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Remember the Life-Boat

Come, now, a cheer for tho Life-boat And its gallant fearless crew; Only give them a chance, lads, And you'll see what they can do.

No matter how dirty tho weather, Or how fierce the wind may blow, They're ready enough to face it— They've British hearts, you know! Perchance there's a wife and children, Or perhaps a mother dear; But they leave to tho women the weeping, And the black foreboding fear.

For them there's the call of duty; There's a man's work to be done, And with stout hearts—Heaven willing 1— A victory to be won.

The foe is the raging tempest— The wild waves mountains high— While out from the darkness yonder For help has come a ory.

There's a vessel battling bravely With the fury of the gale; And the shipwrecked crew ? God help them 1 If the Life-boatmen should fail! Amid the crash of the thunder, And the lightning's fitful glare, The stalwart crew of the Life-boat For the fight with Death prepare; And there's not a face that blanches At the terrors of the night.

Well, they're only fulfilling their duty, And doing the thing that's right 1 And see! the boat is launched, lads, By willing hands and strong— Oh, would that I were a poet, I'd sing a stirring song, That told of the deeds of heroes— Of the men who rescued lives— Just think of the joy of the children, And the fervent "ThankGod" of the wives.

Then " Hip hurrah for the Life-boat.' " And a cheer for its sturdy crew! Those warriors of the ocean, With hearts so brave and true.

Their cause to-day I'm pleading— Just a penny—aye, or a pound.

But don't forget the Life-boat When the hat is handed round!.