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The S.S. Deloraine

On the 29th January a gang of eight men, for salvage purposes, boarded the s.s. Delo- raine, of Glasgow, which stranded off Ballantrae in a blizzard at the end of December. The weather at the time was fine, but the W.N.W. wind gradu- ally increased during the afternoon to a gale and the sea became very heavy.

The salvage steamer in attendance was manoeuvred for some tune near the wreck to try and take the men off, but it was found to be impossible owing to the high sea and broken water. A signal of distress was then hoisted, and as no other boat could with safety carry out the work the Life-boat William and Harriot was launched and proceeded to the vessel. The service was one of con- siderable danger, ».s the wreck was lying on a flat rock surrounded by large boulders and there was the risk of the Life-boat being damaged on these in the broken water. The coxswain however managed his boat skilfully, and the eight men having been taken off they were landed in safety..