat.

Hamilton, Geo, C.G.

Hamilton, H. A., J.P. (3)* Hamono, A, M.M.

Harming, N, C.G., Dingle.

Hannagan, Michael, Cox. of Youghal Life-boat.

Hansel!, P. S., Broadltoin.

Hansford, John, Weymouth.

Harrington, Dennis, Bere.

Harrington, Jas, BrKlung- Clovelly Life-boat.

Heal, J., Atherfield.

Heard, Rich., C.G.

Heath, Joshua, late Cox.

Polkerrie Life-boat.

Heavy, P., Constable, Knock.

Hein.J.F., M.M.

Henin, P, Bonlogne-sur-Mer.

Hennessey, J., C.G.

Hennessy, Lawrence, C.G , late Cox.Hythe Lite-boat.

(2) Henry, Lient., R.N, C.G.

Henslow, Lt, R.N..C.G.

Kenwood, T, C.G, Fowey.

Herbert, The Hon. Auberon.

Herrington, B, late Cox.

Sonthwold Life-boat. (2) Hick, M, Scarborough.

Hicks, Barnard, Scilly.

Hicks, D., late Cox. St.

David's Life-boat.

Hicks, Frederick C.

Hicks, Geo, C.G., Tyrella.

Hicks, Samuel, Seaman.

Higgs, S, jnn., the late. (21 Higgans, W.,late Second Cox.

Penzance Life-boat.

Highland, Owen, Anglesey.

Hildebrand, H. (2) Hill, J., late Cox. Newcastle, Dnndrum, Life-boat.

Hill, Jas., Cox. Porthonstock Life-boat.

Hill, W.

Hillary, Sir A. Wm, Bart.

Hillary, Sir Wm, Bt. (4)**«* Hills, W, late Coxswain of the Padstow Life-boat. (2) Hipplewhite, T, M.M.

Hodds, Wm., late Cox.

Winterton Life-boat. (2) Hodge, Robert, Clovelly.

Hodgson, J, Sunderland.

Hoed, F. P., M.M.* Hogben, J, late Coxswain of Ramsgate Life-boat.

Hogg, William, C G.

Holborn, S, Broadstain.

Holland, Lt. John, R.N,C.G.

Holman,Lieut.T, R.N, C.G.

Holmes, Lance-Oorpl., Rifle Brigade.

Hood. HT, late Oox. Beaton ton inay. Carew Life-boat. (2) Harrington, T, 0.8.

Harris, Ellery, Asst. Cox.

Gorlestou Life-boats.

Hams,F,G.G.. Seaaeld.

Harris, 8., Cox. Gorleston Llfe-boate. (3) Harrison, Jacob, Shields.

Hatch, N. G.

Hawkins, John, RpTnfgntei Hayden, F, Sandowu.

Hood, Robt, late Cox. Seaton Oarew Life-boat.

Hood, W, late Cox. Seaton Oarew Life-boat.

Hook, R, late Oox. of Lowestoft Lire-boat. (2) Hooke, Wm, late Oox.

Blakeney Life-boat.

Hopkins, John, late Oox.

Portrush Life-boat.

Hereford, Miss Maria.

Houghton, H, Hartlepool.

Howard, F, Pte., 5 th Reg.

Howe, R,C.8, Ballygerig.

Howell,J, Port Talbot.

Howorth, Oapt. Wm, R.ST.

Hnbbard, Saml., Eccles.

Hughes, E, Sen, Cwmerran, Hughes, G, Pilot, Guernsey.

Hughes, Hugh, Cox. Rhoscolyn Life-boat.

Hughes, John, late Cox.

Bull Bay Life-boat.

Hughes, John, Liverpool.

Hughes, R, late Cox.

Moelfre Life-boat.

Hughes, T, Pilot, Holyhead.

Hughes, W.

Humphreys, D., Liverpool.

Hurle, Edwin, Ramsgate.

Hurry, Stephen.

HUBS, T, H.M.8. Rover.

Hutchinson, H, C.G.

Hutchlnson, Henry.

Hutchison, Lt, Kingstown.

Hutchison, Lieut. W, R.N.* Hyde, James, Scilly.

Hynds, John, Dnndalk.

Hynet, B, C.G., Galway.

lies, The late Mr. John.

Inkster, Peter, M.M.

James, Lieut. Horatio, R.N.* James, Lieut. Wm, K.N.' Jamieson, Edward, Orkney Isles.

Jamieson, James.

Japp, Robert, Montrose.

Jarman, Isaac, late Coxswain of Ramsgate Life-boat. (2) Jeffers, Rich, C.G, Dingle.

Jefferson, P, late Cox. Newbiggin Life-boat. (2) Jellard, John, M.M.* Jenkins, J., late Cox.

Swansea Life-boat.

Jenkins,L, Pilot, Port Talbot.

Jenklns.W, Fishgnard.

Jennings, Wm,Harwich.

Jennings, W, C.G, Looe.

Jesse. Commander R, R.N., C.G.

Jinks, R,C.G,Cardigan.

Joachim, Capt, R.N. (4) Jobson,Lt.C, R.N,C.G.(2)»* John, W, Breaksea.

Johns, Rich,Mevagissey.

Johns, Rich, Seaman, Fowey.

Johns, R. 0, late Cox. Tramore Life-boat. (3) Johns, W, M.M. (We.* Johnson, Adi. W.W.P, the Johnson, Wm, Yarmouth.

Johnston, B, M.M.

Jones, Capt. C. Gray, R.N., the late. (2) Jones, C.G, Wlcklow.

Jones, C.G, Swords.

Jones, D., Oox. Ferryside Life-boat.

Jones, E, M.M.

Jones, E.,late Cox. of Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Jones, George, Boatman.

Jones, George, Holyhead.

Jones, Henry, Penzance.

Jones, John, Marilyn.Jones, J., Pilot, Porthcawl.

Jones, Lewie, Holyhead.

Jones, Owen, Anglesey.

Jones, Richard, Holyhead.

Jones, Lt. R..R.N.,C.G.(3)** Jones, R., late As*. Cox, Holyhead Life-boat, Jones, Samuel, Holjheaxl.

Jones, ThoB., Holyhead.

/ones, T., M.M., Port Talbot.

Jones, T.,M.M., Cardiff.

Joy, George.* Juniper, Win., Mondesley.

Kavanagh, P., late Cox.

Arklow Life-boat.

Kavanagb, P., late Cox.

Carnsore Life-boat. (3) Keane, Kichd., C.G., Helen's Bay.

Kearon, Capt. Edw., Arklow.

Kelland, Win. R., Trinity Pilot, Dartmouth.

Kelly, C., Howth.

Kelly, Lient. E., R.N.

Kelly, Geo. Edwd.

Kelly, J., late Cox. Appledore Life-boat. ' Kendall, W., G.O.

Kennedy, Lt. A., R.N..C.G., Ballyheigus. (21 Kennedy, E., C.G.

Kennedy, H., Belfast.

Kennedy ,Malcolm,Bowmore.

Kennedy, Master J., Belfast.

Kent, Frank, C.G., Sandwich.

Kerley, T., C.G., Penz&nce.

Kerr, E. C., Ramsey.

Kerrniah, John, C.G.

Ktdd, D., Fisherman, Dundee.

Klnch, H., Newcastle.

King, Lt. 8., R.N., Sonthend.

King, T,, Harwich.

Ktsbee, Com. Thos., R.N.

Knight.Charles, Mate, Ramagate Steamer Vulcan.

Knight, J. T., C.S. , Kyle, Geo., Cox. Holy Island Life-boat.

Kyle, Matthew, late Cox.

Holy Island Life-boat. (2) Lake, A., C.Q., Wick.

Lambert, John, Harwich.

Lambeth, BenJ., Harwich.

Laming, James, Cox, Kiagsdowne, Life-boat.

LandeUs, This., MUford.

Lane, Lt., B.N., C.S., Dartmonth.

Langan,Bfichael, First Officer of Steamer Prinaesi Alexandra.

Langlanda, Thos., Cox. of Whitby Life-boats.

Langlon, Lieut. T. W., R.N.

La Primandaye, Clement, Commander R.N. [R.A.

Large, J.. Master Gunner, Larkin, Thomas, Mate.

Lavington, Lt. Thos., R.N.

Lawrence, James, late Cox.

Selsey Life-boat.

Lazoix, Lieut, of the French Marine at Dieppe.

Leask, Robert, Jan., Ireland, near Stromness.

Lee, Charles, late Cox.

Worthing Life-boat. (3) Lee, James, Holyliead.

Lease, Charles, Gunner, R.A.

Legerton, Robert, late Cox.

Clacton Life-boat. (3) Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Bath.

Leggett, Edw., Gunner.

Leigh, Lt;T., R.N., C.G. (3)** Leslie, J.'M.M., Stonehaven, N.B.

Lett, Lt. S. J., R.N., C.G.* Levett, N., lat« Coxswain of the St. Ives Life-boat.

Lewis, E., Seaman, Barnioutb.

Lewis, G., C.G., Newport, Pembroke.

Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich.

Lewis, Thos., Dundalk.

Lewis, W., Harwich. (2) Lewis, W., Aberystwlth.

Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey.

Linen, Thomas, Lowestoft.

Likely, Henry, Limerick.

Linaker, Hi ran*. New Brighton, Lindaay, Lient. A. J., R.A.

Lindsay, Lieut. Jas., R.N.* Lingard, Lient. J., R.N., Whitby.* Lithaby, P., C.G.

Llewellyn, David, C.G.

Llewellyn, Mrs. Margaret, Fishgnard.

Llewellyn, Mrs.Martha, ditto.

Lloyd, 0., C.G., Lnlworth.

Lloyd, Lt. S., R.N., C.G.» Long, J. H., Youghal.

Lose, John, C.G., Swanage.

Louchet, L. P. A. B., Anthie.

Longhor, Rees, Monknash.

Love, Private R., 63rd Reg.

Lovell, Patrick, Belmullett.

Lucas, Jas., C.G., late Cox.

Lydd Life-boat.

Lndiow, I., Master of the American ship Jfonmoulb.* Lusk, A., Raeberry.

Lyons, Lient. Wm., R.N. (2) Macallster, Robt., Wick.

Macdonald, George, C.G.

Mackay, James.

Mackell, Patrick, C.G.

Mackintosh, Alex.,M.M.

MacMahon, Capt. H. M. M., East Clare Militia.

Macnamara,Lt.T.,R.N.,C.G.« McAllister, Wm., Portnjsh.

McArdle, Thomas, Dundalk.

McBay, Jas., Johnshaven.

McCarthy, J., C.G.

McCarthy, Jas., C.G.

McCombie, T., Steamer Ttaragkt: (2)* MoCnUoch, K., C.G. (S) McDonald, Win., Irvine.

McGenis, O.

McGladery, Lt. J., R.N., C.G .

McKenzie, J.,C.G.,G&Iway.

McKinnon, J., M.M., Greenock.

McKinstry, John, Magee.

McLangl&n, Jas., Howth.

McLanghlin, William, Holyhead.

McMillan, J., Cantyre.

McNamee P., C.G., DnnmanUB.

McNanghten, Nell, C.G.

McPhillips, P.,Serg. R.I.C.

, « McQaeen, Alex., Seaman.

Maddick, H.

Manby, Capt. G. Vf.* Manifold, W., late As'.

Oox, Arklow Life-boat, Mann, Lient., R.N., C.G.

Mann, W., A»t. Coxswain Aldeburgh Life-boat.

Mariole, J. B., Frenoh Pilot.

Mark, Wm., C.ff., Dingle.

Markwell, George, late Oox.

Holy Island Life-boat.

Marsh, Capt. D., R.N., C.G.* Marshall, Charles H., Holyhead.

Marshall, Capt. J., Bldeford.

Marshall, John, Jan., late AstCox.S«ahaui Life-boat.

Martin, Chas., C.G., St. Ives, Cornwall, Martili, Capt. D.

Martin, Wm., late Cox. of New Brighton Life-boat.

Mason, J., C.G., Elie.

Matthews, Edwin, late Cox, Lizard Life-boats.

Matthews. Lt. R. B., R.N.* May, A. C..H.M.S. Rtntr.

May.W. B., C.G., Boscwtle.

Mender, H., Samsgate.

Mearns, R., jun., M.M., Montrose.

Mearns, Wm.. late Cox.

Montrose No. 1 Life-boat.

Mearns, Wm. Jnn., late Cox.

Montrose No. 2 Life-boat.

Metcalfe, Jas., Hartlepool.

MethereU, Lt K. B., RJi,, Mewse, A., I.owestoft. [C.G.* Middleton, John, Deal.

Milburn, John, Shields.

Milburn. Wm., Laxey.

Miller, J., C.G., Devonport.

Miller, W., Ramsgate.

MiUigan, G., late Cox.

Yarmouth Life-boat.

Mills, C., C.Gf., CJ/fden.

Minter, O., Boatman, Deal.


Mitchel, J., Pilot, Gnernsey.

Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. W Mitchell, William E., Cox.

Lizard Life-boat.

Mitchell, Edwin, Assistant Cox. Lizard Life-boat.

Mittin, Philip, Waxford.

Moar, Mrs., Bur™ Ness.

Monger, Thomas, late Cox.

Tenby Life-boat.

Moody, Samnel, Stegnees.

Moody, Samuel, late Cox.

Skegness Ufe-boat. (2) Moore, Alex., C. J.

Moore, GTinner Jas., Coast Brigada Koya] Artillery.

Moreno, J., Matter of the Austrian Barque Eva.

Morgan, John, C.G, Thnrso.

Morgan, John, Pilot, Cardiff.

Morgan, Lt. R., R.N., C.G.

Morgan, T., R.C. Stork.

Morris, John, Anglesey.

Morris.Capt-LR-.RJf ., C.G.* Morris.K., Seaman,Holyhead.

Morris, W.B., Port Madoc.

Morrison, Lt., R.N., C.G.

' Morrison, Silvester, C.8., ' Sennen Cove.

Morrison, W., Ballywalter.

Mortley,- ., C.S., Padsttw.

Moss, J., Boatman, Walmer.

Mudd, Wm., Harwich.

Mulligan, James, Sligo.

Murdoch, Peter, Glendrithaig, Ayrshire.

Murphy, Adam, late Oox.

Tyrella Life-boat.

Murphy, James, C.G., St.

Ives, Cornwall. (3) Murphy, M., C.8., late Oox.

New Romney Life-boat.

Murray, A., C,a.,Elto.

Narbett, W., Actinc Oox.

St. David's Life-boot Nelson, W.,,C.a.

Nepean, St. Vincent, M.V.O., R.N.

Newnham, Lt.N.,R.N.,C.G.

Newsoro, W., Harwich.

Nichol, J.. Montrose.

Nicholas, Henry, Cox of Sennen Cove Life-boat.

Nicholas, Matt., late Cox.

Sennen Cove Life- boat.

Nicholls, M., Clacton. (2) Nicholson, M., Knock.

Nicol, Francis, Rattle, Garde& stown.

Nicol, Francis, Gardenetown, Nicoi, James, Gardenetown.

Nicolle, Philip, Jersey.

Niles, Wm., late Cox.

Cardigan Life-boat.

Noble, Andrew, Cox. Fraserburgh Life-boat (2).

Norcock, Capt. G. L., R.N., C.ff.

Norris, Ben]., Boatman, Deal.

Norris, James.

Norris, Martin.

Norsworthy, W., C.G., the late. (2) Nott, Capt. Z, B,, R,N. (1) O'Neil, Patrick, Scilly.

O'Shanghnessy, Miss Nora.

O'Snllivan, M,, Bere.

O'Snllivan, D., C.G.

Oliver, A., late Cox.

Hauxley Life-boat.

Orr, Hobt., Irvine, N.B.

Osbome, Kobt., Clacton. (2) Owen, Richard, Anglesey.

Owen, Richard, Aset. Oox.

Moellre Life-boat.

Owen, Thomas, Cox. Moelfre Life-boat.

Owen, Capt. Wm., Holyhead.

Owen, William, M.M.* Owen, William, Pilot, Cox.

Holyhead Steam Life-boat (2)* Owen, William, Jun., Holyhead.

Owston, John, Cox. Scarborough Life-boat.

Page, A., late Master Ramsgate Togs. (3) Palmer, G., M.P. (2)** Palmer, Thos.H., SonthwoW.

Parker, Edwin, C.G.

Parker, J.

Parker, Wnj., M.M.

Parrott, R., C.».,Tenby (2) Parry, Lieut., H.N.* Parry, Henry, Anglesey.

Parry, R.M.M.

.Parsons, Lt. R., 36th Reg. Randle, J., Bristol. i Rowe, W., C.G., Dingle.

Parsons, Lt. Thos., R.N., C.G .

Parsons, Lt.W., R.N..C.G.

Partridge, Capt. W. L., R.N.

Pasooe, Peter, Porthlevtn.

Patton, David, Portrnsh.

Paul, Thos., C.G., Bade.

Payne, John, C.G.

Paynter, Oapt Richard.

Peake, James, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport.* Peake, Admiral T. L. * Pearce, Rich., Penaance.

Pearse, Jas., Pilot, Porthcawl.

Pearse, T., Pilot, Porthcawl.

Poart, John, Montrose.

Pedder, Lt. W., R.N., C.G.

Peebles, John, Irvine.

Peebles, T., Irvine.

Peirson, 8. H., C.G.

Penney, Robert, Ramsgate.

Psnrose, Wm., Polkerris.

Pepper, J., C.G., Lymington.

Perkins, Jas., O.G., Bnde.

Perring, Fredk., Polkerris.

Perrott, the late Sir Edward G. L., Bart.;* Perry, Frank, Weymouth.

Pcstell,: W.,late Cox. Palling Life-boats (3) Pestle, James, Jun. *& Petrie, Mrs. Ellen, Shetland Pettit, Jethro, late Cox Broadstairs Life-boat.

Phillips.J., Newcastle.Irelnd Picard, Pierre.

Pilcher, Stephen, late Cox Tramore Life-boat Pillar, W., Gunner. R.N.

Pincomb, T., Pilot, Exmouth Pitt, E., C.G., Atherfleld.

Plummer, John, Asst. Cos Calster Life-boat.

Pockley, R., Cox. Flamborough No. 1 Life-boat.

Pomeroy, H., C.G.

Popham, Henry.

Porter, William, Seaman.

Potter, W., late Cox. Cahore Life-boat.

Pounder, Thos., Hartlepool.

Powell, John, M.M.

Pratt, Jas., Lt. R.N., C.G.

Prattent, Lient. John, R.N.* Preston, C.G., Newton.

Preston, W. M., Beaumaris (2) Prewel, R., C.G., Kilrnsh.

Price, Thoe., Beanmaris.

Pride. C., C.G., Chrlstchnrch.

Pringle, T., late Cox. North Snnderland Life-boat.

Prior, George, C.G.

Prior, Lt. T. H., R.N.. C.G.

Pritchard, Wm ,Cox Peumon Life-boat.

Prosser, H., C.G.

Prowse, George, Exmonth.

Purdy, H., C.G., Tyrella.

Purvis, R., Bridlington.

Puxley, H., Dunboy.

Pym, LtR. E.. R.N., Whitby.* Quadllng, B. B., C.G. (2)* Quayle, Capt. E. (2) Qulgley, W. T., C.«.

Qnirke, G., Douglas.

EUwrrtone, Lt, R.N., C.G. : Rowe, W., Soffly.

Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby. i Rowe, W., Seaman, Heteton.

RayeJJeut. H. R, R.M..C.G. Rowlands, T., M.M.

Read, Lient. J., R.N., C.G. Rowlands, W., late Cox.

Reade, W. M., Tramore.

Reading, D., Ramsgate.

Bedford, J., CnllercoaU.

Rees, A., Port Talbot.

Rees, Daniel.* Rees, David, late Cox.

Cardigan Life-boat.

lees, Ivor.

Rees, T., Angle.

Rees, T. M., St. David's.

Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Rowntree, T. W., Cox.

Hartlepool Lire-boat.

Ruddock, J., Boatman, Flley.

Russell, R., J.P.

Etatter, Edward, Coxswain Cadgwith Life-boat.

Rntter, J., Scarborough.

Ryle, John, R.I.C.

Rymer, Lt. D., HJf., C.G.* Rees, W., Fishgnard.

Reeve, J., Swansea. Sadler, A., C.O., late Ast.

r* y* » rfft'ni T ! Salter, F., Brighstone, I.W.

ieveU Edw Seaman Rams- Sanderson, Lieut. J. P., R.N., gata'Steamer Vulcan. s£ta'R.,Ta M Bahamas.

&iacn. Wm.. UucKie. _ j _ ' , RI«, rtanr™ (ToTMMin , Sarony.*.. Scarborough, ttico, Uaorgc, uoxBwaiu A T T_ ™ i_i Teignmouth Life-boat. ' Sanvage, C., French Fishing- Etichards, B., M.M. *)oat Itabeuc, Richards, Henry, Penzance. JiTi ' M1**!* ?'a Richards, James, Pemance. i 8oanlan. Maurice, O.I*.

Richards. T M M Scarlett, R., Harwich.

Richardson/A..'] . Scbofleld, Wm, Coxswain Richardson, W.. Coleralne.

Rickard, Thos., Howth.

Ridge, Capt. U. A. E., R.N., C.G.

Ridge, J., Mate of R.C. Kite Ridge, J., C. G., Cadgwith.

Rlmmer, Tbos., Coxswain St. Anne's Life-boat.

Rloch, R., C.G., Oollleston.

Ritchie, Alexr., Sanda.

Rivers, T., C.G., Lydd.

Roberts, David, Colwyn Bay.

Roberta, John, Clogwyn.

Roberts, John, Cefn Coch.

Roberts, John, Caellun.

Roberts, Lewis, Holyhead.

Roberts, O., Pilot, Anglesey Roberts, R., Carnarvon.

Roberts, R., Cox. Llanddnlaa Life-boat.

Roberts, R., Cox. North Deal Life-boat. (3) Roberts, Robert, late Cox.

Peumon Life-boat. (2) Roberts, T., late Cox. Holyhead Life-boat. (2) of Clacton Life-boat.

Sclanders, J., Chief Engineer Gorleston Steam Life-boat.

Scott, Major Henry, Dover.

Scott, G. R., St. John, N.B.

Scott, J.

Selly, W. H., C.G. (2) Sergeant, Lt. J., H.N..C.G.

Sewell, Lt. H. F., R.N., C.G.* Sewell, Master John, Belfast Shanahan, Michael, Bere.

Shankey, R., C.G. (2) Shannon, P., C.G., Kllrush.

ijliarrock, J. P., C.G.

Shaw, Lt. C., R.N., C.G.

Shea, D., late Cox. Padstow Life-boat. (3) Shea, D., C.G., Porthcawl.

Shleldon, Robt., late Cox.

Spark, A., M.M.

Spindler, H., late Cox.

Thorpeness Life-boat.

Spraggi, J., Seaman, Hayllng .

Stables, R., Holyhead.

Standing, Edward. [wold.

Stannard, F., M.M., Sonth- Stap, R., C.G., Dunbar.

Stark, Lt. P., R.N., C.G. (2)* Starke, J., C.G.

Starr, L. G., M.M.

Steane, Lt. J., R.N., Rye.* Steel, C., C.G.* Steele, John, Ayr.

Stephens, A., C.G., Tramore.

Stephenson, B., late Cox.

Bonlmer Life-boat.

Stevens, Henry, Gunner R.A .

84ewart, John.

Stewart, W., C.S.. Ardmore.

Stokes, R., late Coxswain of Poole Life-boat.

Stone, J., C.G., Bosoastle.

Stonham, Alfred.

Storr, John, Whitby.

Stout, B., late Cox. Longhope Life-boat. (2) Stracey - Clitherow, Lient.

W. C., R.N.

Stragnell, Lt., R.N.

Strahan, H., Pilot Strains, J., C.G.

Streader, W. T., H.M.

Customs, Shoreham.

Strong, F. F. M., R.N.

Strowger, G., late Cox. Kessingland Life-boat. (2) Stuart, Lt. J., R.N., C.G.

Stuart, Lt. T., R.N., C.G. (2) Stubbs, C., R. C. Tartar.

Stnbbs, H., Atherfleld.

Stugglns, W., late Ast. Cox.

Teignmouth Life-boat.

Sullivan, J., Newhaven.

Sullivan, Wm. C. L.

Sumner, R., Formby * Superville; — ., M.M., Bordeaux Surry, W., R.C. Sylvia Sutcliffe, Thos., Sere-. R.I.C.

Simmo ,A.,echiefEngineer' liffe T™1"!,'- 2lSt ?™~ New Brighton SteamLife- ', Sutherland, D., C.G. [sars.

bout i Butter, J., M.M.

Simpson, Jas., late Mate of Satton. c- Port 'r»lbot- Rimimtfl H.rhnnr turn. : Swarbrick, W., M.M.

Robertaon, Lt. J.H. M..R.N ., sim™™. jnhn C.G, Robertson, Lieut. R, R.N.* Robertson - Macdonald. D., Robertson, Hector. [Admiral.

Robins, J. Gunn, C.G.

Robins, Edwin, Polkerris.

Robins, William, Polkerris.

Robinson, Lieut., R.N.

Robinson, J., Aberdeen.

Robinson, T., Whitby.

Kobson, James, Cox. Nirth Sims, J.t C.G., Dnngecess.

Symmes, Lt., R.N., C.G.* Synge,theRev.A.,Balbriggan.

Talt, Miss Grace, Shetland.

Sinclair, B., Thnrso. Talbot, C. R. M., M.P.

Sinclair, D., late Cox. Irvine Taylor, A., late Cox. Culler- Lire-boat. [more.; coats Life-boat.

Sinnott, R., C.G., Mullagh- Taylor, Bremner, Orkney Smallridge, J.H., late Cox. ' Is,les- Braunton Life-boat. (2) * aylor- J- c-fa- Wrndrum.

Smlth,F.,Boatman,Lowestott.1 Taylor, W..C.G. (3) Smith, Hy., Pilot, Gloucester. Taylor, William, Orkney Sunderland Life-boat. ! Smltn' J" KM' SWeld8- Rockliffe, W., late Cox. Smith, J., Thurso.

Sonthport Life-boat.

Roderick, B., C.G.

Roderick, J. S., Ardmore.

Rodgers, J., Royal Charter.* Roe, R., J.P., Lynmouth.

Rose, W., Boatman, Lowes toft Ross, R., C.G., Cnrracloe.

Ross, R., C.G., Dunmore.

Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., R.N.,* Rae, Wm., Whitburn. Rossiter, T., Wexford. {C.G.

Randall, Lt. H., R.N., C.G. Rothery, Lieut. J., R.N.

(2)*" Rourke, Edw., Howth.

Smith, O., M.M., Bideford Smith, Peter, C.G., Lydd.

Smith, T., C.G., Balllna.

Smith, Wm., Bomb. R.A.

Smith, W., Aldebnrgh.

Smyth, H., C.G., Kilmore.

Snetl, Lt. G., R.N., C.G.* Somerville, Lt. J., R.N., C.G (2)* Sotheran, Sh-pherd, Cox.

Hartlepool Life-boats.

Southey, Lt., R.N., C.Q.

. Taylor, W. H.,New Romney.

i Tegg, T., M.M.

;Teel,' W., late Coxswain i Plymouth Life-boat.

Terrett, T., Constable, Knock.

Thomas, J., C.G., Atherfleld.

Thomas, Jas., Cox. Fish- : guard Life-boats.. (2) Thomas, J., C.G., Rccken.

Thomas, R. J., late Cox.

New Brighton Life-boat.

• Thompson, D., Thnrso.

Thompson, G., Annalong.

Thompson, R., C.G. (3)*Thompson, R., late Cox.

Snnderland Life-boat.

Thompson, W., Apprentice.

Thorp, L., Newcastle.

Tlndall, S., M.M., Scarborough .

Tlndall, W., the late.

Tinning, J. W., late Cox Blyth No. 2 Life-boat Todd, Wm.,late Cox. Gorleston Life-boat.

Took, Alfred, Southwold.

Toole, Capt. W., 40th Regt.

! Toomey, J., Kingstown.

Torrens, Capt. John A. W.

O'N., Royal Scots Greys.* Tone, Geo., late Cox. Runswick Life-boat. [(2 Town, J., C.G., Folkestone.

Town, J., C.G.,Castlegregory Tndwen, R,, Padstow.

Tregldgo, W.H., C.G. (3) Trent, J., Atherfleld.

Tresillan, R.

TreraskU, E., late Cox. of the Rayle Life-boat. (2) Trewhella, H., late Coxswain Penance Life-boat.

Trlphook, H., R.C. 3 mUton.

Trott, T., Boatman, Dial.

Tuckneld, T., Bldeford.

Tudor,Capt.J.,R.N.,Wlck.(2) Tully, W., Pilot, Newcastle.

Tnmbull, R., Dunbar.

Turner, Lt. C., B.N.* Turner, Jas., C.G., Leysdown, Kent.

Tnrpin, J., C.G., Salcombe.

Tutt, E., C.G., Dunmanns.

Tavache. — ., French M.M.

Tyrrell, Win., Coxswain of Harwich Life-boat.

Orell, J., C.G.

Usher, J., Bridllngton.

Usher, John, Bridlington.

Van Honten, W., Rotter- Watt, J., late Cox. Montrose dam. (2) Varley, Thos., Marsden.

Verion, Chas., Ramsgate.

Vicary, Lt. W., R.N., C.G., Atherfleld.' Vondy, I., Cox. Isle of Man Life-boat. (3) Vyvyan, Rev. H., M.A.

William IV., His Most Gracious Majesty King.* Waddy, Dr., Churchtown.

Wade, M.M., Paostow.

Wake, Baldwin Arden, Midshipman, R.N.

Wales, G., Broadstalrs.

Wales, J., Broadstalrs.

Walker, Lieut., R.N.

Walker, J., Brigg.

Walker, W. Lewis, Beanmarls.

(2) Wallace, J., M.M.

Wallace, William.


Watts, Charles, M.M.

Watts, William, M.M.

Watts, Lieut. W. S.. R JT .* Waugh, E., C.G.

Webb, Edwin, C.G.

Webb, Wm, C.G., late Cox.

Padstow Life-boat.

Weblln, J., C.G., Traruore.

Webster, J., late Cox. Maryport Life-boat.

Wedge, W., C.G., Salcombe.

Weekes, Wm. Wall, Seaman.

Weldrake, E., Spurn Point.

Welsh, M., M.M.

West, Wm., C.G.

Westbrook, Lt. E. B., R.N.

Wharrier, William, late Eng. Ramsgate Togs. (3) Wheeler, C., Atherfleld Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Wheeler, R., ditto.

Wheeler, W., Pilot.

Wallace, Mrs. William. ; White, Jas., late Cox. Fish- Walsh, J., Dublin.

Walsh, Martin, M.M.* Ward, Charles, Bowman Aldebnrgh Life-boat. (2) Ward, J., R.C. SyMa.

Ward, Admiral J. R., The late. (2)* Warder, D. T., C.a.

Warford, G., late Cox.

Pakefleld Life-boat. (2) Warn, W., sen., Atherfleld.

Warn, W.,Jun., ditto.

Warren, Lt. C. D., R.N.

Wasey, Capt. E. F. N. K., R.N., C.G. (3) Waters, Wm., late Ast. Cox.

Southwold Life-boat.

Watson, T. J., Ramsgate.

Watt, A., Montroee.

Watt, Alexander, Gardenstown.

Watt F M M Portrush guard Life-boat. (3) White, John, late Cox.

Howth Life-boat.

White, Joseph, Portland.

White, J. K., C.G. (2) Whitley, Ellas, Jersey.

Whyte, Mrs., Aberdonr.

Wickham, E., Cox. Wexford Life-boat.

Wickham, T., late Cox.

Wexford Life-boat.

Wilds, Robert, late Cox.

Deal Life-boat. (2) Wilkie, C., M.M.

Wilkinson, Geo., Fleetwood.

Willcox, J., C.G., Lydd.

Williams, D.

Williams, H., late Cox.

Kingstown Life-boat.

Williams, Hugh, Penmaen.

Williams, Rev_T.,Holyhead.» Williams, J., Swansea.

Williams, J.M., Padstow.

Williams, Lient. J. 0., R.N., C.8.(2) Williams, Owen, late Cox.

Cemlyn Life-boat.

Williams, Rev. O. Lloyd. (2) Williams, William, Grocer, Ll&nddul&s, Williams, William, Quarryman, Llanddnlas.

Williams, William, Seaman.

Williamson, H. (a) Williamson, Robert, Thnrso.

Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick.

Wilson, J.,Pilot, St. Andrews.

Wilson, John, M.M.

Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island.

Wilson, T., M.P.* Wllsoii,T., Pilot, Holylsland.

Wilson, W.,Pilot,Holy Island.

Wtahart, J., Wick, N.B.

Wood, James, s.s. Starrs.

Wood, T. L., C.G. (2) Woodgate, James, late Cox. 1 Dover Life-boat. (2) Woodham, Lt., R.N., C.G.

Woods, E. W., Coxswain Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat.

Woodward, Geo., Stoker, Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan.

Wordly, S., Harwich.

Wright, John, Greenock.

Wright, J.

Wright, Robert, late Cox Fleetwood Life-boat. (2) Wyatt, G., Seaman, Harwich.

Wylde, Lt. S., R.N., C.fl.

Wyrill. H., Scarboro'.

York, H.R.H. the Duke of, the late (1824).* Tare, Rlchd., Stoker, Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan.

Young, A., C.Q., Shoreham.

Young, A. H., C.G., Blatch- Ington.

Williams .T M M ffl Vnnnl. Lt. T.. R.N.. O.G..