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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

DURING the past year the difficulties— at all times serious—encountered by those endeavouring by personal effort to raise money for, and increase public interest in, deserving charities and in- stitutions have been in evidence in a greater degree than usual. The general unrest which has prevailed in political affairs, bad trade producing unemploy- ment and consequent distress, the lack of confidence which has been prevalent —these and other reasons have largely contributed to the troubles and anxiety of the benevolent and of the zealous philanthropist. The workers for the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITU- TION, whether engaged in strengthening the financial position of the Branches or in strenuous efforts to popularize the Life-boat Saturday Fund with the " working classes," experienced, one and all, decidedly trying times in the year 1908. A new year has now been entered upon, and it has brought fresh hopes — perhaps fresh fears —but certainly an earnest desire to make up for the deficiencies of the past and to crown future efforts with success.

It must be borne in mind that a good result is rarely obtained without steady work backed by sincere enthusiasm and singleness of purpose; and we would, by every means in our power, encourage all those working for the cause, whether they be Life-boat Saturday friends or others, to go zealously on " conquering and to conquer," undismayed by dis- appointment, cheered by success, however small, and determined whatever may come, whether comparative failure or otherwise, to secure from the British Public such sustained support as may enable the Committee of Management to maintain in the highest state of efficiency the great life-saving service of the ROYAL $NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTI- TUTION..