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A telephone message was received at Margate, about 4.30 on the morning of the 6th August, stating that a barge was in distress off Herne Bay, and steps were at once taken to launch the No. 1 Life-boat Eliza Harriet. Whilst this was being done a further message stated that the barge had sunk. It appeared that in a severe N.N.E. gate the loarge Caleb, oi 'Rochester, \aden.

with granite, got into difficulties and then sank at her moorings, swamped by the heavy seas which broke over her. There were three men on board, who took to the rigging. With all haste the Life- boat made for Herne Bay, and happily the men were able to hold on until she arrived. On near ing the wreck the Life-boat was anchored and veered down, after several attempts the grapnel was successfully made fast in the rigging, and the work of rescue commenced. Owing to the heavy sea running and the shallowness of the water over the vessel's deck, there was considerable risk of the Life-boat being damaged on the wreck. Whilst getting the first man on board a heavy sea struck the boat, throwing her against the rigging, both the Life-boat and the man being injured, but the Life-boatmen suc- ceeded in getting the man into the boat.

With great difficulty the other two men were also rescued. When the Life-boat was clear of the wreckage it was found the rudder had been broken and rendered useless; it was therefore secured and the Life-boat, by means of an oar, was steered to Whitstable, where the rescued men were landed and taken charge of by the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society.

As the boat was disabled the crew returned to Margate by train, and proceeded to Whitstable again to fetch her when the repairs had been carried out..