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The S.S. Louisiana

At 5.45 on the morning of the 2nd June the Coastguard at Blyth received informa- tion, by telephone that a steamer was ashore on the rocky beach at Seaton Sluice, about four miles to the south of Blyth Harbour. The message was at once passed on to the Coxswain of the Life-boat Dash, who, after consulting the Honorary Secretary, decided to launch the boat. The sea was moderate with a light easterly wind, but it was very thick. The Life-boat proceeded to the vessel under oars until about half way, when a tug picked her up and they proceeded together. On reaching the vessel, the s.s. Louisiana, of Copen- hagen, bound from Christiania to the Tyne for coal, the Captain stated that he did not wish to leave his vessel, but asked the Coxswain to stand by her and render assistance in sa,ving her.

Kedges were accordingly run out, and ropes conveyed to tugs. At 4.15, with the help of five tugs, the steamer was refloated and the services of the Life- boat not being required any more she returned to Blyth..