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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

THE Life-boat Saturday workers through- out the country, after reviewing the year's campaign thus far conducted, may well congratulate themselves on the very satisfactory results they have secured.

Taking all things into consideration, and " all said and done," as the saying is, the summer's work has been crowned with much, and even unexpected, suc- cess. The work has been hard, like many of the hearts of those appealed to ; but notwithstanding, the coppers— which go to make silver and then gold —have been gathered in in quite sur- prising numbers, having regard to the " bad times " and the " selfish times " we are passing through. The object has been good, and the workers and col- lectors have been enthusiastic and zealous. They fully deserve the thanks of the public—they have the gratitude of the Life-boat Institution—-for their energy and self-denying efforts. We would cordially commend the great cause to those who have as yet neither considered nor aided it. Everybody | can do something, and give even a little ] help. If ever there was a work deserv-ing the support and favour of the whole ! population of Great Britain and Ire- | land, it is that of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE - BOAT INSTITUTION. Could any philanthropic organisation have a nobler aim 1 And what is it 1 To save life from shipwreck on our coasts. The aim and the object, however, may be and are all that can be desired ; but unless the necessary means is found to give effect to them, they must necessarily be practically ; useless. To find the money for this pur- pose is the one end in view, both of the ; Institution's branches and the Life-boat '• Saturday Fund and we would urge all : to give a helping hand, and, if nothing ! better, at all events ail encouraging and approving word to those kind friends who in so disinterested a way devote ; their time and attention to the work.