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Index to the Life-Boat Stations of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. (The figures refer to the numbers of the Life-boats detailed on pages 50-61.) Aberdovey, Merioneth, 163.

Abersoch, Carnarvon, 167. Orogbeda, Ireland, 256.

Dunbar, Scotland, 242. Lizard, Cornwall, 137.

Llonddnlas, Denbigh, 179. Ruaswlfik, Yorks, 27.

Hyde, Isle of Wight, 99. Aberyatwith, Cardigan, 162.

Ackergill, Scotland, 220.

Aldeburgh No. 1, Suffolk, 67.

Aldeburgh No. 1, Suffolk, 68.

Alnmonth. Northumb., 6.

Angle, Pembroke, 166.

Anstrnther, Scotland, 239.

Appledore Nos. i i, 2, N. Devon. 142, 143. Dundee, Scotland, 236.

Dungarvan, Ireland, 271.

Dnngemss No. 1, Kent, 85.

Dungeness No. 2, Kent, 86.

Dunmore East, Ireland, 269.

Eastbourne No.l, Sussex, 89.

Eastbourne No.2, Sussex, 90.

Kxniouth, S. Devon, 112.

Eyemonth, Scotland, 244. Llandudno, Carnarvon, 178.

Longhope, Orkneys, 215.

Looe, Cornwall, 120.

Lossiemonth, Scotland, 223.

Lowestoft No. 1, Suffolk, 60.

Lowestoft No. 2, Suffolk, 61.

Lyme Regis, Dorset, 110.

Lynmouth, N. Devon, 145.

Lytham, Lanes., 188. St. Andrews, Scotland, 237.

St. Anne's, Lancashire, 189.

St. D»vid'«, Pembroke, 158.

St. Ive's, Cornwall, 134.

Salcombe, S. Devon, 116.

Saltbnrn, Yorks, 25.

Scarborough, „ 32.

ScUly (St. Agnes), 133.

„ (St. Mary's), 132. Aranmore, Ireland, 277.

Arbroattl, Scotland, 235.

Ardroasan, Scotland, 211.

Arklow, Ireland, 262.

Atherfield, I. of Wight, 101.

Ayr, Scotland, 208.

Balcary, Scotland, 201.

Eallantrae, ScotJand, 208.

Ballycotton, Ireland, 273.

Banff, Scotland, 225.

Barnurath, Merioneth, 164.

Barrow, Lance., 192.

Barry Dock, Glamorgan, 150.

Bembridge,Meof Vight,100.

Berwick, Northumb., 1.

Blackpool, Lanes., 190.

Blacfcrock, Ireland, 253.

Blakeney, Norfolk, 47.

Blytn, Northumberland, 11.


Brancaster, Norfolk, 45.

Bridlington, YorkB. 36.

Brighton, Sussex, 92.

Brighstone, I. of Wight, 102.

Brixham, S. Devon, 116.

Broadstairs, Kent, 76. Falmonth Cornwall, 123.

Fenlt, Ireland, 276.

Ferryside Carrn. Bay, 164.

Fethard Ireland, 263.

FUey, Yorks, 33.

Fishguard, Pem., 159.

Flamborongh, Nos. 1 & 2, Yorks, 34, 36.

Fleetwood, Lanes., 191.

Folkestone, Kent, 82.

Formby, Lanes. 186.

Fowey, Cornwall. 121.

Fraserburgh, Scotland, 226.

Giles Quay, Ireland, 252.

Glrvau, Scotland, 207 Gorleston No. 1, Suffolk, 58.

Gorleston No. 2. Suffolk, 59.

Gourdon, Scotland, 231.

Greencastle, Ireland, 279.

Greenore, Ireland, 251.

Grimsby, Linos., 39.

Oroomsport, Ireland, 247.

Guernsey(St. Peter Port),106.

HartUspool, Nos. 1, 2, & 3, Mabletborpe, Lines., 41.

Margate No. 1, Kent, 74.

Margate No. 2, Kent, 75.

Maryport, Cumberland, 194.

Mevagisaey, Cornwall, 122.

Minehead, Somerset, 146.

Moelfre, Anglesey, 176.

Montros* Nos. 1 & 2, Scot- land, 233, 234.

Mumbles, Glamorgan, 151.

Nairn, Scotland, 222.

Newbiggin, Northumb., 9.

New Brighton Nos. 1 & 2, Cheshire, 184, 185." Newbnrgh, Scotland, 229.

Newcastle, Ireland, 250.

Newhav«n, Sussex, 91.

Newlyn, Cornwall, 130.

New Quay, Card., 161.

Newquay, Corn., 136.

New Bomney, Kent, 84.

N. Berwick, Scotland, 241.

North Deal, Kent, 78.

N.Sunderland, Nortbnmb.,4.

Orme's Head,Carnarv'n,l78. Seaham No. 1, Durham, 18.

„ No. 2, „ 19.

Seaton Caraw, „ 23.

Selsey, Sussex, 96.

Sennen Cove, Cornwall, 131.

Sberingham, Norfolk, 48.

Shoreham, Snssex, 93.

Sldmoath, a Devon, 111.

Skateraw, Scotland, 243.

Skegness, Lines., 43.

Skerries, Ireland, 256. [213.

Southern! (Cantyre),Scotland, Sonthend-on-Sea, Essex, 73.

Southport, Lanes., 187.

Sonthsea, Hants, 98.

Southwold No. 1, Suffolk, 66.

„ No.2, ,, 66.

Staithes, Yorks, 26.

Stonoiuiven, Scotland, 230.

Stornoway, Lewis, 214.

Stromness, Orkneys, 216.

Stronsay, Orkneys, 217.

Sunderland, Hendon Beach, Durham, 17.

Snnderland. N. Dock, 16.

Sunderland, S. Outlet, 16. Brooke, Isle of Wight, 103.

Broughty Ferry, Scot., 236.

Bnokhaven, Scotland. 240.

Buckle, Scotland, 224.

Bnde, Cornwall, 140.

Bull Bay, Anglesey, 176.

Barnham, Somerset. 148.

Burry Port, Carmarthen, 153 Cadgwith, Cornwall, 126.

Cabore, Ireland, 264.

Ouster No. 1, Norfolk, 66.

Caister No. 2, Norfolk, 66.

Cambois, Northumb., 10.

Campbeltown, Scotland, 212 Cardigan, 160.

Carrickfergns, Ireland, 246.

Oastletown, Isle of Man, 197.

Oemaes, Anglesey, 174.

Omlyn, Anglesey, 1 73. Durham, 20, 21, 22.

Harwich No. 1, Essex, 69.

Harwich No. 2, Essex, 70.

Hasborongh, Norfolk, 50.

Hastings, Sussex, 88.

Hanxley, Northumbert'nd,?.

Hayle, Cornwall, 135.

Hayling Island, Hants, 97.

Helvlck Head, Ireland, 271.

Hilbre Island, Cheshire, 182.

Holyhead Nos. 1 & 2, Angle- sey, 171,172.

Holy Island Nos. 1*2, Northumberland, 2, 3.

Hop* Cove, 8. Devon, H7.

Horima, Yorksi, ST.

Howth, Ireland, 257.

Hoylake, Cheshire, 183.

Hnna, Scotland, 219.

Hunstanton, Norfolk, 44. Padstow Nos. 1 & S, Corn- wall, 137, 138.

Pakefield, Suffolk, 62 Palling No. 1, Norfolk, 81.

Palling No. 2, Norfolk, 62.

Peel, Isle of Man, 2«0 Penmon, Anglesey, 177.

Penzance, Cornwall, 129.

Peterhead, Scotland, 227.

Piel (Barrow), Lanes.. 192.

Plymouth, S. Devon, 119.

Point of Ayr, Flint, 181.

Polkerris, Cornwall, 121.

Polpear, „ 127.

Pooibeff, Ireland, 868.

Poole, Dorset, 107.

Portbdinllaen, Cam., 168 Porthleven, Cornwall, 128.

Porthoustock, „ 124.

Port Erin, Isle of Man, 199. Button, Lines., 42.

Swanage, Dorset, 108.

Teignmouth, S. Devon, 113.

Tenby, Pembroke. 155.

Thurso, Scotland, 218 Torquay, S. Devon, 114.

Totland Bay, I. Wight, 104.

Tralee, Ireland, 276.

Tramore, Ireland, 270.

Troon, Scotland, 209.

Tynemouth, Northumber- land, 13.

Upgang, Yorks, 28.

Walmer, Kent, 79.

Waltou-on-Naze, Essex, 71.

Watohet, Somerset, 147.

Walls, Norfolk, 46.

Weston-super-Mare, Somer- set, 149. Claoton-on-Sea, Essex, 72. Hytbe, Kent, 83. Port Erroll, Scotland, 228. Wexford, Ireland, 265. Clogher Head, Ireland, 254. llfraoombe, N. Devon, 144. Port£ynon,Glamorgan, 152. Weymonta, Dorset, 109. Clonghey, Ireland, 248. Irvine, Scotland, 210. Port Isaac, Cornwall, 139. Whitbnrn, Durham, 14. Clovelly, N. Devon, 141.


Courtown, Ireland, 263. Jersey (St. Helier), 106.

Johutihaven, Scotland, 232. Port Logan, Scotland, 204.

Port Patrick, Scotland, 205.

Portrush, Ireland, 245. Whitby N». 1, Yorks, 29.

„ No. 2, „ 30.

Whitehaveo, Climb., 193. Coverack, Cornwall, 126. Kesstajjland Nos. 1 & 2, PortSt.Mary, I. ofMan,198. Whlthorn, Scotland, 203. Crall, Scotland, 238.

Cruse well, Nortbumb., 8.

Criccietb, Carnarvon, 165.

Cromer, Norfolk, 49. i Culdaff, Ireland, 278.

Cullarcoata, Northumb., 12.

Deal. Kent, 78. Suffolk, 63, 64.

Killough, Ireland, 249.

Kilmore. Ireland, 267.

Kingsdowne, Kent, 80.

Kingstown NOB. 1 & 2, Ire- land, 259, 260.

Kirkcudbright, Scotland, Pwllheli, Carnarvon, 166.

Queenstown, Ireland, 274.

Ramsey, Isle of Man, 195.

Bamsgate. Kent, 77.

Redoar, Yorks, 24.

Rboscolyn, Anglesey, 170.

Rhosnelgir, „ 169. Wick, „ 221.

Wioklow, Ireland, 261.

Winchsltea, Sussex, 87.

Wintwton No.l, Norfolk, (3.

„ No.2, „ 54.

Witlurusea, Yorks, 38.

Worthing, Snssex, 94. Donna Nook, Lines., 40. 202. Rhyl, Flint, 180. Yarmouth, Norfolk, 67. Douglas. Isle of Mau, 196. Littlehampton, Snssex, 95. Robin Hood's Bay, Yorks, 31. Yealm River, S. Devon, 118. Dover, Kent, SI. Little Hav«n,Psmbroke,l67. Baedait Harb., Ireland, 266. Yongaal, Ireland, 272..