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At 6.5 P.M. on the 17th January signals of distress were observed from a vessel on the Barber- Sands during a strong S.W.

breeze and heavy sea. The crew of the No, 1 Life-boat Govent Garden were assembled and the boat launched. On reaching the vessel they found that the master was trying to get her clear, and he asked the Life-boat to stand by him.

They accordingly did so, and as the vessel did not float the master engaged them to assist, as she was bumping heavily, and her position was becoming critical. A tow rope was passed to a tug which was also near, and after two hours' work the vessel was floated soon after 1 A.M. She was then towed into Yarmouth Road, accompanied by the Life-boat, which remained alongside until daylight in case she was leaking.

The vessel was the brigantine Thirza, of Whitstable, and at the time had a crew of seven hands on board..