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The Decoration of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

LIST [OF PERSONS on whom the Committee of Management have conferred (prior to 31st December, 1908) the Decoration of the Institution for conspicuous and special services in the Life-boat cause other than actual personal life-saving.

Adshead, Mr. W. P. i Farran, Capt. J. Ball Lamb, Sir John Cameron, Ayre, Mr. Horatio H., J.P. French, Mr. Edward (the C.B., C.M.G.

(the late). late). -Lees, Mrs. H. L.

Bawden, Mr. Thomas.

Belk, Mr. AIfr.d.

Brown, Rev. John.

Bluett, Mr. E. J., J.P.

Burden, Mr. W. J.

Carr, Mr. David.

Carter, Miss Lncy(the late).

Connell, Mr. John. M.D.


Cornieh, Llent.-Col. T. H.

Oraoroft, Rev. R. W., B.A., J.P. (the late).

Crosble,Mr. Pierce (the late).

Dibdin, Mr. Charles, F.B O.S.

Dickie, Mr. James (the late).

Dyson, Mr. William.

Fair brother, Bev. J.

Gardner, Miss M. E. (the late).

Gibeou, Mr. Robert.

Gordon-Lennox, Lady Algernon, Granthim, Mr. C. F.

Hamilton, Miss Stella.

Hargood, Mr. H., D.L., J.P.

Harney, Mr. Patrick.

Heygate, Bev. Canon W. E., Hodgson, Capt. G. E.

Houlden, Mr. Gilbert.

Jenkins, Mr. John.

Johnson, Miss E. M.

Kerr, Mr. E. C.

Kerslake, Rev. E. K., B.A.

Muirhead, Mr. Alexander.

Murray, Mr. Patrick.

Murray, Mr. Peter.

Payne, Mr. William (the late).

Pearson, Mr. T. G. (the late).

Preston, Mr. William M., J.P.

Pomeroy, Mrs. J.

Propert, Mr. W. Peregrine, LL.D. (the late).

Ramsay, Mr. John.

Rooney, Mr. James.

Boskrnge, Mr.B.P.(thelate).

Sanderson, Mrs.

Sandford, Mr«.

Sitrons, Mr. B- njamin.

Sinclair, Mi. Robert.

Somerville, Miss Fanny.

Stephenson, Mr. John.

Stephen*™, Miss K. M. B.

Stoney, Miss Frances.

Tarras, Mr. Andrew.

Taylor, Mr. F. Oddln.

Tlllard. Rev. R. H., M.A.

(the late).

Titchmarsh, Mr. J. F.

Treanor, Bev. T. S., M.A.

Tresldder, Mr. W. Tolmle (tiie late).

Usborne, Capt., E.N.; Williamson, Mr. W. H.

(the late).

Winder, Mr.Thomas, J.P..