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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1908

Jan. 9.—Voted the Silver Medal to FREDK. CHARLES HICKS, who by swimming saved, at imminent risk of his own life, the Captain of the schooner Thomas W. Lawson, of Boston, who had been washed on to the Helwether rook after the vessel was wrecked at the Scilly Islands on the 13th December, 1907. The sum of 12Z. was also voted to the men who manned the shore-boat by means of which the rescue was effected.

Jan. 9.—Three men saved, at moderate risk to themselves, a man whose boat was capsized off Burton Port, in squally weather, on the 2nd December, 1907.—.Reward, II. 10s.

Jan. 9.—Three men saved, at considerable risk, two persons from the boat Eleanor Mary, which broke from her moorings in Lynmouth Harbour during a S.W. gale on the 6th December, 1907.—Reward, 21. 5s.

Seven other men assisted in the work of rescue, and they, together with a man who was hurt, were allowed II. 13s. Qd.

Jan. 9.—Two men saved a sailor belonging to a vessel in Skerries Harbour, who was adrift in a boat without any oars on the 28th December, 1907. There was a moderate E.S.E. gale with a rough sea at the time, and the salvors incurred moderate risk.— Reward, 11.

Jan. 17.—A man saved, at moderate risk to himself, one of two men from a boat belong- ing to a pilot cutter. The salvor was cruising off the Lizard when he saw the boat, which was swamped, with the two men clinging to her. Every effort was made to save the second man but without success.—Reward, II.

Jan. 27.—Eight men saved, at moderate risk to themselves, two of three men whose coble capsized off Flamborough in a sudden squall.—Reward, Ql.

Feb. 5.—Two men put off in a boat at Clacton-on-Sea to search for a man who was reported adrift in a boat. The boat could not be found.—Reward, li.

Feb. 11.—Ten men promptly put off in a boat and saved two men whose boat was cap- sized about four miles to the N. of Berwick- on-Tweed in heavy weather.—Reward, Hi. 5s.

One of the men, named ALEXANDER AITCHI- sour, at the risk of his own life, gallantly saved his comrade, and was awarded the Silver Medal and SI.

Feb. 13.—Five men saved, at great risk, the fishing boat Caledonia and her crew of three men on the 6th January. The Caledonia was dismasted and unmanageable in a whole westerly gale and heavy cross sea off Mont- rose.—Reward, 5i.

Feb. 19.—Four men promptly saved four men from a salmon yawl, which had capsized in Youghal Bay in a strong N.W. wind and rough sea.—Reward, 21.

Feb. 25.—Six men saved the fishing vessel Regalia, of Douglas, and her crew of five hands, which was disabled in a N.N.W. gale and rough sea off Douglas.—Reward, 31.

March 12.—Ten men saved six persons from the s.s. Mandalay, of Hull, wrecked owing to foggy weather to the south of Robin Hood's Bay on the 14th February.—Reward, 51.

April 2.—Four men put off in a boat from Ardrossan, and saved a man named A. Muir from Horse Island.—Reward, li.

In this case Muir had gone with two other men to their lobster pots, when a heavy sea swamped the boat and washed out one of the men. Muir at once dived after him, and con- veyed him to a rock. In the meantime the boat foundered; Muir thereupon proceeded to search for the other man but without avail.

He then returned to the rock, only to find that the man whom he had originally rescued had been washed away and drowned. He then made for Horse Island and made signals, and in response the four men went off and saved him. The Committee granted Muir 31. in recognition of his gallant attempts to save his companions.

May 2.—Nine men and seven men at Horn- sea and Withernsea respectively put off in cobles for the purpose of assisting the crew of a vessel supposed to be in distress off Aide- burgh, in calm but foggy weather, on the 2nd May. Three other men assisted in launching one of the boats.—Reward, 81. 6s.

May 14.—Four men saved five persons whose boat capsized and sunk, in a strong southerly breeze and rough heavy sea in Pentland Firth on the 16th March. The salvors were fishing in a similar sized boat and incurred considerable risk.—Reward, 4i.

May 31.—Five men landed the crew of five hands and subsequently stood by the fishing boat Star of the Sea, of Sligo. The vessel stranded on the rocks near Aranmore, and the men by going to her assistance lost their fishing.—Reward, li. 17s. 6d.

June 4.—Three men put off in a boat at Peterhead and saved one of the crew of the trawler Concord, which stranded on the rocks near the harbour in a strong N.W. breeze and heavy sea on the 27th August, 1907.—Reward, 11. 10s.

June 4.—Two men at Peterhead rescued two of the crew of the steam trawler Ben Ledi, of Aberdeen, wrecked off Peterhead in a moderate S.E. breeze but very heavy ground swell on the 1st May. The boat used was damaged to the extent of li., which was de- frayed by the Institution. The remainder of the crew were saved by rocket apparatus.— Reward, li. 10s. June 6.—Five Spittal fishermen promptly put off in a coble and rescued two men from the smack Rejoice, which had stranded on the rocks to the north of Berwick Harbour at about 4 a.m. There was a strong N.N.E. breeze, with a rough to heavy sea, and the salvors incurred moderate risk.—Reward, 51.

July 2.—Three men put off in a boat and, at slight risk to themselves, rescued a Nor- wegian sailor who was adrift in a boat without either anchor or thole-pins near Appledore.— Reward, 7s. &d.

July 9.—The crew of the steam drifter Vintage saved the crew of six hands of the fishing boat Speedwell, of Wick, off Buckie (Glnny) Harbour, on the 8th June. The Speedwell was being towed, with other boats, to the fishing, when her tow-rope broke and she drove on to the rocks. The master of the drifter with very commendable promptness proceeded to the spot, lowered his boat with four men in her, veered her down to the wreck and rescued the men.

There was a rough and choppy sea at the time, and the fishing boat had foundered within a very short time of striking the rock.

Voted a letter of thanks and 11. to the master of the drifter, 10s. each to the four men who manned the small boat, and 5s. each to the remainder of the crew, four in number.

July 9.—The crew, twenty-two in number, of the private Life-boat Henry Ramey Upcher, put off in a strong N.N.W. breeze and rough sea and landed eight men from four crab boats which were in danger off Sheringham on the night of the 5th June.—Reward, 111.

July 14.—Two men promptly put off in a boat and rescued a gentleman visitor who, in a strong S.W. wind and rough sea, had drifted in a small boat a long way to leeward off Clovelly.—Reward, 10s.

July 20.—A man promptly put off in a boat and at slight risk rescued one of two lads whose boat was capsized in a moderate W.S.W.

breeze and smooth sea off Port Charlotte, Islay. The other lad unfortunately perished before help reached him.—Reward, 10s.

Aug. 13.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed on vellum, and U. each, to JAMES E. MIRFIELD, WILLIAM STOREY, and WILLIAM STOBBY, junior, for gallantly saving the crew of three men of the coble Chance It, of Whitby, which was capsized in a very heavy ground sea off Whitby on the 15th July.

The salvors, observing the accident, pro- ceeded, at great risk to themselves, to the assistance of the men, and when effecting the rescue their coble became entangled in the nets belonging to the sunken boat.

Aug. 14.—Four men saved, at gome risk in a strong tideway, two persons whose boat had been capsized off Exmouth.—Reward, 21.10s.

Aug. 20.—A man promptly rescued two men whose boat was capsized off Exmouth in moderate weather. The salvor's boat was damaged and the cost of the repairs, amount- ing to 11., was defrayed by the Institution.— Reward, 10s.

Aug. 24.—Two men very promptly saved a man whose boat was drifting to sea near the Annat Bank off Montrose, in moderate weather.—Reward, 10s.

Sept. 4.—A man saved three persons whose boat was capsized and sunk in a strong N.N.W. breeze and moderate sea, off Pwllbeli.—Reward, 5,«.

Sept. 8.—Seven men promptly put off in a boat and rescued two lads from a rock on which their boat had been damaged in a strong northerly gale and rough sea ofi Green- castle.—Reward, 21. 12s. 6d. 5s. was also allowed to defray the cost of replacing an oar which was broken.

Sept. 10.—Voted 21. to the Master and 10s. to each of the crew of the tug Imperial, of Lowestoft, for taking the tug on to the edge of the Newcome Sands and saving three boys adrift in a boat, in a strong W.S.W. breeze and very heavy sea, on the 27th August.

Sept. 10.—The Coxswain of the Angle Life- boat promptly saved four men whose small boat was capsized between Milford and Angle, in fine weather, on the ith August. — Be- ward, 10s.

Sept. 10.—Three men saved, at considerable risk, a visitor who in a small boat was drifting towards the Newcome Ridge, off Lowestoft, in a strong northerly wind and tide, on the 13th August.—Reward, 81.

Sept. 26.—Two men saved, at slight risk to themselves, three of four persons from a small boat belonging to the brigantine David Bees, of Dublin, in Dingle Harbour. The four men were laying out a stream anchor when the boat was damaged and sank, and one of the men was unfortunately drowned before help could reach them.—Reward, 15s.

Oct. 1.—Five shore-boats were sent out to search for a missing boat containing two per- sons at Port Erin. No trace of the boat could be found, and her occupants were not heard of.—Reward, 6t. 10s.

Oct. 8.—Two men put off in two boats and saved three persons from a coble which struck the East Scar rocks off Redcar and was stove in, in a strong westerly wind and choppy sea, on the 7th September.—Reward, 10s.

Oct. 17.—Two men saved, at moderate risk, two men, whose boat had become unmanage- able and was driven dangerously near to the South Pier, Penzance, in a strong S.S.E.

breeze and rough sea. The accident was caused through one of the oars breaking.— Reward, 11.

Nov. 12.—Voted an aneroid barometer, mounted on a shield and bearing a suitable inscription, to Captain OWEN PRYDIE, Captain HARRY CASE, Mr. EVAN JENKINS, and Mr. CHARLES RUSSELL, for displaying conspicuous bravery on the occasion of the wreck of the barque Amazon, on the Margam Sands, Port Talbot, during a W.S.W. hurricane on the 1st September. Six men went into the heavy surf up to their necks among a great deal of wreckage, and rescued six men who had jumped over- board from the wreck.—Reward, 12L Nov. 12.—Voted the Silver Medal to Mr. PATRICK MONAN, a binocular glass bearing an inscription to Mr. JOHN MCCAUSLAND, and the sum of 2Z. each to three other men; the award in each instance being accompanied by a vote of thanks inscribed on vellum and framed, for their gallant services in saving, at great risk to themselves, the crew of eleven hands of the barque Trientalis, of Gothenburg, wrecked in a S.E. gale and very heavy sea, at Bally- quinton Point, co. Down, on the night of the 26th September.

Nov. 12.—Voted a binocular glass with an inscription to Captain J. SCOTT, of the tug Marsden, 21. each to the Mate and two pilots, and 10s. each to seven other men on board for their prompt and meritorious services in rescuing the crew of twenty-four hands of the e.s. Abasoto, of Bilbao, wrecked on the Whitestone Bock, near Sunderland, in thick weather, a S.E. gale and heavy sea, on the 19th October.

Nov. 12.—Eleven men saved, at moderate risk, the crew of thirteen hands of the steam trawler Leipzig, of Bremen, wrecked on the Fame Islands, in moderate weather, on the 18th September.—Reward, 2Z. 15s.

Nov. 12.—Three men promptly put off in two boats and saved two persons whose boat was capsized by a sudden squall near North Shields, on the 17th September.—Reward, 15s.

Nov. 12.—Pour men saved five persons whose boat was stove in on some piles and sunk at the eastern entrance of the Admiralty Harbour at Dover, in fine weather at 11 P.M., on the 3rd October.—Reward, 42.

Nov. 12.—A man promptly saved another man whose boat was capsized and was on the point of sinking, in a strong S.W. breeze and moderate sea, off Yarmouth, on the 14th August.—Reward, 10s.

Nov. 19.—Two men saved two fellow-fisher- men whose boat, the Catherine, capsized in a stormy N.N.W. wind and high sea off Clovelly. —Reward, II. Ws.

Nov. 24. — The Margate Life-boat crew launched the skiff Moss Rose and searched for a man missing from a boat belonging to the s.s. T. W. Stuart, which capsized in a S.W. moderate gale and choppy sea, off Mar- gate.—Reward, 10L 15s.

Nov. 24.—Ten men put off in the private surf-boat at Arbroath, and at moderate risk saved the fishing-boat Hesperus and her crew of five hands, in a S.W. gale and rough sea. The fishing-boat had been driven on to the rocks near the harbour.—Reward, 51.

Nov. 24.—Five men put off in a boat to assist the schooner Flower of Portsoy, in very had weather off Holyhead, on the 22nd and 23rd November. On tho first occasion the weather was so unusually severe that they were unable to reach the vessel. Next morn- ing the weather moderated a little, and they again went off, when the master of the vessel declined any assistance.—Reward, 31.10s.

Dec. 10.—Granted an additional 11. 5s. to three men in connection with a shore-boat rescue off Lowestoft on the 27th November, 1907.

Dec. 10.—The crew of the Caister No. 1, after assembling for service during a strong S. gale and heavy sea, found it was unneces- sary to launch the Life-boat, as the vessel —the barge Ernest Piper, of London—drove up on to the shore. They therefore got into communication with the vessel and paved the crew of three men by means of lines.