General Index
Balance Sheet . . . .
Box Collections . . . .
Branch Contributions . .
Committee of Management . .
Decoration of Institution . .
General Contributions . . .
Income and Expenditure Account Legacies and Legacy Forms . 719, Life-Belt, Description of . .
611 " Life-boat Saturday " Officers . 730 626 I " Life-boat Sunday " Collections . 721 723 ! Life-boats, Descriptions of . . 694 722 1 Life-boats and Donors thereof . 628 618 Life-boat-Carriages.Descriptionof 701 693 Life-boat Services . . .683 704 Life-boat Station, Description of . 694 620 ' Life-boat Stations, Establishment 720; of new 638 684 Medals, Gold and Silver . . 688 Notice to Boatmen . . Objects and Work . . I Officers of the Institution . I Resolutions at Annual Meeting I Rewards for Saving Life . ( Shore-boat Services . . ( Special Gifts and Bequests, appro priation of (1908) .
Special Life-boat Funds Trust Funds and Capital Accounts 6.