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Fishing Boats

The new motor Life-boat John A. Hay was launched in a strong S.E. gale to assist some of the small fishing boats, engaged in lobster fishing, which were in difficulties, owing to the severity of the weather. The Life-boat searched for some time and spoke one or two boats which were then in comparative safety. They then pro ceeded to look for two other boats which were still at sea. Owing to the thick haze and spindrift it was difficult to locate the boats, but when near Breck- ness the haze lifted a little, and a boat was sighted. On reaching her the crew reported that the other boat had got safely ashore, but they asked that the Life-boat would tow them home, as they had been beating against the gale for six. hours. The boat was taken in tow, and all the boats having been safely accounted for, she was towed to her landing-place in Hoy.

This service, which was performed in a strong gale and heavy sea, was a good test for the new boat and she was reported to have behaved splendidly, the motor working perfectly and being of great assistance when the Life-boat I was searching for the boats..