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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

ALL through the current year the cry of "bad business" and "no business" has been resounding through| the land, north, south, east and west, and the general depression, which seems to have settled upon us, might reasonably have deterred any ordinary mortal £ from " raising a finger" to gather in funds for charitable and philanthropic pur- poses. Somehow or other, however, the work of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION would seem to instil into all those who take an interest in it an uncommon amount of zeal and enthu- siasm, and what would damp any ordi- nary "man in the street" appears, on the contrary, to have the effect of stirring up the workers for the Insti- tution, the Branches, and for the Life- boat Saturday Fund to renewed energy and re-doubled effort, with the result that the Life-boat Saturday "season" for 1909 has certainly, in the way of success, exceeded all expectations, and has again proved, as is so often the case, the groaning pessimist to be entirely wrong in his gloomy prophecies. We heartily congratulate all who have "fought the fight," on "the victory won," and hope they may be encouraged to go on " conquering and to conquer." They must bear in mind however that whether trade is good, bad or indifferent, storms will still continue to rage and work destruction by sea and land, making it incumbent on the Life-boat Institution to maintain in the most perfect state of efficiency, its great fleet of Life-boats, which, manned by their gallant crews, are always ready night and day to render succour to the storm- tossed mariner. This being so, the necessity for continued and sustained effort to raise the necessary funds to enable the Committee of Management of the Institution to carry on the great national work which has been entrusted to them is indisputable, and we feel sure that the needed help will be forth- coming..