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The Rialto and The Spes

At 6.30 P.M. on the 24th March during a S.S.W. gale, two fishing vessels, the Spes, of Brixham, and the Sialto, of Ramsgate, were wrecked at Newhaven. It was reported that a smack, whilst trying to make the harbour had struck to the eastward of the East Pier. The crew of the Life- boat Michael Henry were assembled, and the Life-boat proceeded to her assist- ance. This vessel proved to be the Spes.

Before the Life-boat had cleared the harbour the other vessel, the Bialto, struck the bar. The Life-boat proceeded first to the Spes and rescued the crew of three hands, and then made for the other craft, went alongside and took off the four men forming her crew and returned to harbour; both vessels sub- sequently becoming total wrecks..