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Mary Brocklebank

At 10.30 P.M.

on the 7th January the Coxswain of the Life-boat Christopher Brown received information by telephone from the light- keeper at Trwyn Dhu Lighthouse, that a vessel in close proximity to the Dutch- man Bank was making signals. The crew of the Life-boat were summonec and the boat launched. On reaching the vessel, she proved to be the schooner Maggie BrocMebank, of Barrow. She was anchored in a dangerous position on the edge of the bank where she would ground at low water and very much exposed to the northerly wind should it freshen (which subsequently happened eventually blowing a whole gale). The master asked for assistance to remove his vessel to a safer anchorage and four Life-boatmen were placed on board. She was then taken up to Fryar's roads, the Life-boat accompany- ing her until in safety. The schooner was bound at the time from South- ampton to Birkenhead with a cargo of steel rails..