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The S.S. Bencroy

An excep- tionally severe gale was experienced on all coasts of the United Kingdom on the 22nd February, and about 12.40 P.M.

the steam Life-boat Duke of Northumber- land was called out to the assistance of the s.s. Bencroy, of Liverpool. The wind was blowing W.S.W., and owing to the heavy seas outside the harbour the steamer was not under control.

Before help could reach her the vessel let go her anchors, but they did not hold, and when the Life-boat reached her she was actually on the breakwater.

Prompt help was given, two Life-boat- men being placed on board and ropes run to another steamer. By this means the vessel was towed clear and taken to a safe anchorage.

Very shortly after the Life-boat had returned she was again called out to the s.s. Harold,oi Liverpool, and succeeded in rescuing her crew of nine hands. (For full particulars of this service see August LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, page 542.).