Heroes of the Oar. (From "Watchers By the Shore," With the Author's Permission.)
HIGH flies the spray, and landward leap The hungry savage seas, Whose white manes curl in seething hate Before the lashing breeze, That shrieks its thousand league-long self Across the spume-flecked waste, To line the coast with wrecks and hurl Sweet lives to death in haste I There's sobbing at the river's mouth— The bar roars wild to-night; There's hell upon the ravaged sea In all its maddened spite I There will be children fatherless, And widows, ere the morn In ashen anger sullen breaks Athwart the scene forlorn. . . .
Ah, there's the flash that rips night's pall 1- A wreck's blue shot for aid.
A brig she is, her forestick gone, And on her beam-ends laid! . . .
The life-boat's rocket follows fast. . .
She's out!—gone down that wave.
O God, be with them as they go Yon souls of Thine to save! Sea-battered, spumed upon, nigh lost, A gull of mercy she, As up to wind'ard hard she fares, Then shoreward drives a-lee— A-lee and o'er the foaming bar, 'Mid many a joyous roar That every hand has rescued been By heroes of the oar I J. E. PATTERSON..