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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


OBVERSE.—Bust of His Majesty KING EDWARD VII. Double Legend : " Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. King Edward VII. Patron." Reverse.—Figure of Hope assisting Coxswain-Superintendent of Life-boat to buckle on his life-belt, and wishing him and bis crew " God speed." Life-boat manned in distance ready to launch, and awaiting the instructions of the Coxswain-Superintendent. " 6. W. de Saulles." The colour of the ribbon (which is corded silk) attached to the medal is blue.

The folio Ting Is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS which have been voted by the Committee of Management of the Institution since its establishment on the 4th March, 1824 to the 31st Dec., 1908, to peraous whote humane and Intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on our Coasts, etc., have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded in detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals and Clasps granted by the Institution is 1,362, of which 101 were in Gold, tnd 1,261 in Silver.

Ifote.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception ot a Gold Medal or Clasp. The figure after the tame signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.—C.G.- Coast Guard. R.C.— Revenue Cruiser. M.M.—Master Mariner.

Abbot, Sidney, Clovelly.

Abbott, John, C.G.

Acraman, J., Fishgnard.

Adair, R., late Coxswain Ballywalter Life-boat.

Adalr, W., C.G.

Adam. J., C.G. (2) Adams, Thomas.) Agar, J., C.G., Morris Castle.

Agnes, Samuel, Wivenfioe.

Ahem, Jobn, C. G., Kilmore.

Aikin. J., C.O.. Cnshendall.

Aitcnison, Alexander.

Alexander, W., l«ts Cox.

Thorpeness Life-boat.

Alum, Jas.. Holy island.

Allen, Lake Jas., M.M., Wivenhoe.

Amls.Elward, late Coxswain Pallinc Life-boat Andmon, Gaorge, Seaman.

Anderson, John ».,E.N.,C.G.

Annis, M., C.G. (3) Anthony, Owen, M.M., Holy- head.

Armstrong, J., late Cox. of Hanxley Life-boat.

Armstrong, R., Newbiggia.

Armstrong, W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W., Newbiggin.

Arnold, W. H., C.O., Sandown.

Askln, J., Ballywalter.

Atkins, T.,C.G.,Wainneet.

I Austen,Wm.,Seaman, Rams ! gate Steamer Vulcan.

j AntridKe, Lieut., R.N.

I Doonbeg.

Avisse, I. N., M.M., Boulogne.

Eicon, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, James.

1 Bailey, James, Boatman, ! Deal.

i Baillie, Lieut. Henry, R.K.

Baillie, Lieut. H., R.N.

Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries [ Bake, Lieut., K.N., C.G.

Baker, Lt. G. S., R.N., C.G.

Baker, Lt.W. H., R.N., C.G.

Baker, T., C.G., Brooke.

Ball, D. Graham, M.M.

Ball, E., Angle.

j Banyard, Jobn, C.S.

! Barlach, Henry, M.M.

: Barnard, A., C.G. (2) I Barnes, George, Christchnrch.

j Barrett, J., C.S. Carn- son. (2) Barrett, W., C.G.

| Barrett, W., Jun.

i Bairoa, E. N.

Barry, Lt. G., R.N., Klnsale.

Bartholomew, R. J.

Bate, Samuel, late Asst.

Cox. Padstow Life-boat.

Bate, Thomas, late Cox.

Bnde Life-boat.

Bates, Thos., C.G.

Batist, J., C.G., Dymchnrch.

Beatson, G. B. M, C.G. (2) Beanclerk, The late Lord Chas.

Beck, Robert, late Cox. of i Point of Ayr Life-boat.

Beddoe, D., Fishguard.

Bedwell, Wm.. M.M.

Begf, -., M.M.

Betsey, By., Ramsgate.

i Banett, C. C., K..N.« : Berrlman, James, M.M.

. Berry, Dai id, Ramsgate.

Sevan, John, M.M.IST MAT, 1909.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 689 Bickerstaffe, R., late Cox. Burden, W. J., Telgnmouth. Cobb, Rev. C., M.A., Dym- Davies, late Vlce-Adm. G. Blackpool Life-boat. (2) Bnrnard, T., Bldefoi d. (.i) church.* (1)* Billett, R., C.G., late Cox. Borne, J., C.G., Peraance. Cockrom, W., H.M.S. Eagle. Davies, Capt Thomas, R.N. Lydd Life-boat. Bnrne, John, Sen., Shields. Coftey,P.,Tramoi e .Waterford Davtes,George, late Cox.Hoy- Bingham, Wm. Barney, R., C.G., Banff. Colby, Nathaniel, late Cox. lake Life-boat Bishop, Geo.,Polkerris. Burton, William, Ramsgate. Pakeneld Life-boat Davlson,W.,late Cox-Sunder- Bishop, S., C.G., Caister. Bury, Ld. Viscount, P.O..M.P. Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhoe. land Life-boat Bishop, Thos., late As'. Cox. Butcher, James, Lowestoft. Collard, S., Pilot, Deal. Dawson, T., Hartlepool. Palling Life-boat Butcher, Rich., Lowestoft. Collins, James, C.G., late ! Day, Chr., Middlesbrough. Black, A., C.G., Strangf jrd. Byrne, Lawrence, C.G.' Cox. Rye Life-boat. ! Day, Thomas, Bideford. Blackmore, Wm., C.G., Byrne, Private R. Irish Regt Collins, J., Master of the Deane, Henry, C.G. Peniance. (2) American ship Rounu.* Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne. Blackwood, Rev. J. O'Reilly, Canterbury, His Grace The Colllson, R., M.M. Dempsey, Daniel. Ballywalter. (21 Archbishop of (Dr. Man- Collopy, J., C.G.,Portbcawl. Dempsey, D., jun. Blair.Lt. Horatio, R.N., C.G. ners Button).* Combe, Lt. M., R.N., C.G. Dempsey, Alex. Blampled, C., Jersey. Cable, James, Coxswain Coneys, Anthony, Clifden. Dent, J., Newbiggln. Blance, John, Shetland. Aldeburgh Life-boat (3) Connlok. J.. Dundalk. Desmond, John, Limerick. Blisseodon, William M..C.G. CahiU, D. F. L., M.D. Cook, Stephen, Cox. Folke- De St. Oroix, F., Jersey.* Blois, Capt. J. R., R.N.* Cain, Wm. stone Life-boat. De St. Crolx, J., Jersey.* Blythe, Miss Ellen. Callaway.W., Seaman, Lyme. Cooper, Hugh, C.G. De St Croix, P., Jersey.* Bolitho, Simon, C.G., Bnde. Callow, Wm., late Cox. of Cooper, T., Sen., Ramsgate. Deverenx, M., Rosslare. (3) Bougourd.H., Pilot, Guernsey. Castletown Life-boat.(2) Cooper, T., Jnn., Ramsgate. Dillon, Jas., C.Q., Arklow. Bonner, G., C.G., Oollieston. Campbell, James, Leestone. Coppin, Lt. F., R.N.. C.U. Dinneen, J.,1 C.O. s.s. Bouchard, John, St. Martin's. Campbell, Miss J., Drogheda. Corbert, W., late Cox. Ard- Albatrott, of London. Bowen, Lient. C. H., R.N.* Campbell, Angus, Cutter more Life-boat Dobson, T., late Cox. Donna Boyd, Henry, C.G. Princtu Royal. [C.G. Corbet P., Pilot Guernsey. Nook Life-boat Boyd, John, Portrueh. Cameron, Capt. O. S., R.N., Corl ett, W.. Douglas. Dodd, Thomas, Cox. Hoylake Boyd, Mrs. Candlish, J., late Cox. Cork, W., C.G.,Fort George. Life-boat. Boyle, Marcos, late Cox. Lytham Lift-boat Corkbill, W., late Cox. Pad- Donkin, A., Cullercoata. (2.) Wexford Life-boat. (2) Cannell, T.,late Cox. Isle of stow Life-boat. (2) Donovan, Dennis, C.G. (2) Boyle.Lieut. Hon. R.F., R.N. Man Life-boat. Cornish, Lt J., R.N., Bovis. Donovan, J., C.G. Bradford, John, Exmonth. Cannon, John, late Cox. of Costello, M., Roaslare. ' Dooley, Lt. D., R.N., C.G. Bradford, Uriah, Exmonth. Hasborough Life-boat. Cotton, D., BrighstoLe, I.W. Douglas, Alexander. C.G. Bradley, Wm. , Southend. Oarberry, Patrick, Wextoid. Cotton, James, ditto. Cox. of Donglas, J., Harrington. Brioe,W., C.G.,Greencastle. Carbls, Thos., late Cox. of Life-boat. [Life-boat. (a) Dower, Capt. A., Dungarvan. Bridle, W.. M.M., Lyme. the Penzance Life-boat (2) Cotton, W., Cox. Atherfleld Downing, Nicholas B. Brims, John, late Cox. Carey, H., Shrove Head. Conl, Alexander, Montrose. Drayson, D., C.G. Thurao Life-boat. (2) Carr,C.S.,Gnnner R.C. Sylvia. Conl, Charles, Montrose. Duffy, M., Mnllaghmore. Brine, Thos., Douglas. Carr, Henry, H.M. Customs, Cowin, J., Ramsey. Duncan, David, late Cox. Brinksmead, W., M.M. Wexford. Cox, Lt. H., R.N ., C.G . (2)* Montrose Life-boat. Brittaln, Lient. G. S., R.N., Carr, John. C.G.. Dnnmanus. Cox, Surgeon H. L., A.M.D. Dunmore, The Earl of. C.G. (2)» Carr, Samuel, C.G. Cox, Joseph, lateCox.of the Dunn, William, M.M. Britton, Henry ,Cox. Walton- Carrington, J.. Steam-tug Appledore Lite-boat (3) Durban, John, Walmer. on-Naae Life-boat. Liverpool, Harwich. Cox, J., jnn., late Coxswain! Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Britton, J., Master of the Carrington, Lient., R.N. Appledore Life-boat. (2) Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe. American Ship Kochetter* Carrington, W. H. [Regt. Cox, W., C.G., Kllmore. Dyer, Lt H. McNeill, R.N. Britton, Wm., late Cox. Carroll, Private, Royal Irish Craggs, J., C. G., Devonport Dyer, John, Stratum. Harwich Life-boat.

Broad, W.. Falmonth.* Carter, Fredk., Weymonth.

Carter, J..C.G. Cragie, J., late Cox. South- wold Life-boat. (3) Earle, Lt. E. C., R.N., Rye.* Brooke, Thomas W., Holy- Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland. Crawford, Wm. iSastaway, R..C.G. head.

Brooks, A., C.G., Dungeness.

Brown, Christopher, Brid- lington.

Brown, Fredk., Bridllngton.

Brown, Henry, Newblggln.

Brown, James, C.G.,Dunbar.

Brown, John, late Cox. New- biggin Life-boat. (2) Brown, Solomon, Caister.

Brown, Thos., late Cox.

Cresswell Life-boat (2).

Browne. Capt. P. R. M. (2)* Brune, Miss B. M. Prideaux.

Brune, Miss E. F. Prideaux.

Brune, Miss G. R. Prideanx.

Brune, Miss M. K. Prideanx.

Brunton, Lt.J.,R.N.,C.G.(2)* Bnck,W.C., R.N..C.U. Castel, G., Broadstairs.

Caulfleld, Geo., Howth.

Cay, Capt. R. B., R.N., C.G.

Chaddock, J., C.G.

Chaplin, — , M.M.

Chapman, Thomas; the late, F.R.S., V.P.* Chappell, T., Bideford.

Chappell, Capt. W., Bideford.

Chard, J., Boatman, Thorpe.

Chesnutt, George, C.G.

Cheyne, William, Orkney Isles.

Chittenden, E., Broadstairs.

Christian, Thomas A.

Clark, George, Seaman.

Clark, T., Bridlington.

Clarke, Lieut Joseph, R.N.' Clarkson. T., Coxswain of Cronen Dennis, Ballycotton.

Cropper, Peter, Cox. of Liver- pool Life-boat.

Crosby, Nicholas, Dnndalk.

Crosswell, T., C.G.

Crouch, J., Broadstairs.

Crouch, R., Broadstairs.

Crowden, J., C.G., Muchals.

Cnbitt, W., Bacton. (2) Cubltt, W. jun., Bacton.* Calmer, — ., C. }., Leigh.

Cnmisky, W. J.

Cummins, J., late Cox.

Arklow Life-boat.

Cunningham. J.

Curnow, Paul, late Cox.

St. Ives Life-boat. (2) Curteis, W., C.G.

Curtis, Steph, Chriatchnrcn. Eastaway, T.

Eddy, B. Pilot, Plymouth. (3) Edington, Chas., C.G.

Edwards, D., Montrose.

Ellis, Henry, C.G., Bnde.

Elphinstone, Geo., Dnndalk.

Else, Lient., R.N., Fowey.* Elton, Lt W. H., R.N., C.G.

Elwin, Lt, R.N., Lymington.

Elyard, Lt. Col. J. (2)* Erridge, E., Boatman, Deal.

Essell, Lt.Wm.F.,R.N.,C.G.« Evans, D., C.G., late Cox.

Foolbeg Life-boat.

Evans, Henry, Carnarvon.

Evans, Capt Thomas.

Evans, J., M.M., Flshguard.

Evans, Lieut Thomas, K.A .

Evans, T., sen.. New Brigh- Bnckett, J., late Cox. Brigh- the Lytham Life-boat KVli. (*J ]WU. stone Grange Life-boat Claybum, T , late Cox. Scar- n*i*ina Tinnt u iff o fit ! Jfivaus, 1., jun., New Bitgb* i/abine, ijieut., twn., u.fer. ; „ ... ., Bndd, James, C.G. boro' Life-boat. (2) Dand, M. H. (2) avails, wm., cox. Mew Bulkeley, J. B., late Cox. of Clayson, S., Assistant Cox. Daniels, Sergt. T. r * n ™ Ji Telgnmonth Lite-boat. Margtte Life-boats. Dark, William, M.M. _ . ' T* ' Q Bulley.Lt J..R.N., C.G.(4)*« Clayton, Lt. R.N., C.G. Darling, Wm., Light-house K™0"- J.U,K.M., Bnmby, J..C.G., Clovelly. Cleave, R., Wivenhoe. keeper, Fern Island. Fan-bairn, W., Cox. Dunbar Bunt, John, C.G. Clements, F. G., Eccles. Darling, Grace, his daughter, j Lite-boat. Bunt, John, PortUhead. Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey. Darragh, H., C.G. j Farmer, David, Hayling. 690 THE LIFE-BOAT. [!ST MAY, 1909. Farrin, G., H.M.8. jtjai. ) UUlespie, Andrew, Gunner. HayleVt, J., Jun., (tbe Howard, F., Pie., 67thKsg. Fell, Robert, late Cox. of GUmer, Wm., Dnndalk. late) Oox. Caister Life- Howe, B.,C.G., Ballygertg. Ramsey Life-boat. Gilson, Lt. T. A., R Ji., C.G. boats. (2) Howell, J., Port Talbot Fellowe«.Cai t. T.H.B..B.N., Qimar, E., Master of the Haylstt, John, Cox. Caister Howorth, Capt Wnu, R.K. Ferule, Peter, Buckle. [C.G. French brig Lt Norman. Life-boats. Hnbbard, SamL, Eccles. Festtag, Lieut, B.N. Gin, N. Francois, Boulogne. Haylett, Walter, Caister. Hughes, E., Sen., Cwmerran. Feettng, Colonel Sir V. W., Gleeton, R., Fethard. Haynes, J., Coxswain of i Hughes, G., Pilot, Guernsey. C.B.,K.C.M.G..R.M.A. Glover, J., Harwich. Port Isaac Life-boat. Hughes, Hugh, Cox. Rhos- Ftddler.Daniel.Orkney Isles. Qoldring, W., M.M., Hay- Hayter, John, late Cox. colyn Life-boat. Field, UeutWm. Geo., B.N ling. [wo o. Brooke Life-neat. (4) Hughes, John, late Cox. Field, W., Milfoid Haven. Goldsmith, E. W., South- Headon, Richard, late Cox. Bull Bay Life-boat Finlay, G., C.G., Lambay. Goldsmith, John, Ramsgate. Clovelly Life-boat. Hughes, John, Liverpool. Finlay, William, MoDtroae. Goldsmith, Rd., late Asst. Heal, J., Atherneld. Hughes, R., late Cox. Fish. Chas. E., late Cox. Cox. Ramsgate Life-boat. Heard, Rich., CM. Moelfre Life-boat. Ramagate Life-boat. (3)*« Goldsmith, 8.. Ranugate. Heath, Joshua, late Cox. Hughes, T., Pilot, Holyhead. Fish, John, Sontbwold. Gordon, John, late Cox. Polkerris Life-boat. Hughes, W. Fisher, A. E., Ramagate. Tyrella Life-boat. Heavy, P., Constable, Knock. Humphreys, D., Liverpool. Fisher, S., Horseferry-rd. Goss, Capt. T. B. N.. C.G. (2)* Hein.J. F., M.M. Hurle, Edwin, Ramsgate. Fisher, Mrs.. North Frame. Gongh, J.. Waferford. Henln, P., Bontogne-ffiu-Uer. Hurry, 8Wpa«n. Fitxjames, Jaa., K.N. Gould, Lt. Wm., R.N., C. ». Hennessey, J., C.G. HUBS, T., H.M.S. Rover. Fitzpatrtck, J.. C.G. Gourlay, James 0., St. Hennessy, Lawrence, C.G., Hutcblnson, H., C.G Flann, Wm., Portland. Andrews. late Cox. Hythe Life-boat. Hutchinson, Henry. Fleming, George, Gorleston. Graham, G., Lt. R.N., C.G. (2) Hutchison, Lt., Kingstown. Fletcher, T., C.G., Rosslare. Graham, Capt. Philip, K.N.* Henry, Lieut., B.N., C.G. Hutchison, Lieut. W., R.N.* Flett, Jas., Pittenweem. Granby, Charles, M.M. Henalow, Lt., R.N..C.G. Hyde, James, Scilly. Flory, J., Portishead. Grandy, J. S. W.,B.O.Horpy. Hen wood, T., C.G., Fowey. Hynds, John, Dnndalk. Flynn, P., C.G.. Kilrush. Grindy, Lieut S., R.H. (2)* Herbert, The Hon. Anberon. Hynes, B., C.G., Galway. Fogg, Janes. Fleetwood Foley, J., M.M., Port Talbot.

Foley, Thos., M.M.

Foley, Winspeare, Bally- Grant, W., late Cox. of the Margate Life-boat. (2) Graves, J.. M.M.. Carlisle.

Gray, A., 0.1*., Fort George. Herrington, B.. late Cox.

Bouthwold Life-boat. (2) Hick, M., Scarborouxh.

Hicks, Barnard, Scilly.

Hicks, D., late Cox. St. lies, The late Mr. John.

Inkster, Peter, M.M.

James, Lieut Horatio, R.N.* castle. Gray, D., C.G.. Kllmore. David's Life-boat. James. Llent. Wm., R N * Forbes, A.,Peteiha»d.

Foreman. W., late Cox. Gray, Geo., Brtdlington.

Gray, J., M. M., Peterhead. Hicks, Frederick C.

Hicks, Geo., C.G., Tyrella. Jaraleson, Edward, Orkney Isles. Broadstalrs Lifeboat. Gray, E. W. D., Dublin. Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. Jamleson, James. Formby, Joseph, late Cox. Gregory, J., C.Q, St. An- Higgs, S., Jnn.. the late. (21 Japp, Robert, Montrose. Formby Life-boat.

Forward, T. R., Con minder drewa.

Greig Robert. Higgan», V ,,late Second Cox.

Penzance Life-boat. Jarman. Isaac, late Coxswain of Ramsgate Life-boat. (2) R.C. Sylvia* Foster, J., C.G.. Aldebnrgh. Grt-y, George, Hartlepool.

Grier, John, Clacton. Highland, Owen, Anglesey.

Hlldebrand, H. (2) Jeffers, Rich., C.G., Dingle.

Jefferson, P., late Cox. New- Fonnd. W., Padstow. Griffith, Dtvid, Beanmaris. Hill. J., late Cox. Newcastle, biggin Life-boat (2) Fowell, John. Seaman. Griffith, Robert, Anglesey. Unndrnm, Life-boat. Jellard, John, M.M.* Fowler, James, M.M. Griffiths, B., M.M., Port- Hill, Jas., Cox. Porthonstock Jenkins, J., late Cox. Fox, John, late Cox. Fleet- madoc. Life-boat. Swansea Life-boat. wood Life-boat. Griffiths, G., Pilot, late Cox. Hill. W. JenUns.L., Pllot.Port Talbot. Foy, Thomas, Ronsglass. Llanddwyn Life-boat. Hillary, Sir A. Wm., Bait. Jenkina.W.. Ftahgoard. Franki»h.T.H., Bridlinirton. Griffiths, T.. C.G, Mnlbay. Hillary, Sir Wm., Bt (4)»~* Jennings, Wm..Harwich. Franklin, Lt. E., R.N., C.G. Grlgson, G., sen., Clacton. Hills, W., late Coxswain of Jennings, W., C.G., Looe. Franklin, .1. H., Seaton Groat, William, Orkney Isles. the Padstow Life-boat (2) Jesse. Commander R., R.N., Carew. (2) Gruer, Wm, C.G. Hipplewhite, T., M.M. C.G. Franklin, M, Seaton Carew. Guy, Philip, Bideford. Hodds, Wm., late Cox. Jinks, R., C.G. .Cardigan. Franklyn, Lieut G.. R.N.

Freeman, H.. late Cox. Hall, G. E., Lowestoft. Winterton Life-boat. (2) Hodge, Robert, Clovelly. Joachim, Capt., R.N. (4) Jobson,Lt.C., R.N.,C.G.(2)" Wbitby Life-boat. (2) Halse, R., C.G. Hodgson, J., Snnderland. John. W., Break**. Freeman, Jamee, Helsun. Hamilton, B., Coxswain of Hoed, F. P., M.M.* Johns, Rich.,Mevaglssey. Freeman, John, Seaman. the Black Rock Life-boat. Hogben. J., late Coxswain of Johns, Rich., Seaman, Fowey. Freemantle.Capt.C.W.,R.N.* Hamilton, Geo., C.G. Ramsgate Life-boat. Johns, R. 0., late Cox. Tra- Freeney, John, Killraey. Hamilton, H. A.. J. P. (3)* Hogg, William, C.U. more Life-boat. (3) French, Charles. C.G. Hamono, A., M.M. Holbora, S., Broadstalra. Johns, W., M.M. [late.* Friend, Thos., Ramsgate. Hanninn, N., O.G., Dinftle. Holland, Lt. John, R.N ,C.G. Johnson, Adi. W. W. P., the Fulton. Robert. R.N Haunagan, Michael, COK. of Holman,Lient.T., R.N., C.G. ' Johnson, Wm., Yarmouth. Furlong, A., Fishguard. Youghal Life-boat. Holmes, Lance-Corpl., Rifle Johnston, B., M.M. Hansell, P. S., Broadstairs. Brigade. Jones, Capt.C. Gray JUN., the George the Fourth, His Most Hansford. John, Weymonth. Hood, Hy., late Cox. Seaton late. (2) Gracious Majesty Klng.» Harrington, Dennis, Bere. Carew Life-boat (2) Jonet, C.G., Wicklow. Galbralth, Mrs. E, Whitney. Harrington, Jas., Brio ling - Hood, Robt., law Cox. Seaton Jones, C.G., Swords. Gale, W., Barking. ton Quay. Oarew Life-boat Jones, ! ., Oox. Ferryside Gallagher, P. Harrington, T., C.G Hood, W., late Cox. Seaton Life-boat. Garrett, R., (the late) Con- W»rris,F.,C.G.. Seat- eld. Oarew Life-boat ; Jones. E., M.M. swain of Ramsey T.ifr- Harris, S., Cox Gorleston Hook,R., late Oox. of Lowes- Jones, E.,late Cox. of Holy. boat. [B.N. Life-boate. (2) toft Life-boat (2) bead Life-boat. (2) Gartslde-Tipping, Lt. H. T., Harrison, Jacob, Shields. Hooke, Wm., law Cox. : Jones, George, Boatman. George, Philip, late Cox. Hatch. N. G. Blaken«y Life-boat. Jones, George, Holyhead. CaisterLlfe-boat(2) [wood. Hawkins, John, Raraagata. Hopkins, John, late Oox. Jones, Henry, Penzance. Gerrard, R., Pilot. Fleet- Hayden, F., Sandowu. Portrnsh Life-boat. Jones, John, Merllyn. Gilbert, James, late Cox. Haylett, James, Sen., l«t« Horsford. Miss Josephine. Jones, J.. Pilot. PortbcawL Tynemonth Life-boat. (2) A set. Cox. Caister Life. Hereford, Miss Maria. Jones, Lewip, Holyhead. Giles, W . M. M., Padstow. boats.* Houghton, H., HartlepooL Jonas, Owen, Anglesey. IST MAY, 1909.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 691 Jones, lUchald, llolybead. Legerton, Kobert, late Cox. : Manby, Oapt. G. W.* Mulligan, James, Sligo. Jones, Lt. R., R.N, C.G.(3)** Clacton Life-boat. (S) I Manifold, W., late As«. Murdoch, Peter, Glen- Jones, R., late As'. Cox. Le Geyt, Miss A. B, Bath. ! Cox. Arklow Life-boat. drishaig, Ayrshire. Holyhead Life-boat Leggett, Edw, Gunner. | Maun, Lieut, R.N, O.G. Murphy, Adam, late Oox. Jones, Samuel, Holjhead.

Jones, Thos, Holyhead. Leigh, Lt.T., R.N.. C.». (3)** 'Mann, W., Ast. Coxswain Leslie, J, M.M, Stonehaven, Aldebnrgh Life-boat Tyrella Life-boat Murphy, James, C.G, St. Jones, T., M.M., Port N.B. Mariole, J. B, French Pilot. Ives. Ownwall. (2) Talbot. Lett, Lt. B. J, R.N., C.G.* Mark, Wm., C.O, Dvog ». Murphy, M., OS., U*« Oox. Jones, T.. M.M, Cardiff.

Joy, George.* | Levett, N, late Coxswain of i Mark wall, George, late Cox.

tbe St. Ives Life-boat. Holy Island Life-boat. N«w Romney Ufa-boat.

Murray, A, C.a,EUe. Juniper, Wm.. Mundesley. j Kavanagh. P., late Cox. Lewis, E,Saaman, Barmonth. ' Lewis, G, C.G, Newport, Marsh, Capt. D., RJJ, C.9.* Marshall, Charles H., Holy- Narbett, W., Acting Cox.

St David's Life-boat Arklow Lift-boat. j Kavanagh, P., late Cox.

Carnsore Life-boat. (2) { Pembroke.

Lewis, J, Seaman, Harwich.

Lewis, Thos., Dnndalk. faoad.

Marshall, Capt. J, Bldeford.

Marshall, John, Jun., late Nelson, W,K.fl,

Nepean. Capt. St. Vincent, M.V.O., R.U. Keane, Uichd., C.G., Helen's Lewis, W, Harwich. (2) AsLOox.Seaham Life-boat. Newnham' Lt.N,R.N.,C.G. Bay. ! Lewis, W, Aberystwith. aiartm, unas.. u*r., M. rves, Newsom, W., Harwich. Kearon, Capt. Edw, Arklow .

Kelland, Wm. R., Trinity Pilot. Dartmouth.

Kelly, C., Hovrth.

Kelly, Lieut. E., R.N.

Kelly, Geo. Edwd.

Kelly, J., late Cox. Appledore Life-boat.

Kendall, W, C.G. Ley, J, Pilot, Mevagissey.

Linen, Thomas, Lowestoft.

Likely, Henry, Limerick.

Llnaker, Hiram, New Brighton.

Lindsay, Lieut. A. J, R.A.

Lindsay, Lient. Jas, R.N.* Lingard. Lieut. J, K.N., Whitby.* mrnwau.

Martin, Wm, late Cox. of New Brighton Life-boat.

Mason, J, C.G.. Elie.

Matthews, Edwin, late Cox.

Lizard Life-boats .

Matthews. Lt. R. B, R.N.* May,A.C,H.M.S. Romr.

May,W.E,C.G, Boscastle. Nichol, J, Mootrose.

Nicholas, Matt, lato Cox.

Sennen Cove Life-boat Nicholls, M, Claoton. (2) Nicholson, M, Knock.

Xieol, Francis, Raltie, Gar- denstown.

Nicol, Francis, Gardenetown. Kennedy, Lt. A., R.N,C.G., , Ballyheieus. (2) Kennedy, E, C.G.

Kennedy, H, Belfast. Lithaby, P., C.G. • Meader, H, Samsgate.

Llewellyn, David, C.G. Mearns, R, jun, M.M, Llewellyn, Mrs. Margaret, , Montrose.

Fishguard. Meams, Wm, Into Cox. Nlcol, James, Gardenstown.

Sicolle, Philip, Jersey.

Niles, Wm, late Cox.

Cardigan Life-boat. Kennedy ,Malcolm,Bowmore. Llewellyn, Mra.Martha, ditto. 1 Montrose So. 1 Life-boat. Norcock, Capt. G. L, R.N., Kennedy, Master J., Belfast.

Kent, Frank, C.G., Sand- Lloyd. 0, C.G, Lulworth. 1 Mearns, Wm. Jun, late Cox.

Lloyd, Lt. S, R.N, C.G.* Montrose No. 2 Life-boat. C.G.

Norris, BenJ, Boatman, Deal. wich. Long, J. H., Youghal. Metcalfe, Jas., Hartlepool. Norris. James. Kerley, T, C.G, Penzance.

Kerr, E. C., Ramsey. Lose, John, C.G.. Swanage.

Lonchet, L. P. A. B, Anthle. Metherell, Lt R. R, R.N.

Mewse, A., Lowe itoft [C.G.* Norris, Martin.

Norsworthy, W., C.G., the Kerrnish, John, C.G.

Kidd, 1), Fisherman, Dundee. Loughor, Rees, Monknash.

Love, Private R., «3rd Reg. Middleum, John, Deal.

Milbnm, John, Shields. late. (2) Nott, Capt. E. B., R.S. (1) Klnch, H, Newcastle. Lovell, Patrick, Belmallett. Mllbnrn, Wm, Laxey. O'Neil, Patrick, Scilly. King, Lt. S., R.N, Southend. Lucas. Jas., C.G., late Cox. Miller, J, C.G, Devonport. O'ShauKhnessv Miss Nora King, T., Harwich. Lydd Life-boat. j Miller, W, Ramsgate. O'Snlllvan, M, Bere. Kisbee, Com. Thos, R.N.

Knight.Charles, Mate, Rams- Lndlow, I, Master of the American ship ifonmouth.* Milligan, G, late Cox.

Yarmouth Life-boat. O'Snlllvan, D./C.G.

Oliver A late Cox. gate Steamer Vulcan.

Knight, J. T, C.G.

Kyle, Geo, Cox. Holy Island Life-boat.

Kyle, Matthew, late Cox.

Holy Island Life-boat. (2) Lusk, A, Raeberry.

Lyons, Lieut. Wm, R.N. (2) Macalister, Robt, Wick.

Macdonald, George, C.G.

Mackay, James. Mills, C, C.G, CliMen.

Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal.


Mitchel, J, Pilot, Guernsey.

Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. (Vi Mitchell, William K., Cox.

Lizard Life- boat Hauxley Life-boat.

Orr, Robt., Irvine, N.B.

Osborne, Robt., Clacton. (2) Owen, Richard, Anglesey.

Owen, Richard, Asst Cox.

Moelfre Life-boat Lake, A, C.G, Wick.

Lambert, John, Harwich.

Lambeth, BenJ, Harwich.

Laming, James. Cox, Kings- downe, Life-boat.

Landells, Thoe., Mllford. Mackell, Patrick, C.G.

Mackintosh, Alex, M.M.

MacMahon, Capt. H. M. M., East Clare Militia.

MacnamaraLt.T.,R.N,C.G.* McAllister, Wm, Portrush.

McArdle, Thomas, Dnndalk. Mitchell, Edwin, Assistant Cox. Lizard Life-boat.

Mittin, Philip, Wexford.

Moar, Mrs, Burra Ness.

Monger, Thomas, late Cox.

Tenby Life-boat.

Moody, Samuel, Skegness. Owen, Thomas, Cox. Moelfre Life-boat Owen, Capt. Wtn, Holyhead.

Owen, William, M.M.* Owen, William, Pilot, Cox.

Holyhead Steam Life-coat (2)* Lane, Lt, R.N, C.G, Dart- McBay, Jas., Johnshaveo. Moody, Samuel, late Cox. Owen, William, Jnn, Holy- mouth. McCarthy, J, C.G. Skefrness Life-boat. (2) head. Langan, Michael, First Officer of Steamer Princes* McCarthy, Jas, C.G. MooreT Alex., C.G. Owston, John, Cox. Scar- McCombie, T., Steamer : Moore. Gunner Jas, Coast borough Life-boat. Alexandra.

Langlands, Thos., Cox. of TearaglU: (2)» McCulloch, K, C.G. (2) Brigade, Royal Artillery. p A ute Muter Kung.

Moreno. J.. Master of the __;. ™ ,„., Whltby Life-boats.

Langton, Lieut. T. W., K.N.

La Primandaye, Clement, Commander R.N. [R.A. McDonald, Wm, Irvine. Austrian Barque Km.

McGenis, G. Morgan, John, C.G, Thurso.

McGladery, Lt.J,R.N., C.G. : Morgan, John, Pilot, McKenzle, J, C.G, Galway. Cardiff. gate i ugs. {o/ Palmer, G, M.P. (2)** Palmer, Thoe.H, Sonthwold.

Parker, Edwin, C.G. Large, J, Master Gunner, McKhmon, J, M.M, Morgan, Lt. R, R.N.. C.G. ™™ Zi .... Larkin, Thomas, Mate. Greenock. Morgan, T., R.C. Stork. rarser, wm., JH.JH. Lavington, Lt. Thos, R.N. MoKinstry, John, Magee. Morris, John, Anglesey. Parrott, R., C.G, Tenby (2) Lawrence, James, late Cox. McLanglan, Jas., Howth. Morris,Capt.J.R,B,N,C.G.« Parry, Lieut, R.N.* Selsey Life-boat. McLanghlin, William, Holy- Morris,R., Seaman,Holyhead. Parry, Henry, Anglesey. Lazotx, Lient. of the French bead. Morris, W.E, Port Madoc. Parry, R, M.M. Marine at Dieppe. McMillan, J, Cantyre. Morrison, Lt, B.N, C.G. Parsons, Lt. R, 36th Reg. Leask, Robert, Jun., Inland, near Stromness. McNamee, P., C.G., Don- man us. Morrison, Silvester, C.G., Sennen Cove. Parsons, Lt. Thos, R.N.,C.O.

Parsons, LtW., RJT..C.G. Lee, Charles, late Cox. McNaughten, Neil, C.G. j Morrison, W, Ballywalter. Partridge, Oapt. W. L.. R.N. Worthing Llfr-hoat. (2) McPhillips, P., Serg. R.I.C. Mortley, - ., C.G, Padstow. Pascoe, Peter, Porthleren, Lee. James, Holyhead. McQueen, Alex, Seaman. Mos«, J, Boatman, Walmer. Patton, David, Fortrush. Leese, Charles, Gunner, R.A. Maddick, H. Mudd, Wm, Harwich. Paul, Thos, C.G, Bude. 692 THE LIFE-BOAT. [1ST MAY, 1909. Payne, John, C.G. Rees, Daniel.* ! Rusgell. R.. J.P. Starke, J, C.G. Piynter, Oapt. Richard. Reeg. David, late Cox. •, Rntter, Edward, Coxswain Starr, L. G, M.M. Peake, James, H.M. Dock- yard, Devonport.* Peake, Admiral T. L. « Pearoe, Rich, Pensanos. Cardigan Life-boat. j Rees, Ivor.

Rees, T., Angle.

Ken. T. M, St. David's. Cadgwith Life-boat.

Rntter, J, Scarborough.

Ryle, John, B.I.C.

Rymer, Lt. D, B.N, C.G.* Steane, Lt J, R.N, Bye.' Steel, C, C.G.* Steele, John, Ayr.

Stephen*, A., C.G., Tramore. Pearee, Ja., Pilot, Porthoawl.

Pearse, T., Pilot, Porthcawl.

Peart, John, Moutro*. See*. W., Fisbguard. 1 Reeve. J Swansea i 8» 11«r. A., C.G, late Ast.

»«ve,J, Swansea. Oox. Hytbe Life-boat.

Began, D, C.G., Kllmore , Salmon, a, * rk»ton. Stephen*on, B, late Cox.

Bonbner Life-boat.

Stevens, Henry, Gunner R.A . Pedder, Lt. W, B.N, C.G. ttellly, P., Private, A.8.C. . g v frigtetove 1 W Stewart, Johu. Peebles, John, Irvine.

Peebles* T Irvine. Benowden. J. C.G, Dingle. ; s. U4t. j. p., K.N., Revell.Bdw, Seaman, Rams- c.G Stewart, W., C.G, Ardmore.

Stoke*, B., late Ocuwain Pelnon, 8/H, C.G.

Penney, Robert, Ranugate.

Penrosa, Wm., Polkerris. gate Steamer I'ulcan.

Rlach, Wm., Bnckie.

Rice, George, Coxswain Telgnmonth Life-boat. Sand*, B, M.M, Bahama*.

Sarony, 0, Scarborough.

8anvage,C, French Ftahlng- boat /BAbeHe of Poole Ufe-boat Stone, J, C.G, Bosuastle.

Stonham, Alfred.

Storr, John, Whltby. Pepper, J, C.G., Lynungton.

Perkins, Jas, C.G, Bade.

Perring, Fredk.. Polkerris. RlchardB, *., jM.M.

Richard*, Henry, Penianoe.

Richards, James, Peniance. Sawtell, Edwin!, 0.9.

Soanlan, Maurice, GO.

Knarlntt. R Ranrirh. Stout, B., late Oox. Long- hope Lite-boat. (2) Btracey - Clitherow, Lieut. Perrott, the late Sir Edward Richard*, T, M.M. v iM~'a '" , W. G., B.A. G. L., Ban. * Richardson, A MM Sohofleld, Wm Coxswain StragnsU, Lt, B.N. Perry, Frank, Weymouth. KionaroBon, A., AK. , of fj -to,, Life-boat, litchardson. W, Coleralne. ; o-i - j... T ovi.f tr« Strahan, H, Pilot Pestell, W.,late Cox. Palling n sct&naers, j., uniei nn- Rlckard, Thos.,Howth. ; giueer Gorleston Steam Strains, J, C.G. Llfe-boaU. (2) Pestle, Jamos, Jun. Ridge, Capt. U. A. K, B.N, Life-boat. Streader, W. T, H.M.

Customs, Sboreb&m. Petrle, Mr*. Ellen, Shetland.

Pettit, Jethro, late Oox.

Broadstairs Life-boat.

Pbtlltpe.J , Newcastle, irelnd.

Picard, Pierre. au'Q' t ni ».«f R f n, 3cott- M*i°T H""T. D°™r.

Ridge, J, Mate of B.C. Kit, ; g Q R St John N B Ridge, J., C. G, Cadgwith. 3 j.

Rlnuner, Tho*., Coxswain ggiiy . H c G (2) St. Anne's Life-boat. Serwant Lt J B ti C G Strong, F. F.M, R.N.

Strowger, G., late Cox. Kes- singland Life-boat. (2) Stuart, Lt. J, B.N, C.G. Pllcner, Stephen, late Cox. Rloon. B, C.G, OolU»u n. ) S Sft, 7. °e . Stoart, Lt. T, B.N, f!.«. (3) Tramore Life-boat Bitchi.,Alaxr..Sanda. SeweZ Ma£ J BeTfast. Stubbs, C, B. C. Tartar. Pillar, W, Gunner. R N.

Plncomb, T, Pilot, Exmonth.

Pitt, E, C.G, Atherfleld.

Plnmmer, John, A tat. Cos.

Calster Life-boat. Riven, T., C.G, Lydd.

Roberts, David, Col wyn Bay.

Robert*, John, Clogwyn.

Robert*, John, Oefn Coch.

Roberto, John, Caellun. Shanahan, Michael. Bere.

Shankey, B, C.G. (2) Shannon. P..C.G, Kllrnsh.

aiurrock, J. P., C.G.

QhftTO T t p B. w P n Stubbs, H, Athei field Stuggma, W, late Ast. Oox.

Telgnmonth Life-boat.

Sullivan, J, Newhaven.

SnlHvan, Wm. C. L. Pockley, R., uox. Klam- borough No. 1 Life-boat. Roberts, Lewis, Holyhead.

Roberts, 0, Pilot, Augiveey. oiuiw, jji, j,t A.n ., ij.u.

Shea, D, late Cox. Padstow Life-boat. (8) Snmner, R, Formby.* Snperville, — , M.M, Bor- Pomeroy, H, C.G. Roberta, R., Carnarvon. fihnja n C tl Pnv*l».awl deaux Popham, Henry.

Porter, William, Seaman. Boberti, B, Oox. Llanddnlas shieldo ', "»it," "late "COL Life-boat. : Redcar Life-boat Surry, W, B.C. Sylvia.

Sutcliffe, Thoa, Serg, R I.e. Potter, W.,.late Cox. Cahore Roberts, B., Cox. North Deal ; simmon*,A., Chief Engineer Sntcllffe, Trooper. 21st Hus- Life-boat.

Pounder, Tho*., Hartlepool. Life-boat. (I) ; New Brighton Steam Life- Robert*, Robert, late Cox. f B Sutl erland, D., C.G. [ear*.

Snttur. J.. M.M. Powell, John, M.M.

Pratt, Ja*., Lt. B.N, C.G.

Prattent, Lieut. John, R.N.* Pennon Life-boat. (2) Robert*, T, late Cox. Holy- head Life-boat. (2) Robertson, Lt J.H. M..B.N , SImpeon, Ja*, late Mate of) Snttcn, C, Port Talbot.

Bamsgate Harbour tug*. ' Swarbrick, W, M.M.

Simpnn, John. i Symme*, Lt, R.N., C.G.* Preston, G.G, Newton. C.G. Sim*, Lt. A, B.N. (2) Sy nge,theBev.A..BalbrlgKan. Preston, W. M, Beau marls.

00 Prewel, B, C.G, Kilrosh.

Price, Thos., Beanmarls.

Pride. C, C.G, Chrtatchurch.

Prlngle, T, late Cox. North Sunderland Life-boat. Booeruon, Lieut. R, R.N.* Robertson - Maodonald D, Roberteoa, Hector. [Admiral.

Robins. J. Gnnn, C.G.

Bobins, Edwin, Polkerri*.

Robin*. William, Polkerris. Sims, J., C.G, Dnngeneu.

Sinclair, B, Tbnreo.

Sinclair, D, late Cox. Irvine Life-boat. [mere.

Sinnott, B, C.G, Mullagb- Smallrldge, J.H, late Cox. Talt, Miss Grace, Shetland.

Talbot, C. R. M, Mf.

Taylor, A., late Cox. Culler- coata Life-boat.

Taylor, Bremner, Orkney Isles. Prior, George, C.G. Robinson, Lieut, R.N. Braunton Life-boat. (2) Taylor, J, C.G,Dnndrnm. Prior, Lt T. H., B.N., C.G. Robinson. J, Aberdeen. Smlth,F,Boatman,Lowesu ft.j Taylor, W,C.G. (3) Prosser, H, C.G. Robinson, T, Whltby. Smith, Hy, Pilot, Glonceeter. Taylor, William, Orktey Prowse, George, Exmontb.

Purdy, H, C.G, Tyrella.

Purvis, B., BridUngton.

Pnxley, H, Dnnboy.

Pym, LtB. E, B.N.,Whitby.« guadllng, B. E, C.G. (2)* (Jnayle. Capt. E. (3) Robson, James, Cox. North Sunderland Life-boat.

Rockllffe, W., late Cox.

Sontbport Life-boat.

Roderick, E, C.G.

Roderick, J. 8, Ardmore.

Bodgers, J, Royal Charter .• Boo, B, J.P, Lynmonth.

Boae,W,Boatman,Lowastoft. Smith, J, Pilot, Shields.

Smith, J, Thurso.

Smith, 0., M.M., Bldeford.

Smith, Peter, C.G, Lydd.

Smith, T, C.G, Balllna.

Smith, Wm, Bomb.rR.A.

Smith, W, Aldebnrgh.

Smyth, H, C.G, Kllmore. Isles.

Taylor, W. H.,New Bomney.

Tegg, T, M.M.

Teei, W, late Coxswain Plymouth Life-boat Terrett, T, Constable, Knot* .

Thomas, J, C.G, AtherfleM.

Thomas, Jas., Cox. Fisb- gaMtd Llfe-boftt..(n Qnlgley, W. T, C.u. Boss, R, C.G, Curracloe. Snell, Lt. G, R.N, C.G.* Thomas, J, G.G, Bockv. Quirke, G, Douglas. Roes, R, C.G, Dunmore. Somervllle. Lt. J, B.N, C.G. Thomas, R. J, late Cos. Rae, Wm, Whltbnrn. Roe*, Capt. Sir Thos, R.N.," Roeeiter, T, Wexfcrd. [C.G. (21* Sotheran, Sh«ph«rd, Cox. j New Brighton Life-boat.

Thompson, D, Thurso. Randall. Lt. H, B.N, C.G. Bothery, Lieut. J, B.N. Hartlepool Life-boats. - j Thompson, G, Annalong. (2)** Banule, J, Bristol.

Bawitone, Lt, B.N., C.G.

Bay, J, Boatman, Tenby.

Baye,Lleut. H. B, B.M..C.Q.

Bead, Lieut. J, B.N, C.G.

Reade, W. M., Tramore.

Beading, D, Bamsgate. Ronrke, Edw, Howth.

Bowe, W,, C.G, Dingle.

Bowe, W, Sollly.

Bowe, W, Seaman, Hetoton.

|Bow]and»,T, K.M.

Rowlands, W, late Cox.

Holyhead Life-boat. (3) Rowntree, T. W Cox Southey, Lt, K.N, O.u.

Spark, A, M.M.

Spindler, H., late Cox.

Thorpene** Life-boat.

Spragg*. J., Seaman, Hayllng Stable*, B, Holyhead.

Standing, Edward, [wold.

Stannard, P, M.M, South - Thompson, B, C.G. (3)* i Thompson, B., la'e Cox. : ' Snnderland Life-boat ; | Thompson, W, Apprentice. ; Thorp, L, Newcastle. .

Tlndall, 8, M.M, Scar- borough.

Tlndall, W., the late. Bedford, J, Cnllerooata. Hartlepool Lift-boat. Slap, B, C.G, Dnnbar. i Tinning, J. W, late Out , Bee*, A, Port Talbot. Ruddock, J, Boatman, Flley. Stark, Lt P, B.N, C.G. (2)* 1 Blyth No. 2 Lift-boat IST MAY, 1909.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 693 Todd, Wm.,late Cox. Gorles- Vondy, I.. Cox. Isle of Man Watts. Lieut. W. S.. BJ*.« Williams. Lieut. J. 0., E.N., ton Life-boat. Life-boat. (3) Waugh, E., C.G. C.G. (2) Took, Alfred, Sonthwold. Vyvyan, Rev. H..M.A. Webb, Edwin, C.G. Williams, Owen, late Cox. Toole, Capt. W., 40th Regt.

Toomey, J., Kingstown. William IV., His Most Webb, Wm., C.G., late Cox.

Padstow Life-boat. Cemlyn Life-boat.

Williams, Bey. O. Lloyd. (2) Torrens, Capt. John A. W. Gracious Majesty King.* Weblln, J., C.G., Tramore. Williams, William, Grocer, O'N., Royal Scots Greys.* Tose, Geo., late Cox. Runs- Waddy, Dr., Cnunhiowu.

Wade, M.M., Padsiow. Webster, J., late Cox. Mary- port Life-boat. Llanddulas.

Williams. William, Quarry- wick Life-boat [(2 Town, J., C.G., Folkestone. Wake, Baldwin Arden, Mid- shipman, R.N. Wedge, W., C.G., Salcombe.

Weekes, Wm. Wall, Seaman. iQftn, Llanddulos.

Williams, William, Seaman. Town, J., C.G.,Castlegregory .

Tradwea, B., Padstow.

Tregldgo, W.H., C.G. (S) Trent, J., Atherfield.

Tresillan, B.

Trevaskls, E., late Cox. of the Hayle Life-boat. («) Trowhella, H., late Coxswain Penzance Life-boat.

Trlphook, B., B.C. Hamil- ton. Wales, U., Broadstalrs.

Wales, J., Broadstairs.

Walker, Lieut., K.N.

Walker, J., Brigg.

Walker, W. Lewis, Beau- marts.(2) Wallace, J., M.M.

Wallace, William.

Wallace, Mrs. William.

Walsh, J., Dublin.

Walsh, Martin, M.M.* Weldrake, E., Spurn Point.

Welsh, M., M.M.

West, Wm., C.G.

Westbrook, Lt. E. B., R.N.

Wharrier, William, late Eng. Ramsgate Tugs. (3) Wheeler, C., Atberneld Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Wheeler, R., ditto.

Wheeler, W., Pilot.

White, Jas., late Cox. Fish- Williamson, Robert, Thnrso.

Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick.

Wilson, J.,Pllot, St. Audreys.

Wilson, John, M.M.

Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island.

Wilson, T., M.P.* Wilnoa.T., Pilot, Holylsland.

Wilson, W.,Pllot,Holy Island.

Wlshart, J., Wick, JT.B.

Wood, James, s.s. Mam. Trott, T., Boatman, Deal.

Tnckfleld, T., Bldeford.

Tudor, Capt.J.,R.N.,Wlcfc.(2) Tully, W., Pilot, Newcastle.

Tnrnbnll, R., Dun bar.

Turner, Lt. C., R.N.* Turner, Jas., C.G., Leys- down, Kent.

Turpln, J., C.G., Salcombe.

Tntt, E., C.G., Danmanns.

Tuvache. — ..French. M.M.

Tyrrell, Wm., Coxswain of Harwich Life-boat. Ward, Charles, Bowman Aldebnrgh Life-boat. (2) Ward, J., R.C. aytma,.

Ward, Admiral J. B., The late. (2)* Warder, l . T., C.G.

Warford, G.. late Cox.

Pakefield Life-boat. (J) Warn, W., sen., Atherfleld.

Warn, W.Jun., ditto.

Warren, Lt. C. D., B.N.

Wasey, Capt. E. F. M. K., B.N, C.G. (3) Waters, Wm., late Ast. Cox. guard Life-boat. (S) White, John, late Cox.

Howth Life-boat.

White, Joseph, Portland.

White, J. K., C.G. (2) Whltley, Ellas, Jersey.

Whyte, Mrs., Aberdonr.

Wlckham, E.,Cox.Wexford Life-boat.

Wickham, T., late Cox.

Wexford Ufe-Vmat.

Wilds, Robert, late Cox.

Deal Life-boat. (2) Wllkle, C., M.M. Wood, T. L., C.G. (» Woodgate, James, late Cox.

Dover Life-beat. (2) Woodhsm, Lt., R.N. , C.G.

Woods, E. W., Coxswain Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat.

Woodward, Geo., Stoker, Bamsgate Steamer Vulcan.

Wordly, S., Harwich.

Wright, John, Greenock.

Wright, J.

Wright, Robert, late Cox.

Fleetwood Life- boat. (2) Wyatt, G., Seaman, Harwich. Urell, J., C.G.

Usher, J., Bridllngton. Sonthwold Life-boat.

Watson, T. J., Ramsgate. Wilkinson, Geo., Fleetwood.

Willcox,- J., C.G., Lydd. Wylde, Lt. S., B.N., C.G.

WyriU. H., Scarboro'. Usher, John, Brldlington. Watt, A., Montrose. Williams, D. York, H.B.H. the Duke of, Watt, Alexander, Gardens- Williams, H., late Cox. the late (1824).* Van Houten, W., Rotter- town. Kingstown Life-boat. Yare, Blchd., Stoker, Bams- dam. (2) Watt, F..M.M., Portrush. Williams, Hugh, Penmaen. gate Steamer Fufcxin. Vartey, Thoe., Marsden. Watt, J., late Cox. Montrose Williams, Rev.J.,Holyhead.» Young, A., C.G., Bhoreham. Verion, Chas., Bamsgate. Life-boat. Williams, J., M.M. (2) Young, A. H., C.G., Blateh- Vicary, Lt. W., R.N., C.G., Watts, Charles, M.M. Williams, J., Swansea. ington. Atberneld.* Watts, William, M.M. Williams, J.M., Padstow. Young, Lt. T., B.N., C.G..