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Fishing Yawls

A S.S.E.

gale suddenly arose on the 26th May and a nasty broken sea got up very quickly. At about 2 P.M. it was seen that a number of yawls belonging to Crail, which had been working lobster creels, were in difficulties on a lee shore.

Three of them managed to get off the harbour mouth and ran in, being nearly swamped in doing so. It was therefore considered advisable to launch the Life- boat James and Mary Walker, and she just reached the mouth of the harbour as a fourth boat came in. The Life- boat then proceeded to three other yawls off the harbour, one of which was very small and had been nearly filled by a sea, and accompanied them up to Elie, where they could get in with greater safety. The Life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at about 5.30 P.M..