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On the evening of the 4th October the steamer Bap, of Lillesand, Norway, when making for Stornoway for coal, struck the Chicken Rock and was beached in Branahuie Bay. The master of the steamer proceeded on the morning of the 5th idem to Stornoway to obtain assistance, leaving twelve men on board.

Towards midday the wind freshened, and the Life-boat Sarah Pilkington was launched and proceeded to her, but before she could reach the steamer the wind changed to N.W. and blew with great force. The men on board were rescued, the decks of the steamer at high water being practically submerged.

The return journey to Storaovray was very trying, as the wind at times blew with hurricane force, accompanied with blinding rain and great cold. The boat reached her station at 7 P.M..