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At 7.30 P.M. on the 31st March the cox- swain of the Life-boat Queen Victoria saw the trawler Mint, of Brixham, run ashore on the White Ledge. He at once put off in a boat to see if it were possible to get her off, but the westerly wind freshening, the vessel commenced to roll heavily and make water; he therefore returned ashore and summoned the Life-boat's crew. The boat was very smartly launched and proceeded to the trawler with all haste. Directly the Life-boat got near the vessel the crew of three men jumped into the boat, as they feared she would capsize.

Before the Life-boat could get clear the vessel rolled over on to her stern, forcing her nearly under water, but, fortunately, on the next sea she rolled back suffi- ciently for the boat to clear herself, and the men were saved without mishap.

The trawler became a total wreck..