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At 4.45 P.M. on the 22nd February, the barometer having suddenly dropped to 28 • 2, with a full gale of wind from west, the schooner Barbara, which was lying in Scrabster Roads, made signals of dis- tress. The crew of the Life-boat Co- operator No. 3 were summoned, and at 5.20 P.M., the wind having increased to hurricane force, the boat was launched and proceeded to the Barbara. Having taken off the four men on board she proceeded to the schooner Smethurst, whose crew were also taken into the Life-boat. When this was safely accom- plished, an attempt was made to return to Scrabster Harbour, but in the prevail- ing gale it was not possible. The boat therefore made for Thurso River Harbour, where they landed safely at 6.30 P.M..