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Patriotic Life-Boat Song

THE ocean lies in peaceful sleep, Its waters murmuring low, The tumult of the waves is gone, And Boreas presses slow.

The sky now frowns and grim the arch That spans the watery way, The sea full rises in revolt And joins in angry fray.

(Chorus.)—Three cheers for our Life-boat, Cheers for our Life-boat crew : Proud sons of Old England.

Theirs but to die, or do.

Crowning champions of glory, Conq'ring heroes true— True to their motto, "Ours to die, or do." Erebus, the black king, reigns, And dark night has set in, The hissing, foaming waters roar, Their angry voices din.

Amid the crashing thunder and The burning lightning's flash, A Life-boat fights the tempest seas, And blinding furies crash. (Chorus.) MTJLVY OUSELEY, LL.D..