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The Sailing Boat Artistic

At about midnight on the 12th-13th September a telephone message was received from Gardenstown stating that the sailing boat Artistic of that place had struck on the rocks off the harbour, and the assistance of the Life-boat was required.

The crew of the Life-boat George and Mary Berrey were assembled, and without loss of time the boat was launched at Banff Harbour, arriving where the casualty had occurred a little after 2 A.M. It subsequently appeared that when the vessel struck the seven men on board jumped on to the rock for safety, and were in this position when the Life-boat reached them. There was a strong N.E. wind blowing with a heavy sea, and in order to get in touch with the endangered men the Life-boat- men were obliged to use a line and bring the boat broadside on to the rock.

By this means the men were rescued, one at a time..