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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE Life-Boat Saturday Fund workers have been much handicapped in their collecting by the serious and apparently increasing depression in trade which has of late so extensively prevailed and which is still with us. To make matters worse death deprived them in March last of their highly-esteemed and much- loved Chairman John Manners, seventh Earl of Hardwicke who after a very few days' illness passed away to the great regret of all. The shock to those who had worked with him and under him was a great one. His genial pre- sence, his ever-sanguine hope in times of discouragement and his sunny manner had endeared him to all and no one could feel really discouraged with him as a chief. The Central Committee sadly searched about for a suitable suc- cessor and they are to be congratulated on the good fortune which has favoured them for the Earl of Waldegrave on being approached by them, most kindly accepted the important vacant post.

We feel sure that the appointment would have been fully approved by his predecessor. Lord Waldegrave who is in the prime of life has had a long experience of Life-boat matters having been a member of the Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION since 1877.

Everybody interested in the cause wishes him all possible success in his "new command." His business capacity and his extensive knowledge of men and matters will prove of great service to the Fund and it will be the duty as well as the wish of all the workers to back him up in his efforts to secure through the Life-boat Saturday Fund increased financial support for the great National Life-saving Institution with which he has been so long connected and of which the British Public are so proud..