General Index
ANNUAL REPORT . . . 33 " Life-boat Sunday " Collections . 144 Officers of the Institution . . 40 Balance Sheet . . . 48 life-boats, Descriptions of . . 116 Resolutions at Annual Meeting . 39 Box Collections . . . 146 Life-boats and Donors thereof . 50 Rewards for Saving Life . . 64 Branch Contributions . 145 Life-boat-Carriages,D«scription of 124 Shore-boat Services . . .107 Committee of Management . 40 Life-boat Service* . . .105 Special Gifts and Bequests, appro- General Contributions . . 127 Life-boat Station, Description of , 116 priation of (1909) . . .161 Income and Expenditure Account 42 Life-boat Stations, Establishment; Special Life-boat Funds . .148 Legacies and Legacy Forms . 142, 143 of new 60 Trust Funds and Capital Accounts 46 Life -Belt, Description of . .106 Medals, Gold and Silver . , 110 Work of Institution . . . 38 " Lile-boat Saturday " Officers .152 Notice to Boatmen . . .61.