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Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

OF THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. (The figures refer to the numbers of the Life-boats detailed on pages 50-01.) A Friend, per Pembroke Cox, Mrs. E. E., the late, 116. Hopwood, S. W., Esq., the Eestell, W. T., Esq., the late, Stevens, Esq., K.C., 263. Creswell, Mrs. A. K, the late, 245. 93. A Lady, 14. late, 258. Howard, Mrs. Atherton, the Richardson, H. T. Esq., the Andrew, Miss, the late, 7. Cullan, Miss M., the late, 175. late, 176. late, 180, 184. Anonymous, 186. Curling. Miss, the late, 13. Boyle, Isaac, Esq., 81. Richardson, the late Mrs. Anonymous, per Manchester D., 2«6. Ingleby, Rev. Chas., the late, Harriot. 206. Branch, 195. Devey, Mist E., the late, 155. per G. P. Wragge, Esq., 21. Riley.Wm., Esq.,the late,28. Anthony, Dr., the late, 10. )ixon, Miss Anne, 40. Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Roberts, W., Esq. the late. Arkcoll, Chas., Jfeq., 88. Dodd, H., Esq., the late, 269. Fond, 91. [243. 167. Ashley, C. Carr, Esq., the lat«, 14, 103, 110, 164, 161, Dresden. Edmoud, Esq., the late, 88. Kay, Edwin, Esq., the late, Ker,Roben,BB l.,the brte,n£ Rodd, Mrs., the late, 135.

Beget, Mrs., Ihe late, 141. 174. Drummond, Mrs. Dundas,the Kidd, Mr*., the late, 74. Rolleeton, Miss, the late, 178. Atherstone, J. G., Esq., the late, 132. King, Miss, the late, 276. Kosebery, Lady, the late, 83. late, 234. Drybrongh, T. B , Esq., 246. Lamb, Miss, the late, 165 Ross, B. B., Esq., the late, Austin, Miss, the late, 160, Dudley, J. W., Esq., the Langton, Miss M., the late, 147. 218. late, 87. 224. Rons, Admiral, Life-boat Avins, Mr., the late, 119. E. E., 244. Lear, C.H.,Esq ..the late, 183. Fund, 38. Back, Mrs., the late, 127. Echalaz, the Rev. T. S., the Leather, Jos., Ksq., 264. Ryder, Wm., Esq., the late, Baltic Life-boat Fund. 46. jlate, 222, 231. Let, Mrs., the late. 226. 120. Barclay, Mrs., the late, 163. Edwarde*. Mrs., the late, 99. Leicester, collected in. 69. Sargenson, Miss, the late, Barkworth, John B.,'Esq., Egdell, Miss, the late, a. Leicester, Miss, the late. 143, 19». the late, 66. Kills, Mrs., the law, 29. 146, 193. icalea. Mrs., the Utfc. 2&. Base, Miss, 111. English, the late Missts, 262. Levy, George, Esq., the late, Scarlett, J., Esq., the late, Baylies, Mr., the late, 17. Erie, Lady, the late, 108. 203. 189. Beach, Miss, the late, 148. Everard, Mis» C.,tbe la'e,47. Lewis-Hill, Mrs., the late, Settle, collected in, 37, 177. Beattie, Mrs., 162. Fawomt, Mrs., the late, and 9,43, 3. C. G. (anonymous), 133. Beddington, H. C., Esq., the an anonymous gift, 69. Licensed Victuallers, col- Silktnstadt, Mrs.. the late, 45. late, 255. Fawwm, Mb*, the late, 4. lected from, 44. Simoox, Mrs., the late, 86. Bennett, Mrs. Fawsett, the Ferguwon, Mils the late,202. Ungard, Mrs., the late, 41. Simmons, Miss, the late, 219. late, 183. Kleldeo, J. A., Esq., 30. Lingham, Mrs., the late 169. Simpson, the Misses, 1. Berrey, Mrs., 225. Fielden, Samuel. John sin-1 Lockwood. T., Esq., the late, Skynner, Jno., Esq., the late, Biggs, Miss, the late, 188. Joehna, Esqi., the Iate,l92. Lodge, Robert, Esq., 23. [31. 1!. Black, Mrs., the late, 197. Fielder, Miss M., the late, 5. Lovibond, Ueorga, Esq., the Skynner, Misi K. S., the Black, Mrs. Alexander, the Mnlayson, J., Esq.,thelate, late, 20. [56. late, 82. late, 230. 223. Luoy, Henry W., Esq.. J.P., Smart, Mrs. Francis G., 164 Blackwood, Sir Arthur, Life- Fleming, Miss J. I., the late, MeCnnn. William, Esq., the Smart, M. C., Esq., the late, boat Fond, 251. 168. late, 204, 217. 118. Blackwood, Hans, Esq., the Fleming, Mrs., the late, 104. MaoDonald, Mrs., 142. [48. Smitheman, The Misses, 130. late, 42. FUtolur, Mr. Samuel, the Madge, J. C., Esq., the late, Somes, Mrs., 112. Blake, Mrs., the late, 253,268 law, 190. Manchester Brancll, 197. Staniforth, Mrs. F. J., the Blane, Capt. Rodney, K.N., Foresters. Ancient Order of, Maynsrd, Rev. W. S. F., 256. late, 113. the hit*, 165. 34, 236. Medland, (J. B., Esq., the Stephens, Mre. Charles, 77. Bolton, collected in, 63.

Brand, Major G. Horatio, 22 Fortune, Dr., the late, 228.

Foster, Colonel Herbert A. late, 151.

Medwin, Dr., the late, 200. Stevens. James, E q.,the late, 71, »3, 84, 90, 124, 134, 136, 1 Brickwood, E. D., tbq., the and relatives, 32. Mercer, Miss M., 6. 156, 1»», 267, 211,212, 229, late, 102. Freeman, F. J., Esq., the Metcalfe, J .&q.,the late,158. 235, 367, 266, 271, 2J4. Briggs, Major-Gen. W. L., late, 95. Middlewood, G«o.. Esq.. the Stock Exchange Fund, 61. C.B., the late, 182. Freemasons of England, late, and Miss Middle- Stock, Mrs. A. B., the late, Brocksopp. W., Ei»q., the 12, 117. wood, 35. 149. late, 163. Garden, Family of the late Miles, Miss Anne, 215. Taylor, MissM., the late,267. Brooke, Miss E. , the late,27 7 . R. J.. fcsq., 140, 261. Milliard, W. A., Esq., the T. TL. W., 214. Brooshoft, Col., the late, 105, Glasgow, Citv of, 70. late, 242. Turner, Samuel, Esq.; 233. 106. Gowland, James, Eeq., the Montgomery, Mrs., 278. Vallentiue, S., Esq., the late, Brown, Miss E., the late, 64. late, 26. Moon, Jas., Esq., the late, 60. 0. Buffaloes, Koyai Ante- Qreenhill, Mrs. Charles F., 126. * Vaughan, Mrs.M.A.,the late, diluvian Order of, 85. 145. Moore, Mrs., the late, 60. Walker, G., Esq., the late, Burch, Mrs., 57. Oroome, Mrs., the late, 249. Morella, the Countess de, 170. 36. Burton, C. T. M., Esq., the Gwilt, Alfred, Esq., the late, Moss, Mrs. Gilbert W.. 101. Walker, Mrs. M. A., the late, late. Trustees of, 39. 275. Newbon, R. A., Esq., the Z39. Carthusians.Oldand Present, Bardie, T. K. Esq., the late, late, 16, 96,115, 123, 131. Wallace, H. E. C., Esq., the 159. 208. Nioholls, G: P., Esq., the late, 409. Chapman, Mrs. M. H., the Hargrove, Chas., Esq., the late, 210. Wallis, W., Esq., the late, 92. late, 247. late. 80. Norbury Life-boat Fund, 187. Webster, Miss, the late, 76. Chisbolm,Mrs.,thelate, 122 Harling, John, Esq., Resi- Oldham Life-boat Fund, 167. Wesley, John, Fund, 150. City of London Masonic Life- boat Fund, 107. duary Legatees of the late, 187. Parke, Miss, the late, 11.

Parkin, T., Esq., the late, 62. West, R. Thornton, Esq., the late, and Mrs. West, 139. Civil Service Life-boat Fund Harvey, Mrs. Edmund, 138. Patenwn. Miss, the late, 238. White, Mre.. the late, 128. 75, 78, 79, 194, 196. 205, 260 Hawkins, Mr. C.,the late,129. Paul, James, Esq., M.D.,the Whittoo.C. E. Esq., the late, Clark, Norman, Esq., the Haiton, Mrs., the late, 240. late, «4. 254. late, 241. [94. Hay, D., Esq., the late, 201. Peele, C. J., Esq. (Steam Whltwonh, Sir Joseph, the Coleman. Mrs. Birt-Davies, Hay, J. A., Esq., the late, Tug), p. 64-5. late, and friends, 172. Collin, Miss, the late, 173. 162, 216, 248, 250, 272. Pickard, A.,Esq., the lite, Wighton, Mrs., the late, 114. Co-operative Union, Limited, Hearne, T. P.,EBq., 273. 227, 259. [191. Wigney, Mrs., 237. 12, 144, 221. Hearts of Oak BenefUSodety, Pickup, Jas., Esq., the late, Willis, Mrs. E. A., the late, Copland, Mrs., the late, 3. 52. Platt, Mrs., the late, 166 279. Corn Exchange, Mark Lane Heartwell, Miss, the late, 40. Pooley, S. Rso., the late, 252. Winchester, City of, 67. Members of the, (8. [65. Henley, George, Esq., the Porter, Miss E., the late, 2. Wingate, the Misses, the Oorry. A. J.. Ksq., the late, late, 270. Powell, H. Or., Esq., the late, 89. Courtenay, Hiss, the late, Hills,F.E.. Esq., the late, 126. late, 181. Wood, Major Lancelot, th« 179. Holden, Miss, the late, 232. Preston, R. A. B., Esq., the late, 61. Courtney. Mrs., the lute, 121. H.illon.R. W., Esq., the late, late, 137. Woofindin, Geo., Esq., tot Govern, Garden Life-Doat 33. QUEEM VICTORIA, HBK LATB laie, 15. Fund, 65. Homan, E., Esq., the late,109. MAJU«TY, 190. X., 97..