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The S.S. Heelsum

Soon after 11 A.M. on the 18th January telephone messages reached both Brix- ham and Torquay, stating a large steamer was making signals of distress between four and five miles to the N.E. of Berry Head. The Life-boats Betsey Newbon and Wighton were both promptly de- spatched to her assistance. When the Life-boats reached the vessel, which proved to be the s.s. Heelsum, of Am- sterdam, bound for Cardiff, the master declined any assistance, but as the machinery had broken down and the steamer was drifting near the shore, the Life-boats stood by her in case the repairs were not completed in time to get the vessel clear. Soon after 4 P.M. the necessary repairs having been effected, the steamer was able to proceed. The Life-boats therefore returned to their respective stations. During this service there was a strong S.W. wind and the sea was rough..