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At 11 P.M.

on the 14th January, during a strong S.W. gale with a heavy sea, signals of distress were observed from a vessel about two miles to the E. of Caldy Island. The Life - boat William and Mary Devey was promptly launched and proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the brig Evelyn, of Carnarvon, bound from Leghorn to Portmadoc in ballast. She was in a somewhat dan- gerous position and was riding heavily.

The crew stated they wished to be taken ashore; the Life-boat therefore went alongside, took the eight men aboard and landed them in the old Harbour.

Next day, -when the weather had moderated, the crew returned and the vessel was brought in and anchored in the Man of War Roads. On the 17th January the S.W. wind increased to a gale, and all the morning the brig rode heavily to her anchors. In the after- noon the crew again desired to be landed and hoisted a distress signal.

The Life-boat was launched and, having again taken the men off, returned to shore..