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— Soon after 1 P.M. on the 27th June, the Coxswain of the Life-boat was called, and in- formed by telephone that a fishing smack was aground on the Cross Ridge.

The sea was rough and a strong N.E.

breeze was blowing, he therefore decided to launch the No. 1 Life-boat, Marie Lane.

A tug being close at hand was engaged to tow the Life-boat to the vessel, which proved to be the smack Shamrock, of Lowestof t. The master at once engaged the Life-boatmen to salve his vessel, as her position was dangerous in con- sequence of the heavy ground swell and her close proximity to an old wreck.

Anchors were laid out, and by the aid of these and the tug the smack was towed clear and taken into harbour in a leaking condition. There were five men on board at the time of the accident..