Herring Boats
At about 6 P.M. on the 25th August several large herring boats and a yacht were to be seen making for port, and two miles N.E. of the pier head the yacht was dismasted. A nasty sea was running and it was blowing very fresh from the north—at times a moderate gale with growing sea on the bar. The signal was at once fired and the Life4>oat Matthew Simpson launched.
Two tugs were at the mouth of harbour, and one of them proceeded to the yacht and took her in tow. When crossing the bar the tow rope carried away and she nearly came to grief.
Fortunately another rope was obtained, and eventually the tug, after towing her out again to get sea room, suc- ceeded in bringing her in, the Life-boat in the meantime standing by on the bar ready for emergencies. The fishing- boats also were brought in, several incurring great risk. The last one to enter did so at 9.30 P.M. after dark, and had a very narrow escape from being wrecked on Colt Bat. She took a heavy sea when just to windward of it and the tug's crew thought the tow rope had parted. The Life-boat dashed to her assistance, finding that the rope still held and she got in without further adventure..