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Life-Boat Services In 1909

Lives saved.

Evelyn, brig, of Carnarvon — landed 8 on two occasions, Falcon, ketch, of Cardiff ....... 3 Ferguslie, s.s., of Glasgow— as- sisted to save vessel.

Fishing boats of Berwick, Boulmer, Crail, Cullercoats, Gourdon, Hoy, Lowestoft,New- biggin, Runswick, Staithes, Scarboro' and Whitby— ren- dered assistance.

Fishing cobles of South Shields and Cullercoats— saved cobles and ............. : ..........

Fleetwing, trawler, of Fleetwood —rendered assistance.

Formby, s.s., of Liverpool—as- sisted to save vessel and 2 Francis, ketch, of London- landed 3.

Frank, barque, of Tvedestrand 17 „ ; Fred, schooner, of Larvik—stood by vessel.

Gala, ketch, of Bangor—assisted to save vessel and 8 Gttltee More, s.s., of Dublin- stood by vessel.

Gannett, fishing boat, of Wex- ford 2 Gem of the Ocean, ketch, of Whitby 2 Glanogwen, s.s., of Beaumaris— stood by vessel.

Gleaner, cutter, of Brixham ... 3 Guide Me, fishing boat, of Yar- mouth 9 Guide, brigantine, of Leith .... 7 (Also a dog) Hamilton, s.s., of Stranraer 4 Hawk, cutter, of Clontari—saved boat and 3 Hawthorn, ketch, of St. Servan —rendered assistance.

Hawthorn, s.s., of Cardiff 17 Heelttum, s.s., of Amsterdam— stood by vessel.

Helsingborg, s.s., of Helsingborg —assisted to save vessel.

Helsingor, s.s., of Frederiks- havn—stood by vessel.

Henry and Elizabeth, fishing boat,-of Nairn Hermina, s.s., of Rotterdam— rendered assistance.

Ilonft, steam yacht, of Glasgow —landed 5, and assisted to save vessel.

j James VHiKamstm, schooner, oi Lancaster Jane, barge, of London— landed 3.

Jesu Maria Joseph, lugger, of Boulogne—stood by vessel.

John, pilot cutter, of West Hartlepool — rendered assist- ance and landed 2.

John Batey, steam tug, of Mont- rose John Lockett, barque, of Liver- 4 j pool—assisted to save vessel.

4 ! Josephine, barge, of London ...

Kirton, steam trawler, of Gran- ton Korea, s.s. of St. Petersburg— 2 | stood by vessel.

Lives saved.

Albatross, bart£uentine, of Lowestoft 8 Alert, schooner, of Falmouth— stood by vessel.

Alf, barque, of Laurvig 2 Alice, smack, of Rye—stood by vessel.

Alroy, brigantine, of Hull— assisted to save vessel and ... 8 Anchor of Hope, steam drifter, of Fraserburgh — stood by vessel.

Aneroid, brigantine, of Folke- stone—stood by vessel.

Annabell, coble, of Newbiggin— saved coble and S 4r(tsttc,saiUngboat, of Gardens- town 7 Asia, s.s., of Bremen—assisted to save vessel.

Baden Powell, coble, of Filey— stood by coble.

Barge (motor), of Yo ghal Bavaria, s.s., of Stettin—landed 16.

Bee, B.S., of Hull — rendered assistance.

Bellagio, s.s., of Glasgow—stood by vessel.

Bessie, flat, of Liverpool Birthday, barge, of London- rendered assistance.

Boat of Bull Bay, A—saved boat and 1 Cape Wrath, s.s., of Glasgow- stood by vessel.

Charming Lucy, sloop, of Car- digan 2 Clara, schooner—landed 2.

Clunie, s.s., of Aberdeen—as- sisted to save vessel and 9 Clydesdale, s.s.,of Sunderland— assisted to save vessel.

Congress, B.S., of Liverpool .... 1 Coniston, schooner, of Barrow . 4 County of Anglesea, ketch, of Carnarvon—saved vessel and . 2 Darnet, ketch, of Maldon — landed 4.

Davenport, ketch—assisted to save vessel and 4 Deloraine, s.s., of Glasgow — landed 8.

Desdemona, schooner, of Aber- ystwith 3 Devonport, A boat of—landed 3.

L/iano, fishing boat, of St. An- drews—saved boat and 2 Duke of Abercom,'S.s., of Dublin —assisted to save vessel.

Eagle, schooner, of Yarmouth . 4 Edith, lugger, of Newhaven— saved boat and 2 JHglantine,-achooaeT, of Treguier —landed 3.

Elise, schooner, of Hernosand .

Emily—fishing boat, of Yar- mouth—rendered assistance and landed 4.

Emma Louise, schooner, of Wick Enterprise, s.s., of Beaumaris ..

Esmeralda, ketch, of Hilford— assisted to save vessel.

Eureka, barge, of Harwich—(also assisted to save barge) Lives saved.

Kossuth Ferencz, s.s. of Fiume —stood by vessel.

Langton Grange, s.s. of London —stood by vessel.

Laura Griffith, schooner, of Port- madoc—landed 4.

Leader, ketch, of Bideford— landed 2.

Lethe, motor boat, of Ramsgate 3 Leto, barque, of Arendal—as- sisted to save vessel.

Lily, barge, of Eye—assisted to save vessel and 6 Lizzie, schooner, of Salcombe .. 5 Lizzie and Annie, fishing boat, of Arbroath—stood by vessel.

Loango, schooner, of Sligo 3 Lord Clyde, shrimp boat, of Yarmouth—saved boat and .. 1 Lord Moreton, of London—saved vessel and 3 Lorna, B.Y.S. yacht—stood by vessel.

Lutece, s.s. of Rouen—stood by vessel.

Magnat, barque, of Langesuud— transferred 9 persons to a tug.

Mahratta, s.s., of Liverpool- stood by vessel, landed 14, and saved 24 Majestic, smack, of Lowestoft . 5 Malpas Belle, barquentine, of Truro 1 Mary Annie, brigantine, of Folkestone—assisted to save vessel.

Mary Ann, brigantine, of Fowey —assisted to save vessel.

Mavis, ketch, of Hull 3 May, s.s., of Newcastle 4 Mazeppa, fishing boat, of Aber- ystwith— saved boat and 3 Mercury, s.s., of Dundee—stood by vessel.

Mint, trawler, of Brixham 3 Mistletoe, crab boat, of Clovelly 2 fiellie, fishing boat, of St.

Andrews—saved boat and ... 1 Neptun, barque, of Mariehamn —stood by vessel.

North Gwalia, s.s., of London- landed 15 and transferred 5.

Oceana, boat of tug of London . 3 Ocean Prince, steam trawler, of Aberdeen — stood by vessel and saved o Olive Branch, coble, of Robin Hood's Bay 2 Our Boys, fishing smack, of Lowestoft 5 Parthenia, brigantine, of Yar- mouth. (Also saved a dog).. 6 Pelican, steam trawler, of Hull —stood by and saved 9 Poseidon, barque of Kragero ... 3 Prosperity, ketch, of Carnarvon 3 Prosperity, schooner, of London 5 Providence, fishing boat, of Grimsby—saved boat and .... 3 Providence, ketch, of Goole .... 4 Rapid, brigantine, of Faversham 7 Rap, s.s., of Lillesand 12 Redan, barge i Renown, steam drifter, of Yar- mouth—saved vessel and .... 9 Live* »»YOd Resolute, ketch, of Newcastle .. 3 Rialto, smack, of Ramsgate .... 4 Robert and Mary, coble, of Whitby—stood by coble.

Roulette, yacht, of Hoylake— saved yacht and 3 Salatis, s.s., of Hamburg—ren- dered assistance.

Sappho, H.M.S.—stood by vessel and landed 89.

Sarah Ann, ketch, of Liverpool 2 Savourna, yacht, of Cork- landed 5.

Scotia, steam trawler, of London —assisted to save vessel.

Soldier Prince, s.s., of Newcastle —stood by vessel and landed 7.

Spes, smack, of Brixham 3 Staithes, s.s., of Jarrow—ren- dered assistance.

St. John, yawl, of Ballinagoul— saved vessel and 4 St. Patrick, s.s., of Gothenberg— assisted to save vessel.

Superb, lugger, of Portessie— saved boat and 9 Lives saved.

Surprise, schooner, of Arbroath —rendered assistance.

Taarnholm, s.s., of Copenhagen stood by vessel.

Thames, steam dredger, of Lon- don—stood by and rendered assistance.

The Boy, fishing boat, of Fin- dochty—saved boat and 1 Thirza, brigantine,of Whitstable —assisted to save vessel and 7 Tivoli, cutter, of Dublin—saved vessel and 3 Tripper, smack, of Harwich- stood by vessel.

Unity, schooner, of Carnarvon —saved 4 on two occasions .. 8 Uriel, steam trawler, of Grimsby stood by vessel.

Varuna, steam yacht, of New York—stood by vessel.

Vivid, fishing boat, of Wexford —saved boat and 4 Veering, s.s., of Copenhagen— landed 20.

Vulcan, s.s., of Liverpool 9 LIVM saved.

Walter J. Cummins, brigantine, of Irvine 5 Westergate, s.s., of Cardiff— stood by and assisted to save vessel and 20 William and Mary, sprit-sail barge, of Maldon 2 Zeus, s.s., of Christiansand, Norway—stood by vessel.

Zodiac, fishing boat, of Buckie » 7 Total lives saved by Life-boats in 1909,in addition to which 43 vessels and boats were saved and 239 persons landed from vessels in distress, light-ships, etc 434 During the same period the In- stitution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and other boats, etc 210 Total lives saved in 1909 by Life- boats and other means 644.