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At 4.30 A.M. on the 25th April the No. 1 Life-boat Covent Garden was launched to the assistance of a vessel apparently on the Cross Sand. On the arrival of the boat they found the vessel was the steamer North Gwalia, of London, laden -with coal. She was then aground, having been in collision with the steamer Man- ranger, of Bergen. The crew of the North Gwalia had escaped in the ship's boats, but five men belonging to the other steamer were then on board.

These men were taken off and trans- ferred to their own vessel, which was lying at anchor about two miles off.

The North Gwalia subsequently became a total wreck. On reaching the Matt- ranger the Life-boatmen learnt that eight of the crew of the colliding steamer had been picked up and put on board a tug, whilst sixteen others were missing ; the Life-boat therefore proceeded to search but without result, the men having fortunately reached the Newarp Light-vessel in safety..