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A Small Boat the Nellie

During the morning of the 26th May two men went off in their yawl, the Diano, to fish in St. Andrews Bay. A strong S.E.

gale came up about 11 A.M., and the men were unable to get their boat into harbour. As the sea was very heavy the danger to the men was great, the Life-boat Louisa therefore put off and rescued the two men, who were exhausted.

At 5.30 the same afternoon the Life- boat put off to another small boat, the Nellie, of St. Andrews, with one man on board. This fisherman was trying to run home from Boarhills direction, and soon found himself in great danger.

When the Life-boat got alongside the Nellie was half full of water and the man was divesting himself of his clothes, fearing she would founder. He was sup- plied with a life-belt, and both the man and his boat were brought into safety..