At noon on the 5th February a telephone mes- sage from the Maplin Light-house re- ported that a schooner was on the Barrow Sands flying signals of distress, and asked for the Life-boat to be sent at once. The crew were at once assembled and at 12.20 P.M. the Life-boat James Stevens No. 9 was under weigh. Whilst proceeding to the Light-house a vessel was observed riding in the Barrow Deep in a sinking condition. The Life-boat made for her and found the torpedo- boat Scout standing by. The schooner was the Prosperity, of London, bound for Grangemouth with a cargo of scrap iron. The Life-boat went alongside the schooner, and as there was no hope of saving the vessel, the coxswain rescued the crew of five hands but by request of the master he remained near the vessel until she sank. In addition to the men on board there were a pet Irish terrier and a canary, which were also saved by the Life-boat and conveyed in safety to Southend, the boat getting back to her moorings at 9 P.M. The captain and the crew of the vessel were all very grateful for the timely assistance rendered; and the captain expressed their thanks both direct to the Institu- tion and through the local press..