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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

THURSDAY, 14th January, 1909.

The Right Hon. the EARL OF HARDWICKE in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the Deputy Chief In- spector on his recent visits to The Mumbles and Padstow Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:—• Northern District.—Buckhaven, Montrose (two boats), Johnshaven, Gourdon, Stone- haven, Port Erroll, Peterhead, Newburgh, North Berwick and Dunbar.

Eastern District.—Hartlepool (three boats), Seaham, Seaton Carew and Seaton Snook.

Southern District.—Poole.

Western District. — Bude, Porthdinllaen, Abersoch, Criccieth, Pwllheli and Barmauth.

Irish District. — Blackrock, Giles Quay, Greenore, Skerries, Cahore, Arklow, Cour- town, St. Anne's No. 1, Wicklow, Dunmore East, Fethard and Wexford.

Decided that the Seaton Snook Motor Life- boat be withdrawn from the Tees.

Reported the receipt of a contribution of 18,2512. 11s. from the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, as the net proceeds of Life-boat Saturday, 1908.

Resolved that the sincere and grateful thanks of the Committee of Management be given to the Central Committee of the Life- boat Saturday Fund for their continued valuable and much appreciated services.

Reported also the receipt of 1,2002. from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per Mr. Harry Fincham, I.S.O., Honorary Secretary, towards recouping the Institution all the expenses incurred in 1908 in maintaining the seven stations at which the seven Life-boats presented and endowed by the Fund are placed. The total sum thus contributed to the Institution by gentlemen in His Majesty's Civil Service has been 38,0412. 16s. 9d.

Resolved that the grateful thanks of the Committee of Management be conveyed to the Honorary Secretary, to his Committee, and to the Subscribers to the Fund for their continued valuable assistance.Reported the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting : — Ancient Order of Foresters (annual £ s. d. subscription) 140 - - Covent Garden Life-boat Fund, per Mr. George Monro (additional) . 54 16 6 Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, Ashton Unity (annual subscription) 25 - - Mrs. G. E. Layton 25 - - "M. H." . . 20 - - Mr. G. Cecil Whitaker . . . . 20 - - — To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies : — The late Mr. CHARLES GARB ASHLEY, of Mentone, to provide and maintain five Life-boats, etc.

(further on account) . . . 4,000 - - The late Mrs. MARY BRIDGET JOHNSTON, of Bath . . . 1,000 - - The late Mr. JAMES MOORE, of Coatham, Redcar . . . . 1,000 - - The late Mr. CHARLES ANDERSON, of Fetty Kil, Scotland . . . 999 10 - The late Miss R. A. DAVIES, of Forest Gate 611 15 9 The late Miss CAROLINE EVERARD, of Salisbury (residue) . . . . 230 18 8 The late Miss ALICE HADDOCK, of Bolton (per Southwold Branch) . 200 - - The late Mr. ROBERT FRAME, of Hamilton (per Glasgow Branch) 100 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM NESBITT, of St. James's Square, S.W. . . 100 - - The late Mrs. J. A. CLARKE, of Newcastle-on-Tyne . . . . 50 - - The late Mrs. MARY CURTIS, of Worthing (additional) . . . 35 - - The late Mrs. ELIZABETH CROWFOOT of Becclea 20 - - The late Mr. SAMUEL LEWIS, of Cork Street, W. (additional) . . 20 - - The late Mrs. M. A. CHAPMAN, of West Brompton (additional) . 7 - - Reported the decease of Mr. J. R. Strangman, Captain R. Gyles, and Mr. S. Herbert Belk, Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Ballycotton, Hayle and Hartlepool Branches of the Institution, and decided to send letters of condolence to the bereaved families.

Voted the best thanks of the Committee of Management to Mr. THOMAS H. WINDER, in recognition of his long and valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Bolton Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned.

Reported the transmission to her Station of the Whitby No. 1 new Life-boat.

Paid 5,419Z. for sundry charges in connection with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 723Z. 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of Life-boat.

Abersoch .

Bembridge .

Caister No. 1 Campbeltown .

Fishguard .

Flamborough No. 1 Gorleston No. 1 Gorleston No. 1 Hauxley .

Holy Island No.1 Johnshaven .

Killough. . .

Newbiggin . .

Newburgh .

Newlyn .

Newlyn .

Now Romney .

Padstow No. 2 .

Pakefield. . .

Palling No. 2 .

Palling No. 2 .

Robin Hood's Bay Southwold No. 1 Stonehaven .

Thurso . . .

Whitby No. 2 .

the following Life-boat services : — Live.

Vessel. saved.

Ketch Leader. Landed 2.

H.M. Torpedo Boat No. 059 . . . . 14 Barge Ernest Piper, of London. By lines saved 3 Ketch Margaret Wetherspoon. Landed 3.

Schooner Unity, of Carnarvon. . . 4 Four cobles of Flamborough.

Attended cobles.

Brigantine Rapid, of Faversham . . . 7 Smack Our Boys, of Lowestoft. . . . 5 Coble Annabell, of Newbiggin. Saved coble and . . . . 3 S.S. Sailor Prince, of North Shields. Stood by vessel. ] Three Fishing-boats of Johnshaven. Stood by boats.

S.S. Galtee More, of Dublin. Rendered assistance.

Cobles of Newbiggin.

Stood by cobles.

S.S. Tillydrine, of Dundee . . . . 8 Ship Clan Macpherson, of Glasgow . . . 20 Schooner Titania, of Salcombe. Rendered assistance.

Barquentine Malpas Belle, of Truro . . 1 S.S. Martha, of Horten.

Landed 7.

Trawler Boy Nicltolas, of Lowestoft. Stood by vessel.

S.S. Tay, of Hull.

Stood by vessel.

Smack Marcus, of Lowestoft. Landed 5.

Steam Trawler Rcperio, of Grimsby . . . 9 Barge Maria, of Rochester . . . . 2 Fishing-boats of Stonehaven.

Remained in attendance.

Ketch Resolute, of Newcastle . . . 3 Coble Robert and Mary, of Whitby. Stood by coble. The Caister No. 1 Life-boat saved the barge Ernest Piper, of London; Margate No. 1. Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Buteshire, of Glasgow; the Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Buteshire and her crew of 53; she also saved 10 lives from the Pilot schooner No. 2, of Dunkirk, and attempted to save the vessel; Sennen Cove Life-boat assisted to save the ship Fair- port, of Liverpool, and 20; Southend-on-Sea Life-boat saved the ketch Canterbury Bell, of Plymouth, and 4; also assisted to save the barque Kappa, of Brevik; Staithes Life-boat rendered assistance to S.S. Marion, of Dundee ; and Yarmouth Life-boat assisted to save the steam drifter Primrose, of Wick, and 10 lives.

Voted 1,497/. lls. Id. to pay the expenses o) the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Ballantrae, Boulmer, Broadstairs, Buckhaven, Caister No. 1, Campbeltown, Clacton-on-Sea, Cromer, Dover, Dunbar, Dungeness No. 1, Fishguard, Formby, Fraserburgh, Girvan, Gorleston No. 1, Harwich (steam), Kessingland No. 1, Kingsdowne, Kingstown No. 2, Kirkcud- bright, Lowestoft No. 2, Mabelthorpe, Mary- port, Mevagissey, New Brighton (steam), Newlyn, Newquay (Cornwall), New Romney, North Deal, North Sunderland, Palling No. 2, Port Erroll, Porthdinllaen, St. Ives, Sennen Cove, Shoreham, Southend-on-Sea, Stromness, Totland Bay, Upgang, Walmer, Walton-on- the-Naze, Whitby No. 1, Withorn, Winchelsea, Winterton Nos. 1 and 2, Withernsea, Worth- ing and Yarmouth.

Voted the Silver Medal to HENRY NICHOLAS, coxswain - superintendent of the Sennen Cove Life-boat, for his gallant services in assisting to save the ship Fairport and her crew of 20 hands.

Voted a binocular glass, suitably inscribed, to Mr. J. A. GARDINER, Honorary Secretary of the Campbeltown and Southend Branch, for his valuable co-operation on Life-boat service on the 28-29th December, 1908.

Voted additional rewards to the crews of the Ballantrae and Campbeltown Life-boats for their very arduous services to the S.S. Deloraine, of Glasgow, on the 29th December, and the schooner Bessie Arnott, on the 28th December, respectively. The weather was ex- ceptionally bad, with heavy snow, and the sea was very heavy.

Voted I/. 15s. to men injured in the Life- boat service on the 24th August and 29th December, 1908, at Aldeburgh and Killough, respectively.

Voted the Silver Medal and 31. to Captain D. MARTIN, a yacht's skipper; 31. to JAMBS MEENAN ; and 30s. each to ten other men, for their very gall ant services at Campbeltown in a whole gale, with squalls of hurricane force, snow showers, and very heavy sea on the 29th December.

The Schooner Janes, of Lame, was reported in distress at about 9.40 P.M., and the Camp- beltown Life-boat was sent to her assistance.

Repeated efforts were made to reach the vessel, but owing to the exceptional severity of the weather and the soft nature of the ground the Life-boat's anchor could not hold, and the boat was swept to leeward of the distressed vessel. Shortly after the Life-boat had started, Captain Martin seeing the Life-boat could do nothing, mustered a crew of six men and put off in a line skiff to windward of the wreck, and dropped down under oars, let go an anchor and veered down to the wreck. Just as the boat reached the wreck two heavy seas broke over the boat, half filling her, and carried away the cable. The boat was swept to leeward, but happily near the Life-boat, and the men scrambled on board the boat. The boat had to be abandoned, and was dashed to pieces on the beach. The Life-boat with all the men exhausted, returned ashore at 1.30 A.M.

As nothing more could then be done, the gale having got worse, Captain Martin and his men went home to get dry clothes.

Captain Martin soon returned and spent the early hours of the morning on the pier awaiting a lull. Between 6 and 7 A.M. a lull came. Another boat was manned and launched to windward of the wreck. The Life-boat also put off, but being to leeward was not able to reach the schooner as quickly as Captain Martin and his brave crew. This time their efforts were successful, and Captain Martin succeeded in rescuing two of the men on board but in a terribly exhausted condition, as they had been lashed to the rigging all night. A third man was also unlashed and taken into the boat, but it was found that he had already succumbed from cold and ex- posure. The cost of replacing the skiff, which was destroyed on this occasion, viz. 251., was also borne by the Institution.

Voted 30s. each to PETER REVIE and A. MACALLUM, also 15s. each to six other men for rescuing the crew of the trawler Albany, of Fleetwood, wrecked in exceptionally severe weather on the west coast of Cantyre, about seven and a half miles from Campbeltown, on the 30th December, 1908. Snowstorms which had prevailed for some days rendered the roads impassable for transporting the Life- boat, and a blizzard prevailed at the time.

As soon as information of the casualty reached Campbeltown, Life-boatmen and others started with ropes, etc., for the scene of the disaster.

They drove as far as possible, and then pro- ceeded on foot, but before they could reach the place the endangered crew of ten men were rescued by men on the spot; Peter Revie being the leader, and A. Macallum dis- playing great pluck in going into the surf and bringing ashore a life-buoy with a line attached. Reward to Life-boatmen and others, 181. 6s. Id.

Voted the thanks of the Institution on vellum and l. to JOHN HOLBROOK, coxswain- superintendent of the Bembridge Life-boat, and 11. to four other men for putting off in a boat and at great risk rescuing three men from a boat in a perilous position in a strong 3.E. breeze and rough sea, on the White Ledge, near Bembridge, on the night of the 23rd of December, 1908.

Voted 11. to eight men for promptly putting off in a coble and saving three men from a small pleasure coble who were overtaken by bad weather, when out fishing off Berwick- on-Tweed on the 8th of January.

Also 22. 10s. to ten men for putting off in three boats from Margate Pier for the purpose of saving six men from a boat of the S.S.

T. W. Stewart, which capsized off Margate on 24th November, 1908.

THURSDAY, 11th February, 1909.

The Right Hon. the EARL OF HARDWICKE in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Also read the minutes of the last meeting of the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District,—Ayr,Kirkcudbright,Ber- wick-on-Tweed, Eyemouth, Girvan, Ballan- trae, Troon, Irvine, Dunbar and Skateraw.

Eastern District.—Whitburn and Sunder- land (three boats).

Southern District.—Harwich.

Western District.—Point of Ayr. Holyhoad, Bull Bay, Cemaes, Llanddulas, Minehead, Appledore (two boats), Ilfracombe, Clovelly, and The Lizard.

Irish District.—Helvick Head, Fenit, Court- macsherry, Queenstown, Ballycotton, Youghal, Tramore, Rosslare Harbour, and Kilmore.

Deep regret was expressed at the death of the Bight Hon. the Earl of Leicester, K.G., who had been a Viee-President of the Institu- tion since 1864.

The Decoration of the Institution was con- ferred upon Mr. JOHNSTONE WALLACE, Deputy-Chairman of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, in recognition of his long, valuable and highly appreciated services to the Life- boat cause.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— s. d.

£ His Majesty the King (annual sub- scription) 21 Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per Mr. Harry Mncham, I.S.O. (ad- ditional) 400 7 - St. Michael's, Paddington (per the Rev. G. F. Prescott, M.A.) . . 9 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. A. G. SCHIPP, of Warnford Court, E.C 400 - - The late Miss C. S. CABTEB, of East Dereham 200 - - The late Miss ELIZABETH SYME, of Leven (half of residue), per Edinburgh Branch .... 200 - - The late Miss ABIGAIL A. GEORGE, & of Moor, Worcester .... 180 - - The late Miss ELIZABETH CLULOW, of Highgate 50 - - The late Mr. SAMUEL LEWIS, of Cork Street, W. (balance) . . 20 - - The late Miss F. W. A. LLOYD, of Bromley (half year's interest) . 15 4 - Voted the best thanks of the Committee of Management to Mr. WILLIAM DYSON in recog- nition of his long and valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Hull Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned.

Paid 2.371Z. for sundry charges in connec- tion with various Life-boat establishments.

Lives saved.

Voted 3331. 10s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Vessel.

S.S. Deloraine, of Glas- gow. Landed 8.

Two fishing cobles. Ren- dered assistance.

S.S. Heelsum, of Amster- dam. Stood by vessel.

S.S. Zeus, of Christian- sand. Stood by vessel.

Fishing-boat Providence, of Grimsby. Saved boat and ....

Yawl St. John, of Ballina- goul. Saved yawl and Brigantine Walter J.

Cummins, of Irvine .

Schooner Jessie William- son, of Lancaster . .

S.S.Hawthorne, of Cardiff Ketch Sarah Ann, of Liverpool ....

Pilot cutter John, of West Hartlepool. Rendered assistance and landed 2.

Yacht Hona, of Glasgow.

Landed 5.

Brig Evelyn,, of Car- narvon. Landed 8.

S.S. Heelsum, of Amster- dam. Stood by vessel.

The Caister No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the brigantine Thirza, of Whitstable, and crew of 7 ; Peterhead Life-boat rendered assistance to the schooner Surprise, of Arbroath; and Swanage Life-boat assisted to save the yacht Ilona, of Glasgow.

Also voted 6542.13s. lOd. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress: — Aldeburgh No. 2, Broadstairs, Caister No. 1, Clacton-on-Sea, Cresswell, Cromer, Cullercoats, Donna Nook, Dover, Eyemouth, Flamborough Nos. 1 and 2, Girvan, Hartlepool No. 1, Hayle, Holyhead No. 2, Margate No. 1, North Deal, Porthdinllaen, Port Patrick, Redcar, Rhoscolyn, Rosslare Harbour, Southend-on-Sea, Sunderland (North Dock), Tynemouth (motor), Whitby NoS. 1 and 2, Winterton No. 2, and Yarmouth. The Girvan and Ramsgate Life-boats were also launched on service; and the crew assembled at Buckhaven, but their services were not required.

Voted 2Z. to a Life-boatman at Campbeltown for illness contracted on service at Campbel- town on the 28th and 29th December, 1909.

Voted 10Z. to five men for saving, at great risk to themselves, the crew of nine hands of the trawler Bope, of Peterhead. wrecked on Faray Holm, Orkney Islands, in a whole S.S.E. gale, very heavy sea and exceptionally heavy snow, on the 29th December. Some of the men were almost dead from cold and ex- posure when rescued.

Also 31.15s. to six men for putting off in a coble during a strong W. gale in a heavy sea, and saving the coble Lead Me and her crew of three men, when in distress off Craster, on the llth January, 1909.

Also 3Z. 10s. to three Coastguards and a fisherman for going into the surf and saving, at considerable risk to themselves, four persons from the fishing-boat William and Maria, of Hastings, which struck on the bar off Hythe, in a strong 8. gale and heavy sea, on the 10th December, 1908.

Also II. 17s. 6d. to five men for putting off in a boat, and at moderate risk saving the crew of ten men of the steam trawler Viking, of Sandefjord, wrecked on Cairnbulg Brigg, Aberdeenshire, in moderate weather, on the 20th December, 1908.

THURSDAY, 11th March, 1909.

Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District. — Ardrossan, Campbel- town, Southend (Cantyre), North Berwick, Stornoway, Buckhaven, Broughty Ferry, Newbiggin, Cullercoats, Cambois, Blyth and Tynemouth.

Eastern District. — Cromer, Sheringham, Hasborough, Winterton (two boats) and Palling (two boats).

Western District. — Hayle, St. Ives, St.

Mary's, St. Agnes, Penzance, Newlyn, Sennen Cove, Newquay (Cornwall), Falmouth, Meva- gissey, Polkerris and Looe.

Irish District.—Wexford, Kingstown (two boats), Hilbre Island, Hoylake, Formby, New Brighton (two boats), Peel, Port Erin, Port St. Mary, Castletown, Ramsey and Douglas.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

" M. H." (additional) . ... 50 - - Gift from the estate of " C. L.," Dumfriesshire, for the benefit of St. Andrews and Grail Branches 5 - - —To lie thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. G. E. DAWES, of £ s. d. Brockley, for an Arthur B.

Dawes Life-boat 1,080 - - The late Mr. T. J. IVORY, of Hampstead 1,006 17 9 The late Mr. CHARLES WEIGHALL, of Middlesbrough .... 250 - - The late Mr. JOHN W. WHITEHEAD, of Blackpool 250 - - The late Mr. JOHN ROGERS, of Canonbury, N 90 - - The late Mrs. J. A. CLARK, of Jesmond (balance) .... 50 - - The late Miss ELIZABETH CLTJLOW, of Highgate 50 - - Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mr. W. T. Tresidder, who had been Honorary Secretary of the St. Ives Branch of the Institution for 27 years.

Voted the best thanks of the Committee of Management to Mr. F. O. TAYLOR, the Rev.

C. B. R. HUNTER and Dr. W. J. SHEE, in recognition of their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Nor- folk, Seaton Carew and Fethard Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

The Committee of Management also speci- ally recognised the good services extending over many years of the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches of the Institution:— Captain G. ANDERSON, J.P., New Romney; Vice-Admiral CLAUDE E. BUCKLE, Lincoln- shire; Mr. F. LE BOULANGER, Swansea and Mumbles; Mr. H. MARFLEET, Totland Bay; Mr. JOSEPH MAY, Skerries; Mr. JOSEPH McARD, Port Erin; Mr. JOHN ROBERTS, Worthing; Mr. LEWIS B. Ross, North Sun- derland; Mr. E. T. M. SANDWITH, Rosslare Harbour; the Rev. H. VYVYAN, M.A., Cadg- with; Mr. JAMES HOGG, Middlesbrough; Capt. H. QUINTAHILHA, Newton Abbot; and Mr. A. MUKISON SMALL, Melrose.

Paid 6,395Z. for sundry charges in connection with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 3442. 15s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Brixham . . Schooner Lizzie, of Salcombe .... 5 Hauxley . . Barque Frank, of Tvede- strand 17 Runs wick. . Three cobles, of Runs- wick. Stood by cobles.

Southend-on- Schooner Prosperity, of Sea London 5 Staithes . . Schooner Elise, of Her- nosand 4 Tynemouth Fishing cobles, of Culler- (Motor) coats. Remained in attendance.

Upgang . . Ketch Gem of the Ocean, of Whitby . . . . 1 Whitby . . Ketch Gem of the Ocean, of Whitby . . . . 1 Walton-on- Steam yacht Varuna, of Naze New York. Stood by yacht. Cresswell Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Helsingborg, of Helsingborg. Penzanc Life-boat saved the steam drifter Renown, o Yarmouth, and 9 hands, and Eedcar Life-boa assisted to save the S.S. Clydesdale, of Sun derland.

Also voted 369Z. Is. to pay the expense of the following Life-boat launches, assemblie of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Berwick-on Tweed, Bridlington Quay, Caister No. ] Dunbar, Hauxley, New Romney, Padstow Nos. 1 and 2, Palling No. 2, Peterhead, Bed car, Runswick, Saltburn, Southend-on-Sea Walton-on-Naze, Winterton No. 2, and Yar mouth.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was also out on service.

Reported that 14Z. Is. to men injured in the Life-boat service at Caister and Redcar.

Voted the thanks of the Institution on vellum to R. P. ROBINSON and to THOMAS LANGLANDS, coxwains - superintendent at Upgang and Whitby respectively, for their gallant services in saving the crew of two hands of the ketch Gem of the Ocean wrecked off Whitby, in a very heavy sea on the 15th February. An additional monetary reward was granted to the Whitby crew.

Also voted an additional reward to the crew of the Staithes Life-boat for a good service on the 11th February, when five men were saved from the schooner Elise, of Hernosand. M. Verrill, the bowman of the Life-boat, who jumped overboard to save one man, was given a special monetary award.

Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and II. to FRANK DALTON, and 11. each to five other men, for putting off in a coble and at great risk to themselves, rescuing two men from the coble Welcome Home, in a whole northerly gale and very heavy sea, off Scarborough, on the 5th February, 1909.

Also voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, and 11. to THOMAS WILLIAMS for saving, at considerable risk to himself, two persons whose boat foundered off Watermouth, near Ilfracombe, in a strong N.W. breeze and rough sea on the 1st March, 1909.

TUESDAY, 23rd March, 1909.

The Annual General Meeting of the Governors and friends of the Royal National Life-boat Institution was held this day at the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall, the Right Hon. Lord GEORGE F. HAMILTON, G.C.S.I., in the Chair.

The Chairman having made some suitable observations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, the Annual Report (which will be found in the May number of the Life-boat Journal) was presented to the meeting.

The meeting was also addressed by Sir John Cameron Lamb, C.B., C.M.G.; the Right Hon. the Earl of Halsbury, P.O.; the Right Hon. Sir John C. R. Golomb, K.C.M.G.; Admiral of the Fleet Sir Gerard H. U. Noel, K.C.B., K.G.M.G.; Colonel John E. Bernard Seely, D.S.O., M.P.; Colonel FitzRoy Clay- ton, V.P., and Admiral J. Halliday Cave, C.B.

The officers for the current year were chosen and various resolutions were moved, seconded and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution, and expressing the fullest con- fidence in the Management.

The officers' names and the resolutions will be found in the May number of the Life-boat Journal.

THURSDAY, 8th April, 1909.

Colonel FITZROY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

The Committee expressed their deep sense of sorrow at the sad and unexpected death of the Earl of Hardwicke, their late valued and very highly esteemed Deputy-Chairman, who had been for very many years actively and assiduously interested in the Life-boat cause; and it was resolved to tender their sincerest sympathy to the Countess of Hardwicke and their bereaved family. Lord Hardwicke joined the Committee of Management in 1896, and was appointed Deputy-Chairman in 1908. He lad been Chairman of the Life-boat Saturday Fund since 1905.

Colonel Fitzroy Clayton, V.P., was unani- mously elected Chairman, and Sir John Cameron Lamb, C.B., C.M.G., Deputy-Chair- man of the Committee of Management for the msuing year.

Colonel Clayton having taken the Chair, the Members of the Sub-Committees were elected or the current year.

Also the delegates to the Central Committee if the Life-boat Saturday Fund.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to it. Andrew's and Girvan.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following life-boat Stations:—• Northern District.—Hauxley, North Sun- erland, Boulmer, Alnmouth, Balcary, Kirk- udbright, Cresswell, and Holy Island (two oats).

Eastern District.—Hornsea, Grimsby, Sea- am, Southwold (two boats), Aldeburgh (two oats), Bridlington Quay, Flamborough (two oats), and Withernsea.

Western District.—Porthoustock, Coverack, Cadgwith, Porthleven, Port Isaac, Lynmouth, Western - super - Mare, Barry Dock, The Mumbles, Port Eynon, Burry Port, Ferryside, and Tenby.

Irish District.—St. Anne's (two boats), Lytham, Fleetwood, Blackpool, Piel (Barrow), Southport, Poolbeg, Carrickfergus, and Cloughey. Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

ANONYMOUS 25 - - Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick (LondonKnot), per Mr. E. Nash (additional) 10 10 - —To be thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies : — The late Mrs. T. J. BELL, of Barns- gate (further on account) . 4,000 - - The late Mr. W. J. A. STAMER, of Juan les Pins 3,054 14 - The late Miss JANE LEWIS, of Southport, for or towards cost of a Life-boat to be named Joseph Bidgway 750 - - The late Mr. J. G. LEACH, of Hallam Street, W 500 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM MARSH, of West Bromwich 500 - - The late Mr. EDWARD ST. LAW- BENCE WALKER, of Worcester . 500 - - The late Capt. HUGH H. ROWLAND, of Everton (per Liverpool Branch) 359 15 7 The late Mr. G. W. JONES, of Gwyntryn, Carmarthen . . . 200 - - The late Miss G. F. CANE, of Dublin 50 - - The late Mr. H. H. CREWE, of Brockenhurst (balance) ... 121 Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mr. Joseph May, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Skerries Branch of the Insti- tution for 10 years, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Reported the transmission to her Station of the Winterton No. 2 new Life-boat.

Paid 6,220i. for sundry charges in connection with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 294Z. 13». id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Bembridge . Trawler Mint, of Brixham 3 Bull Bay . . A boat of Bull Bay. Saved boat and 1 Dungeness Barge Josephine, of Lon-' No. 1 don 2 Gourdon . . Fishing-boats of Gour- don. Remained' in attendance.

Newbiggin . S.S. Bavaria, of Stettin.

Landed 16.

Newhaven . Smack Bialto, of Rams- gate 4 Newhaven . Smack Spes, of Brixham 3 North Deal . Schooner Fred, of Larvik.

Stood by vessel.

Palling No. 2. S.S. Vulcan, of Liverpool 9 Skerries . . Schooner Coniston, of Barrow 4 Staithes . . Cobles of Stashes. Stood by Cobles.

Thurso . . Schooner Emma Louise, of Wick 4 Wells . . . Ketch Providence, of Goole 4 Winterton Schooner Eagle, of Yar- No. 2 mouth 4 The Buckie Life-boat saved the lugger Superb, of Portessie, and 9 hands, and the Yarmouth Life-boat assisted to save the brigantine Mary Ann, of Fowey.

Also voted 345Z. 2s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches or assemblies of crews, with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Caister No. 1, Dunbar, Gorleston No. 1, Hartlepool No. 1, Lowestoft No. 1, New Romney, Palling No. 1, Plymouth, St. Agnes, St. Mary's, Salcombe, Tynemouth, 'Winterton No. 2, and Yarmouth.

Voted 11. 10s. to a man injured in the Life- boat service at Winterton.

Voted the thanks of the Institution and 21.

to Patrick Lacey, and 2Z. each to seven other men for saving eight persons from a boat which was swamped and sunk in a heavy swell off Inisbofin, Co. Galway, on the 8th February. Three other persons unfortu- nately perished before help could reach them, and the salvors incurred considerable risk in effecting the rescue.

THURSDAY, 13th May, 1909.

Colonel FiTzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees, and ordered that their recom- mendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District. —Whithorn, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Maryport, Whitehaven and Culler- coats.

Eastern District.—Wells, Blakeney, Hun- stanton and Brancaster.

Southern District.—St. Helier, St. Peter Port, Swanage, Weymouth, Poole, Hayling Island and Southsea.

Western District.—Appledore (two boats), Angle, Little Haven, St. David's, Barmouth, Porthdinllaen, Abersoch, Criccieth and Pwllheli.

Irish District.—Killough, Newcastle, Culdaff, Greencastle, Aranmore, Portrush, Groomsport, Blackrock, Giles Quay, Greenore, Clogher Head, Drogheda, Howth, Wexford and Fethard.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— The Thorngate Trustees (annual £ s. d.

subscription) 80 - - " W. J. F.," per P. & Co. . . . 50 - - Leeds Industrial Co-operative So- ciety (annual subscription) . . 25 - - " Grannie" (additional) ... 66- " Griselda" (additional) ... 66- St. Alban's, Holborn, Sunday Schools (Lent Offerings, per the Rev. "W. A. Pearkes, M.A.) . . 6-6 H.M.S. Bacchante (collection on board during Lent, per the Rev.

W. H. Goudge, R.N. . ... 5 - - New College Chapel, Oxford (part of Offertory, per the Rev. W. A.

Spooner, D.D.) 2 10 - H.M.S. Ganges (Offertory on board, per the Rev. W.Highmoor, M.A.) - 10 - —To be severally thanked.i Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. JAMES MOORE, of £ s. d.

Coatham, Bedcar (balance of residue) 713 2 11 The late Mrs. FRANCES ROGET, of MaidaVale 504 8 9 The late Mrs. SARAH ANNE CRUND- WELL, of Bromley, Kent . . . 500 - - The late Mr. EDMUND LYTHGOE, of Beaufort, Melbourne (further on account) 383 4 - The late Mr. WILLIAM SANDERSON, of Kirkcaldy (share of residue) . 230 16 9 The late Mrs. SUSANNAH E. JONES, of Northampton 200 - - The late Mr. JOSEPH FLEXMAN, of Gunnersbury 50 - - The late Mr. GEORGE CLAY, of Doncaster (share of residue) . 39 8 8 The late Mr. SAMUEL LEWIS, of Cork Street, W. (half amount of interest) 3012 6 The late Miss E. B. YOCKNEY, of Hampstead 10 - - Great regret was expressed at the death of Mr. W. B. Smith, who retired from the post of Assistant Secretary in 1905. He originally joined the staff of the Institution in 1860.

Also at the death of Mr. Joseph Fairhall, Senior Principal Clerk, who had been in the service of the Institution nearly 43 years.

In each case a letter of deep sympathy was sent to the families of the deceased officials.

Voted the best thanks of the Committee of Management to Mr. W. B. CHARLES, in recognition of his long and valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Hoylake and Hilbre Island Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned.

Reported the despatch to their Stations of the Blackrock, Thurso, Stromness and Stron- say new Life-boats — the boats for the two last-named stations having motor engines installed in them.

Paid 3,117i. for sundry charges in connection with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 2631. 5s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Trans- ferred 5 Broadstairs . S.S. Mahratta, of Liver- pool. Stood by vessel.

Caister No. 1. S.S. North Gwalia, of London.

S.S. Mauranger,ot Bergen.

mistletoe, of Clovelly Crab-boat Clovelly Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Filey . . . Coble Baden Powell, of Filey. Stood by coble.

Gorleston S.S. North Gwalia, of No. 1 London. Landed 15.

Hoylake . . Yacht Roulette, of Hoy- lake. Saved yacht and 3 Johnshaven . Steam trawler Kirton, of Granton 9 North Deal . S.S. Mahratta, of Liver- pool. Landed 14 and saved 24 North Deal . Fishing lugger Jesu Maria Joseph, of Boulogne.

Stood by vessel.

Portrush . . S.S. Hamilton, of Stran- raer 4 Scarborough . Four cobles, of Scar- borough. Stood by cobles.

Whitby No. 1 Seven cobles, of Whitby.

Stood by cobles.

The Kingsdowne, Ramsgate, and Walmer Life-boats assisted to save the S.S. Asia, of Bremen, the Ramsgate and Walmer Life-boats assisted to save the barque John Lockett, of Liverpool, the Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save the barque Leto, of Arendal, and the Winterton No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save the brigantine Mary Annie, of Folkestone.

Also voted 148Z. 14s. 8d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches or assem- blies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Caister No. 1, Clacton-on-Sea, Flamborough No. 1, Gorles- ton No. 1, Montrose No. 1, Palling No. 2, Rosslare Harbour, Walmer and Yarmouth.

The Ramsgate Life-boat was also Launched, but her services were not required.

Voted a binocular glass, bearing a suitable inscription, to Captain FRED W. PRANCE, and 21. each to two other men for saving, at considerable risk, six persons from the French ketch Andrea which foundered in a strong S.E. gale and heavy sea, in Bideford Bay, on the 21st April, 1909.

Also 21. to two men for saving, at moderate risk, two men from a small sailing-boat which i capsized near the Hook Sandbanks, Poole, in a strong S.E. breeze and heavy sea on the 21st April, 1909.

Also 12s. to four fishermen for their promptness in saving the coble Jeannies and her crew of four men in squally weather and a rough sea off North Sunderland, on the 30th April.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will lie published on the 1st November, 1909.