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On the evening of the llth July the ketch Darnet, of Maldon, was anchored between the Knocksand Bank and the Main when she parted from her anchor and drifted on to the sand. Later she floated off the sand, but went on to the Main near Gibraltar Point. The captain hoisted a signal of distress, which was seen by the Coastguard, who re- ported it to the Coxswain of the Life- boat at 8 A.M on the 12th July.

The Life-boat Samuel Lewis was promptly launched and proceeded to the ketch, and on arrival the captain asked the Coxswain to remain until high water to see if the vessel would float, and if not, to take him and his crew of three men ashore. The Life-boatmen did as requested, but the vessel remained aground and eventally became a total wreck ; the crew of four men were there- fore landed..