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St John

The Life-boat James Stevens No. 16 saved the yawl St. John, belonging to Ballinagoul, and her crew of four hands during a strong W.N.W. gale with heavy squalls on the 13th January. The vessel had been trawling near Ballina- courty Light-house when it was seen that she was in distress. Information was at once sent to the coxswain of the Life- boat and the boat launched. On reach- ing the yawl they found her'anchored close to the rocks, the rudder having been damaged and lost. Some of the Life-boatmen were placed on board to assist in steering, and then the vessel was taken in tow and conveyed to Ballinagoul in safety. The Life-boat then made for her station, but on arriv- ing it was found that the sea was too heavy for any attempt to be made to haul her up; she therefore returned to Ballinagoul and remained there until the next day, when the sea having moderated she was taken back to her station and rehoused..