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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


Otnxrtc.—Bust at His Majesty KING EDWARD VII. Double Legend : " Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Founded In 1824. Incorporated 1860. King Edward VII. Patron." Reverse.—Figure of Hope assisting Coxswain-Superintendent of Life-boat to buckle on his life-belt, and wishing him and his crew " God speed." Life-boat manned in distance ready to launch, and awaiting the Instructions of the Coxswain-Superintendent. " G. W. de Saulles." The colour of the ribbon (which Is corded silk) attached to the medal IB bine.

The foil : wing Is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS which have been voted by the Committee of Management of the Institution since Its establishment on the 4th March, 1824 to the 31st Dec., 1807, to persons whose humane and Intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on our Coasts, etc., have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cues will be found recorded In detail hi the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals and Clasps granted by the Institution Is 1,347, of which 100 were in Gold, and 1,247 In Silver.

Abie.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal or Clasp. The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.—C.G.—Coast Guard. R.C.— Revenue Cruiser. M.M.—Master Mariner.

Abbot, Sidney, Clovelly.

Abbott, John, C.G.

Acraman, J., Fishgnard.

Adair, R., late Coxiwaln Bally waiter Life-boat.

Adair, W., C.G.

Adam, J., C.G. (2) Adams, Thomas.

Agar, J.. C.G., Morris Castle.

Agnes, Samuel, Wivenhoe.

Ahem, John, C. G., KUmore.

Alkln, J., C.G., Cushendall.

Alexander, W., late Cox.

Thorpenesa Life-boat.

Allan, Jas, Holy Island.

Allen, Luke Jas., M.M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Ed ward, late Coxswain Falling Life-boat Anderson, George, Seaman.

Anderson, John G., C.G.

Annls, M., C.G. (3) Anthony, Owen, M.M., Holyhead.

Armstrong, J., late Cox. of Hanxley Life-boat.

Armstrong, R., Newbiggin.

Armstrong, W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W, Newbiggin.

Arnold, W. H., C.G., Sandown.

Askln, J., Ballywalter.

Atkins, T., C.G., Wainfleet.

A osten.Wm., Seaman, Ramsgate Steamer Fulcan.

Autrldge, Lieut., R.N., Doonbeg.

Avlsse, M. J. N., M.M., Boulogne.

Bacon, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, James.

Bailey, Jan., Boatman, Deal.

BaUlie, Lieut. Henry, R.N.

Batllie, Lieut. H., R.N.

Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries.

Bake, Lieut., R.N., C.G.

Baker, Lt. G. S., R.N., C.G.

Baker, Lt.W. H., R.N., C.G.

Baker, T., C.G., Brooke.

Ball, D. Graham, M.M.

Ball, £., Angle.

Banyard, John, C.G.

Barken, Henry, M.M.

Barnard, A., C.Q. (2) Barnes, George, Christchnrch.

Barrett, J., C.G. Carnsore.

(2) Barrett, W., C.G.

Barrett, W., Jan.

Barren, R. N.

Barry, Lt G., R.N., Kinsale.

Bartholomew, R. J.

Bate, Samuel, late Asst.

Cox. Padstow Life-boat.

Bate, Thomas, late Cox.

Bnde Life-boat.

Bates, Thos., C.G.

Batlst, J., C.G., Dymchurch.

Beatson, G. B. M., C.G. (2) Beanclerk, The late Lord Chas.

Beck, Robert, late Cox. of Point of Ayr Life-boat.

Beddoe, D, Fishgnard.

Bedwell, Wm., M.M.

Begg, M.M.

Betsey, Hy., Ramsgate.

Benett, Capt. C. C., R.N.* Berriman, James, M.M.

Berry, David, Ramsgate.

Bevan, John, M.M.

Bickerstaffe, R., late Cox.

Blackpool Life-boat. (2) Billett, B., C.G., late Cox. Bnrney, R., C.G., Banff.

Lydd Life-boat. Burton, William, Ramsgate.

Bingham, Wm. Bnry- Ld.Visconnt, P.C..M.P.

Bishop, Geo., Polkerris. Butcher, James, Lowestoft Bishop, S., C.G., Caister. i Butcher, Kich., Lowestoft.

Bishop, Thos., late As . Cox. i Byrne, Lawrence, C.G.- Palling Life-boat Byrne, Private R. Irish Regt Black, A., C.G., Strangford. i Blackmore, Wm., C.G., Canterbury, His Grace The Penzance. (2) j Archbishop of (Dr. Man- Blackwood, Rev. J. O'Reilly, • ners Sutton).* Bally waiter, (i) Cable, James, Coxswain Blair.Lt. Horatio, R.N..C.Q. ! Aldeburgh Life-boat. (3) Blampied, C., Jersey. ' Cahlll, D. F. L., M.D.

Blance, John, Shetland. Cain, Wm.

Blissendon, William M..C.G. Calhiway.W., Seaman, Lyme.

Blois, Capt. J. H., R.N.* Callow, Wm., late Cox. of Blythe, Miss Ellen.

Bolitho, Simon, C.G., Bnde.

Bongourd,H.,Pilot, Guernsey.

Bonner, G., C.G., Collieston.

Bouchard, John, St. Martin's.

Bowen, Lieut. C. H., BJSf.* Boyd, Henry, C.G.

Boyd, John, Portrnsh.

Boyd, Mrs.

Boyle, Marcus, late Cox.

Wexford Life-boat (2) Boyle,Lient. Hon. R.F., R.N.

Bradford, John, Exmonth.

Bradford, Uriah, Exmouth.

Bradley, Wm., Sonthend.

Brice,W., C.G., Greencastle.

Bridle, W., M.M., Lyme.

Brims, John, late Cox.

Thnrso Life-boat. (2) Brine, Thos., Douglas.

Brinksmead, W., M.M.

Brittain, Lieut G. S., R.N., C.G. (2)« Britton, Henry ,Cox. Waltonon- Naze Life-boat i Britton, J., Master of the American Ship Rochester* Britton, Wm., late Cox.

Harwich Life-boat Broad, W., Falmonth.* Brooks, A., C.G., Dnngeness.

Brown, Christopher, Bridlington.

Brown, Fredk., Brldlington.

Brown, Henry, Newbiggin.

Brown, James, Dnnbar.

Brown, John, late Cox. Newbiggin Life-boat (2) Brown, Solomon, Caister.

Brown, Thos., late Cox.

Cresswell Life-boat (2).

Browne, Capt. P. R. M. (2)* Brune, Miss B. M. Prideanx.

Brnne, Miss E. F. Prideaux.

Brune, Miss G. R. Prideaux.

Brnne, Miss M. K. Prideanx.

Brunton, Lt. J., R.N. (2)* Castletown Life-boat.(2) Campbell, James, Leestone.

Campbell, Miss J., Drogheda.

Campbell, Angus, Cutter Primal Royal. [C.O.

Cameron, Capt. 0. S., R.N., Candlish, J., late Cox.

Lytham Life-boat.

Cannell. T.,late Cox. Isle of Man Life-boat.

Cannon, John, late Cox. of Hasborough Life-boat.

Carberry, Patrick, Wexford.

Carbis, Thos., late Cox. of the Penzance Life-boat (2) Carey, H., Shrove Head.

Carr,C.S.,Gunner R.C. Sylvia.

Carr, Henry, H.M. Customs, Wexford.

Carr,John. C.G.. Dnnmanns.

Carr, Samuel, C.G.

Carrington, J., Steam-tug Liverpool, Harwich.

Carrington, Lieut. R.N.

Carrington, W. H. [Regt.

Carroll, Private, Royal Irish Carter, Fredk., Weymbnth.

Carter, J..C.G.

Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland.

Castel, G., Broadstaira.

Caulfleid, Geo., Howth.

Cay, Capt. R. B., R.N., C.G.

Chaddock, J., C.G.

Chaplin, M.M.

Chapman, Thomas, the late, F.R.S., V.P.* Chappell, T., Bideford.

Chappell, Capt W., Bideford.

Chard, J., Boatman, Thorpe.

Chesnntt, George, C.G.

Cheyne, William, Orkney Isles.

Chittenden, E., Broadstalrs.

Christian, Thomas A.

Clark, George, Seaman.

Clark, T., Bridlington.

Clarke, Lieut. Joseph, R.N." Colby, Nathaniel, late Cox. Davison,W.,late CoxJSunder- Pakefleld Life-boat. i land Life-boat.

Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhoe. j Dawson, T., Hartlepool.

Collard, S., Pilot, Deal.

Collins, James, C.G., late Cox. Rye Life-boat.

Collins, J., Master of the American ship Rotctut.* Colllson, R., M.M.

Collopy, J., C.G.,Porthcawl.

Combe, Lt M., R.N., C.G.

Coneys, Anthony, Clifden.

Connick, J., Dnndalk.

Cook, Stephen.

Cooper, Hugh, C.G.

Day, Chr., Middlesbrough.

Day, Thomas, Bideford.

Deane, Henry, C.G.

Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne.

Dempsey, Daniel.

Dempsey, D., junr.

Dempsey, Alex.

Dent, J., Newbiggin.

Desmond, John, Limerick.

De St. Croix, F., Jersey.* De St. Croix, J., Jersey.* De St. Croix, P., Jersey.* Cooper, T, Sen., Ramsgate. | Deverenx, M., Rosslare. (3) Cooper, T., Jnn., Ramsgate. ' Dillon, Jas., C.G., Arklow.

Coppin, Lt F., R.N.. C.G.

Corbert, W., late Cox. Ardmore Life-boat Corbet, P., Pilot Guernsey.

Corbett, W., Douglas.

Cork, W., C.G.,Fort George.

Cortbill, W., late Cox. Padstow Life-boat. (2) Cornish, Lt. J., R.N., Bovls.

Costello, M., Rosslare.

Cotton, D., Brlxton, I.W.

Cotton, James, ditto. Cox. of Life-boat. [Life-boat (2) Cotton, W., Cox. Atterfleld Coul, Alexander, Montroee.

Conl, Charles, Montrose.

Cowln, J., Kamsey.

Cox, Lt. H., R.N., C.Q. (2)* Cox, Surgeon H. L., A.M.D.

Cox, Joseph, late Cox. of the Appledore Life-boat (3) Cox, J., jnn., late Coxswain Appledore Life-boat (2) Cox, W., C.G., Kllmore.

Craggs, J., C. G., Devonport.

Cragie, J., late Cox. Southwold Life-boat (3) Crawford, Wm.

Cronen, Dennis, Ballycotton.

Cropper, Peter, Cox. of Liverpool Life-boat.

| Crosby, Nicholas, Dnndalk.

Crosswell, T., C.G.

Crouch, J., Broadstairs.

Crouch, R., Broadstalrs.

Crowden, J., C.G, Muchals.

Cubitt, W., Bacton. (2) Cubitt, W. jun., Bacton.* Cnlmer, C.G., Leigh.

Cumisky, W. J.

Cummins, J., late Cox.

Arklow Life-boat.

Cunningham, J.

; Cnrnow, Paul, late Cox.

i St. Ives Life-boat. (2) Curteis, W., C.G.

1 Cnrtis, Steph , Cbristchnich Dlnneen, J., C.U. 6.8.

Albatrois, of London.

Dobson, T., late Cox. Donna Nook Life-boat Dodd, Thomas, Cox. Hoylake Life-boat.

Donkln, A., Cullercoats. (2.) Donovan, Dennis, C.6. (2) Donovan, J., C.G.

Dooley, Lt D., R.N., C.G.

Douglas, Alexander, C.G.

Douglas, J., Harrington.

Dower, Capt. A., Dnngarvan.

Downing, Nicholas B.

Drayson, D., C.G.

Duffy, M., Mullaghmore.

Duncan, David, late Cox.

Montrose Life-boat.

Dunmore, The Earl of.

Dunn, William, M.M.

Durban, John, Walmer.

Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe.

Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe.

Dyer, Lt H. McNeill, R.N.

Dyer, John, Stratum.

Earle, Lt K. C., R.N., Rye.* Eastaway,B-,C.G.

Eastaway, T.

Eddy, R. Pilot, Plymouth. (3) Edington, Chas., C.G.

Edwards, D., Montrose.

Ellis, Henry, C.G., Bnde.

Elphlnstone, Geo., Dnndalk.

Else, Lieut, R.N., Fowey.* Elton, Lt W. H., R.N., C.G.

Elwin, Lt, R.N., Lymington.

Elyard, Lt CoL J. (2)* Erridge, E., Boatman, Deal Essell, Lt. Wm.F.,R.N.,C.G.* Evans, D., C.G., hite Cox.

Poolbeg Life-boat.

i Evans, Henry, Carnarvon.

' Evans, Capt Thomas.

i Evans, J., Flshgnard.

Evans, Lieut Thomas, R.N.

i Evans, T., sen.. New Brighton a"* ftjtn Buck, W. C., R.N., C.G. ; Clarkson. T., Coxswain of ; EJT_. ' inn. New Briih Bnckett J., late Cox. Brigh- ! the Lytham Life-boat : Dabine, Lient, RJ*., C.G. _ ' "' ' - 5»* stone Grange Life-boat. Claybum, T , late Cox. Scar- ; Dand, M. H. (2) ; ' '' i .' Sudd. James. C.G. boro' Life-boat. (21 ; Daniels, Sergt. T. ! w Vi TBW. wi«» v-tk Bnlkeley, J. B., late Cox. of Clayson, S., Assietant Cox. Dark, William, M.M. fL l' i?J C RN OQ Teignmonth Life-boat. Margate Life-boats. Darling, Wm., Light-house ! . ..KJ... j».

Bnlley.Lt. J.,R.N.,C.G.(4)** Clayton, Lt. R.N., C.G. keeper. Fern Island. Fairbairn, W., Cox. Dunbar Bnmby, J..C.G., Clovelly. Cleave, R., Wivenhoe. Darling, Grace, his daughter. Life-boat Bunt, John, C.G. Clements, F. G., Eccles. Darragh, H., C.G. Faimar, David, Hayling.

Bunt, John, Portishead. Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey. Davies, kite Vice- Adm. G. Farrin, G., H.M.S. Ajax.

Burden, W. J., Teignmouth. ' Cobb, Rev. C., M.A., Dym- (4)« ; Fell, Robert, late Cox. of Burnard, T., Bideford. (1) , church.* Davies, Capt. Thomas, R.N.

Bnrne, J., C.G., Penzance. ! Cockrom, W., H.M.S. Eagle. Davies.George, late Cox.Hoy- Ramsey Life-boat.

FeUowes,Capt T.H.B..R.N., Bnrne, John, Sen., Shields. Cofiey,P.,Tramoie.Waterford : lake Life-boat. ! Fernie, Peter, Buckie. [C.G.

Festing, Lieut, B.N. Gin, N. Francois, Boulogne. Haynes, J., Coxswain of Festtng, Colonel Sir F.-W., C.B., K.C.M.G.. R.M.A.

Fiddler,Dauiel,Orkney Idee.

F'eld, Lieut. Wm. Geo, R.N.

Gleeson, R. F., Fethard.

Glover, J., Harwich.

Goldrlng, W., M.M., Hayling, [wold.

Field, W.,Milford Haven. Goldsmith, E. W., South- F inlay, G, C.G, Lambay. i Goldsmith, John, Ramsgate.

Fialay, William. Montnwe. Goldsmith, Rd., late Aast.

Port Isaac Life-boat.

Hayter, John, late Cox.

Brooke Life-boat. (4) Headon, Richard, late Cox.

Clovelly Life-boat.

Heal, J., Atherfleld.

Hughes, Hugh, Cox. Rhoscolyn Life-boat.

Hughes, John, late Cox.

Bull Bay Life-boat Hughes, John, Liverpool.

Hughes, R, late Cox.

Moelfre Life-boat.

Heard, Rich., C.A Hngbee, T, Pilot. Holyhead.

Fish. Chaa. E., late Cox. : Cox. Ramsgate Life-bout. Heath, Joshua, late Cox. Hughes, W.

Ramsgate Life-boat. (3)" Goldsmith, Stn., Ramsgate. Polkerris Life-boat.

Fish, John, Southwold, Gordon, John, late Cox. Heavy, P., Constable, Knock.

Fisher, A. E, Ramsgate. Tyrella Life-boat. Hein, J. F., M.M.

Fisher, S., Horseferry-rd. ;Go8s,CaptT.R.N,C.G.(2)* Henin, P., Boulogne-snr-Mer.

Fisher, Mrs., North Feroe. Gongh, J., Watertord. ; Hennessey, J., C.G.

Fitzjames, Jas, R.N. Gould, Lt.Wm.,R.N., C.G. j Henneesy, Lawrence, late Fltzpatrlck, J., C.G. Qourlay, James G., St.! Cox. Hythe Life-boat.

Flann, Wm., Portland. Andrews.

Fleming, George, Gorleston. ; Graham, G., Lt. R.K., C.G.

Fletcher, T., C.G., Roselare. Graham, Capt Philip, R.N.* Flett, Jas., Pittenweem. j Granby, Charles, M.M.

Flory, J., Portishead. Grandy, B.C. Harpy.

Flynn, P., C.G., Kilrnsh. G randy, Lieut S, R.N. (2)* Fogg, James, Fleetwood. ; Grant, W., late Cox. of Foley, J., Port Talbot the Margate Life-boat. (2) Foley, Thos. , M.M. Graves, J.. M.M.. Carlisle.

Foley, Winspeare, Bally- j Gray, A., C.W., Fort George.

castle. Gray, D., C.G., KUmore.

Forbes, A., Petethead. Gray, Geo., Bridllngton.

Foreman, W., late Cox. Gray, J.,M.M.,Peterhead.

Broadstalrs Life-boat ! Gray, E. W. D., Dublin.

Formby, Joseph, late Cox.

Formby Life-boat.

Forward, T. R., Commander K.C. SiMa.* Foster, J., C.G., Aldeburgh.

Found, W., Padstow.

Powell, John, Seaman.

Fowler, James, M.M.

Fox, John, late Cox. Fleetwood Life-boat.

Foy, Thomas, Rossglaas.

Prankish, T. H., Bridlington.

Franklin, Lt. E., R.N., C.G.

Franklin, J. H., Seaton Carew. (2) Franklin, M , Seaton Carew.

Franklyn, Lieut G.. R.N.

Freeman, H., late Cox.

Whitby Life-boat. (2) Freeman, James, Helstcn.

Freeman, John, Seaman.

Freemantle,Capt.C.W.,R.N.* Freeney, John, KUliney.

French, Charles, C.G.

Gregory, J., C.G, St. Andrew's.

Grey, George, Hartlepool.

Srler, John, Ciacton.

Griffith, Divid, Beaumaris..

Griffith, Robert, Anglesey.

Griffiths, B., MJI, Portmadoc.

Griffiths, G., Pilot, late Cox.

Llanddwyn Life-boat.

Griffiths, T., C.G, Mnlbay.

Grigson, G., sen., Ciacton.

Groat, William,0rkney Isles.

Gruer, Wm, C.G.

Guy, Philip, Bideford.

Henry, Lieut, R.N., C.G [(.2) Henslow, Lt, K.N..C.G.

Henwood, T, C.G, Fowey.

Herbert, The Hon. Anberon.

Herrington, B, late Cox.

Sonthwold Life-boat. (2) Hick, M, Scarborough.

Hicks, Barnard, Stilly.

Hicks, D., late Cox. St.

David's Life-boat.

Hicks, Geo, C.G, Tyrella.

Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. [(2) Higgs, S, jun.. the late.

Higgans, W,late Second Cox.

Penzance Life-boat.

Highland, Owen, Anglesey.

Hildebrand, H. (2) Hill, J., late Cox. Newcastle, Dnndnun, Life-boat.

Hill, Jas., Cox. Porthonstock Life-boat.

Hill, W.

Hillary, Sir A. Wm, Bart.

Hillary, Sir Wm, Bt (4)**** Hills, W, late Coxswain of the Padstow Life-boat (2) Hipplewhite, T,M.M.

Hodds, Wm., late Cox.

Winterton Life-boat (2) ! Hodge, Robert, Clovelly.

Hall, G. E, Lowestoft.

Halse, R., C.G.

Hamilton, B, Coxswain of the Black Rock Life-boat.

Hamilton. Geo., C.G.

Hamilton, H. A. (3)* Hamono, A, M.M.

Banning, N, C.Q., Dingle.

Friend, Thos., Ramsgate. Hannagan, Michael, Cox. of Fulton, Robert, B.N. j Yonghal Life-boat.

Furlong, A., Fishguard. Hansell, P. S., Broadstalrs.

1 Hansford, John, Weymouth.

George the Fourth, His Most Harrington, Dennis, Bere.

Gracious Majesty King.* Harrington, Jas., BridUng- Hodgson, J, Sonderland.

Hoed, F. P., M.M.* Hogben. J, late Coxswain of Ramsgate Life-boat.

Hogg, William, C.G.

Holborn, 8, Broadstairs.

Holland, Lt. John, R.N..C.G.

Holman,LientT, R.N..C.G.

Holmes, Lanoe-Corpl., Rifle Brigade.

Hood, Hy, late Cox. Seaton Carew Life-boat (2) Humphreys, D, Liverpool.

Hnrle, Edwin, Ramsgate.

Hurry, Stephen.

Huss, T, H.M.S. Rmer.

Hutchinson, H, C.G.

Hntchlnson, Henry.

Hutchison, Lt, Kingstown.

Hutchison, Lieut. W, R.N.* Hyde, James, Scilly.

Hynds, John, Dnndalk.

Hynes, B, C.G., Galway lies. The late Mr. John.

Inkster, Peter, M.M.

James, Lieut. Horatio, R.N.* James, Lieut. Wm, R.N * Jamleson, Edward, Orkney Isles.

Jamieson, James.

Japp, Robert, Montrose.

Jarman, Isaac, late Coxswain of Ramsgate Life-boat. (2) Jeffers, Rich, C.G, Dingle.

Jefferson, P., late Cox. .Newbiggin Life-boat (2) Jellard, John, M.M.* Jenkins, J., late Cox.

Swansea Life-boat Jenkins,L, Pilot,Port Talbot.

Jenkins, W, Fishguard.

Jennings, Wm,Harwich.

Jennings, W, C.G, Looe.

Jesse, Commander R, R JJ.

Jinks, R, C.G, Cardigan.

Joachhn, Capt, R.N. (4) Jobson,Lt.C, R.N,C.G.(2)** John, W, Breaksea.

Johns, Rich,Mevagissey.

Johns, Rich, Seaman, Fowey.

Johns, R. 0, late Cox. Tramore Life-boat. (3) Johns, W,M.M. [late.* Johnson, Adi. W. W. P, the Johnson, Wm, Yarmouth.

Johnston, B, M.M.

Jones, CaptC. GrayJLN, the late. (2) Jones, C.G, Wicklow.

Hood, Bobt., late Cox. Seaton '• Jones, C.G, Swords.

Carew iffe-boat 1 Jones, D., Cox. Ferryside Galbralth, Mts. K, Whitney. ton Quay. Hood, W., late Cox. Seaton Life-boat.

Gale, W., Barking. Harrington, T., C.G. Carew Life-boat ] Jones, E., M.M.

Gallagher, P. Harris, F..C.G.. Seafleld. Hook, R., late Cox. of Lowes- ; Jones, E., late Cox. of Holy.

Garrett, R, (the late) Cox- Harris, 8., Cox. Gorleston ] toft Life-boat. (2) swain of Ramsey Life- Life-boats. (2) Hooke, Wm., late Cox.

boat. [R.N. Harrison, Jacob, Shields. Blakeney Life-boat.

Hartside-Tlpptng, Lt. H. T., George, Philip, late Cox.

Hatch, N. G. Hopkins, John, late Cox.

Hawkins, John, Ramsgate. 1 Portrnsh Life-boat.

CalsterLife-boat(2) [wood. Hayden, F., Sandown. Horsford, Miss Josephine.

Gerrard, R., Pilot, Fleet- Haylett, James, Senr., late : Horsford, Miss Maria.

Gilbert, James, late Cox. Asst. Cox. Caister Life. Honghton, H., Hartlepool.

head Life-boat. (2) Jones, George, Boatman.

Jones, Henry, Penzance.

Jones, John, Merllyn.

Jones, J, Pilot, Porthcawl.

Jones, Owen, Anglesey.

Jones, Lt B.. R.N, C.G. (S)** Jones, R., late As'. Cox.

Tynemonth Life-boat. (2) boats.* Howard, F., Pte., 67th Beg. Holyhead Life-boat Giles, W.M.M., Padstow. 1 Haylett, J., Junr., (the Gllleepie, Andrew, Gunner. late) Cox. Caister Life- Gilmer, Wm., Dundalk. boats. (2) Gilsou,LtT.A.,BJf..C.G.

Gimar, M. E., Master of the French brig Le Norman.

Haylett, John, Cox. Caister Life-boats.

Haylett, Walter, Caister.

Howe, B,C.G, Ballygerig. Jones, Thos, Holyhead.

HowelLJ, Port Talbot (Jones, T, M.M, Port Howorth, Capt Wm, R.N. Talbot.

Hubbard, SamL, Eccles. Jones, T, M.M, Cardiff.

Hughes, E, Sen, Cwmerran. 1 Joy, George.* Hughes, G, Pilot, Guernsey. ' Juniper, Wm, Mnndealcy.

Kavanagh, P., law Cox. I Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich.

Arklow Life-boat Kavanagh, P., late Cox.

Carnsore Life-boat. (2) Keane, Kichd., C.G., Helen's Bay.

Kearon, Capt. Edw., Arklow .

Kelland, Wm. R., Trinity Pilot, Dartmouth.

Kellyf C., Howth.

Kelly, Llent. E., E.N.

Lewis, Thos., Dnndalk.

Lewis, W., Harwich. (2) Lewis, W., Aberystwith.

Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey.

LUFen, Thomas, Lowestoft.

Likely, Henry, Limerick.

Llnaker, Hiram, New Brighton.

Lindsay, Llent. A. J., R.A.

Lindsay, Lieut. Jas., R.N.* Kelly, Geo. Edwd. LIngard, Lieut. J_ RJf., Kelly, J., Jute Cox. Appledore j j tja yi p., c.G. [Whitby.» H-L! l)e ™ Llewellyn, David, C.G.

KendaU,W. CS. Llewellyn, Mrs. Margaret, Kennedy, Lt. A., B.N..C.G., Ballyheige. (2) Kennedy, E., C.G.

Kennedy, H., Belfast.


Kennedy, Master J., Belfast.

Kent, Frank, C.G., Sandwich.

Kerley, T., C.G., Penzanee.

Kerr, E. 0., Ramsey.

Kerrnish John G G.

Kldd, D., Fisherman, Dundee.

Klnch, H., Newcastle.

King, Lt. S., R.N., Southend.

King, T., Harwich.

Kisbee, Com. Thos., H.N.

Knight,Charle8, Mate, Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan.

Knight, J. T., C.G.

Kyle, Geo., Cox. Holy Island Life-boat.

Kyle, Matthew, late Cox.

Holy Island Life-boat. (2) Lake, A., C.G., Wick.

Lambert, John, Harwich.

Lambeth, BenJ., Harwich.

Laming, James, Cox, Kingsdowne, Life-boat.

Landells, Thos., Mllford.

Lane, Lt., R.N., C.G., Dartmonth.

Langan, Michael, First Officer of Steamer Princeu Alexandra.

Langlands, Thos., Cox. of Whltby Life-boats.

Langton, Lieut. T. W., RJS.

La Prlmandaye, Clement, Commander E.N. [R.A.

Large, J., Master Gunner, Larkin, Thomas, Mate.

Lavington, Lt. Thos., R Jl.

Lawrence, James, late Cox.

Selsey Life-boat.

Lazoix, Lieut, of the French Marine at Dieppe.

Leask, Robert, Jan., Ireland, near StromnesB.


Llewellyn, Mrs.Martha, ditto.

Lloyd, 0., C.G., Lnlworth.

Lloyd, Lt. S., H.N., C.G.* Long, J. H., Yonghal.

Lose, John, C.G).. Swanage.

Lonchet, L. P. A. B., Anthle.

Longhor, Reefl, Monknash.

Love, Private H., «3rd Reg.

Lovell, Patrick, Belmnllett.

Lucas. Jas., C.G., late Cox.

Lydd Life-boat.

Lndlow, I., Master of the American ship MonmouUi.* Lnsk, A., Raeberry.

Lyons, Lieut. Wm., R.N. (2) Macallster, Robt., Wick.

Macdonald, George, C.G.

Mackay, James.

Mackell, Patrick, C.G.

Mackintosh, Alex.,M.M.

MacMahon, Capt. H. M. M., East Clare Militia.

Macnamara,LtT.,R.N.,C.G.» McAllister, Wm., Portrush.

MoArule, Thomas, Dondalk.

McBay, Jas., Johnshaven.

McCarthy, J., C.G.

McCarthy, Jas., C.G.

McCombie, T., Steamer Tearaght: (2)* MoCullooh, K., ?. 0 . (2) McDonald, Win., Irvine.

McGenle, G.

McGladery, Lt. J., R.N., C.G.

McKemie, J., C.G., Galway.

McKlnnon, J., M.M., Greenock.

McKinstry, John, Magee.

McLauglan, Jas., Howth.

McMillan, J., Kantyre.

McNamee, P., C.G., Dunmanns.

McNanghten, Nell, C.G.

McPhlllips. P.,Serg. R.I.C.

McQueen, Alex., Seaman.

Maddick. H.

Lee, Charles, late Cox. Manby, Capt. Q. W.* Worthing Life-boat, (a) Leeee, Charles, Gunner, R.A.

Legerton, Robert, late Cox.

Clacton Life-boat. (S) Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Bath.

Leggett, Edw., Gnnner.

Leigh, LfcT., R.N.. C.G. (3)** Leslie, J, M.M., Stonehaven, N.B.

Manifold, W., late As .

Cox. Arklow Life-boat.

Mann, Llent, R.N., O.G.

Mann, W., Ast. Coxswain Aldebnrgh Life-boat.

Mariole, J. B., French Pilot.

Mark, Wm., C.G., Dingle.

Markwell, George, late Cox.

Holy Island Life-boat.

Lett, Lt. 8. J., B.N., C.G.* Mar8h c»pt. D., RJS., C.G.* LevettN,late Coxswain of Marshall, Capt. J., Bideford.

the St. iTee Life-boat. Mtr.h.11, John, Jan., Ute Lewis, E.,Seaman,BarmontB. AstCox.Seaham Life-boat.

Lewis, G, C.G, Newport, j Martin, Chas., C.G., St. Ives, Martin, Wm., late Cox. of New Brighton Life-boat.

Mason, J., C.G., Elie.

Matthews, Edwin, late Cox.

Lizard Life-boats.

Matthews. Lt. R. B., R.N.* May, A. C., H JU.8. Rover.

May, W. R..C.G., BoscasUe.

Meader, H., Ramegate.

Mearns, B., Jan., M.M., Montrose.

Mearns, Wm., lat* Cox.

Montrose No. I Lift-boat.

Mearns, Wm. Jnn., late Cox.

Montrose No. 2 Life-boat.

Metcalfe. Jas., Hartlepool.

Metherell, Lt. R. B., R.N., Mewse, A., Lowestoft. [C.G.* Mlddleton, John, Deal.

Mllbnra, John, Shields.

Mllbnra, Wm., Laxey.

Mffler, J., C.G., Devonport.

Miller, W., Ranugate.

Mllllgan, G., late Cox.

Yarmouth Life-boat.

Mills, C., C.G., Clifden.

Mtotcr, 0., Boatman, Deal.

Mirebonse, Major R. W.

Mitchel. J., Pilot, Guernsey.

Mitchell, C.. Port Isaac. Vi Mitchell, William E., Cox.

Lizard Life-boat.

Mitchell, Edwin, Assistant Cox. Ltiard Life-boat.

MitUn, Philip, Wexford.

Moar, Mrs., Borra Ness.

Monger, Thomas, late Cox.

Tenby Life-boat.

Moody, Samuel, skegness.

Moody, Samuel, late Cox.

Skegnen Life-boat. (2) Moore, Alex., C.O.

Moore, Gnnner Jas., Coast Brigade, Royal Artillery.

Moreno, J., Master of the Austrian Barque Sea.

Morgan, John, C.G, Thurso.

Morgan, John, Pilot, Cardiff.

Morgan, Lt R., R.N., C.G.

Morgan, T., R.C. Stark.

Morris, John, Anglesey.

Morrto,C«pt.J.R.,R.N.,C.G.« Morris,R., Seaman,Holyhead.

Morris, W.E., Port Madoo.

Morrison, Lt., R.N., C.Q.

Morrison, Silvester. C.G., Sennen Cove.

Morrison, W., Ballytralter.

Mortley, C.G., Padstow.

Moss, J., Boatman, Walmer.

Mndd, Wm., Harwich.

Mulligan, James, SUgo.

Murdoch, Peter, Glendrishaig, Ayrshire.

Murphy, Adam, late Cox.

TyreUa Life-boat Murphy, James, O.G., St.

Ivea, Ovnwall. (2) Murphy, M., C.G., late Cox.

New Somner Life-boat Mtim av A P n 1FM A uurray, A.., u.u., Julie.

Narbett, W., Acting Cox.

St. David's LUe-hoat.

Nelson, W., B.N..C.G.

Nepean. C»pt St. Vincent, M.V.O., R.N.

Newnham, Lt.N.,R.N.,C.G.

Nichol J., Montrose.

Nicholas, Matt, late Cox.

Sennen Cove Life-boat Nicbolls, M., Clacton. (2) Nicholson, M., Knock.

XIool, Francis, Battle, Gardenstown.

Nicol, Francis, Gardenstown.

Nicol, James, Gardenstown.

Nicolle, Philip, Jersey.

Nlles, Wm., late Cox.

Cardigan Life-boat.

Norcoek, Capt. G. L., R.N., C.G.

Norris, BenJ., Boatman, Deal.

Norris, James.

Norris, Martin.

Norsworthy, W., C.G., the late. (2) Nott, Capt. E. B., R.N. (2) 0 Neil, Patrick, Scilly.

O'Shaughnessy, Miss Nora.

(XSnllivan, M., Bere.

O'Snlllvan, D, C.G.

Oliver, A., late Cox.

Hanxley Life-boat.

Orr, Robt, Irvine, N.B.

Osborne, Robt., Clacton. (2) Owen, Richard, Anglesey.

Owen, Richard, Aset. Cox.

Moelfre Life-boat Owen, Thomas, Cox. Moelfre Life-boat.

Owen, Capt. Wm., Rolyhead.

Owen, William, M.M.* • Owen, William, Pilot.

Owston, John, Cox. Scarborough Life- boat Page, A., late Master Ramsgate Tugs. (3) Palmer, G., M.P. (2)** Palmer, Thos.H., Sonthwold.

Parker, Edwin, C.G.

Parker, J.

Parker, Wm, MJJ.

Parrott, R., C.G.,Tenby (2) Party, Lieut, R.N.« Parry, Hemy, Anglesey.

Parry, R..M.M.

Parsons, Lt. R., S6th Reg.

Parsons, Lt. Thos., B.N..C.G.

Parsons, Lt. W, BJf ., C.G.

Partridge, Capt W. L.. R.N.

Pascoe, Peter, Porthleven.

Fatten, David, Portrush, Paul, Thos., C.G., Bnde.

Payne, John, C.G.

Paynter, Capt Richard.

Peake, James, H.M. Dockyard, Davonport* Peake, Admiral T. L. * Pearoe, Rich., Peniance.

Pearee, Jas., Pilot ForthcawL Pearse, T., Pilot, PorthcawL Peart, John, Montroee.

Peddw, Lt. W., RJJ., C.G.

Peebles, John, Irvine.

Peebles,.!., Irvine.

Peirson, S. H., C.G.

Penney, Robert, Ramagate.

Prarcse, William, Polkerrls.

Pepper, J., C.G., Lymington.

Perkins, Jas., C.G., Bnde.

Pembroke. Cornwall. Newsom, W., Harwich. 1 Perrlng, Fredk., Folkenb.

Perrott, the late Sir Edward G. L., Bart. * Perry, Frank, Weymouth.

Pestell, W.,late Cox. Palling Life-boats. (2) Pestle, James, Junior.

Petrle,Mrs. Ellen, Shetland.

Pettit, Jethro, late Ooz.

Broadstairs Life-boat.

Phillips, J., Newcastle,lrelnd.

Picard M. Pierre.

Pllcher, Stephen, late Cox.

Tramore Life-boat.

Pillar, W., Gunner. E.N.

Pinoomb, T., Pilot, Exmonth .

Pitt, E., C.Q., Atherfield.

Plnmmer, John, Caister.

Pockley, E., Cox. Flamborough No. 1 Life-boat.

Pomeroy, H., 0.8.

Popharo, Henry.

Porter, William, Seaman.

Potter, W.,.lato Cox. Cahore Life- boat.

Pounder, Thos., Hartlepool.

Powell, John, 11 .M.

Pratt, Jas., Lt. R.N., C.G.

Prattent Llent. John, R.N.* Preston, C.Q., Newton, [(a) Preston. W. 1C.. BeanmarU.

PreweL R., C.G., Kllrush.

Price, Thos., Beanmarls.

Pride, C., C.G.. Chrlstchnrch.

Pringle, T., late Cox. North Snnderland Life-boat.

Prior, George, C.G.

Prior, Lt T. a, R.N., C.G.

Prosser, H., C.G.

Prowse, George, Exmonth.

Pnrdy, H., C.G., Tyrella.

Purvis, R., Brldltngton.

Pnxley, H., Esq., Dunboy.

Pym, LtR. E. B.N,Whltby • (jnadlmg, B. E., C.G. (2)* Qnayle, Capt. E. (2) Qnigley,W.T.,C.».

Qnirke, G.. Douglas.

Rae, Wm., Whitbnrn. [(2)« Randall, Lt. H., R.N., C.G.

Bundle, J., Bristol.

Bawstone. Lt, R.N., C.O.

Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby.

Raye, Llent H. R, R. M.

Read, Llentr. J., R.N., C.O.

Reade.W. H., Tramore.

Beading, D., Bamsgate.

Bedford, J., Cullercoato.

Reee, A., Port Taibot Rees, Daniel.4 Reee, David, late Cox.

Cardigan Life-boat.

Bees, Ivor.

Bees, T., Angle.

Reee, T. M., St David's.

Bees, W., Ftahgnard.

Reeve, J., Swansea, Regan, D., C.G., Kllmora.

Reffly, P., Private, A.8.C.

Renowden, J., C.G., Dingle.

Bevell,Edw., Seaman, Ramsgate Steamer Vulocm.

Riach, Wm., Buckle.

Rice, George, Coxswiin Teignmonth Life-boat.

Richards, E., M.M.

Richards, Henry, Penaanoe.

Richards, James, Pensance.

Richards, T., M.M.

Richardson, A., M.H.

Rlohardson, W., Coleralne.

Rlokard, Thos.,Howth.

Ridge, Capt. G. A. E., R.N.

Ridge, J., Mate of B.C. Site.

Ridge, J., C. G., Cadgwith.

Rimmer, Thos., Coxswain St Anne's Life-boat.

Rloch, B, C.G, Oollieston.

Ritchie, Al«xr., Sanaa.

Riven, T., C.G., Lydd.

Roberts, David, Colwyn Bay.

Roberta, John, Clogwyn.

Roberts, John, Oefn Coch.

Roberts, John, Caellun.

Roberts, 0., Pilot, Anglesey.

Roberta, R., Carnarvon.

Roberts, R., Cox. Llanddnlas Life-boat.

Roberts, R., Cox. North Deal Life-boat. (S) Roberto, Robert, late Cox.

Penmon Lift-boat. (2) Roberts, T., late Cox. Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Robertson, Lt J. H. M., R.N.

Robertson, Llent. R., R.N.* Robertson -Maodonald. D., Robertson, Hector. [Admiral.

Robins, J. Gnnn, C.G.

Robins, Edwin, Polkerris.

Robins, William, Polkerrls.

Robinson, Llent., R.N.

Robinson, J., Aberdeen.

Robinson, T., Whltby.

RockoUffe, W., late Cox.

Sonthport Life-boat Roderick, IS., C.G.

Roderick, J. 8., Ardmore.

Bodgere, J., Royal Charter.* Roe, R., J.P., Lynmonth. * Bose,W.,Boatman,Lowestoft Ross, B., C.G., Curracloe.

Ross, R., C.G., Dnmnore.

Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., B.N.,* Rosslter, T., Wexford. [C.G.

Rothery, Llent. J., R.N.

Ronrke, Edw., Howth.

Rowe, W., C.G., Dingle.

Howe, W., Scllly.

Rowe, W., Seaman, Helston.

Rowlands, T., M.M.

Rowlands, W., late Cox.

Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Rowntree, T. W., Cox.

Hartlepool Life-boat.

Ruddock, J., Boatman, FUey.

Russell. R.. J.P.

Ratter, Edward, "Coxswain Cadgwith Life-boat.

Batter, J., Scarborough.

Ryle, John, R.I.C.

Rymer, Lt. D., R.N., C.G.* Sadler, A., C.G., late Ast Cox. Hytbe Life-boat.

Salmon, C., Gorleston.

Sailer, F., Brlxton, I.W.

Sanderson, Llent. J. P., E.N.

Sands, B., M.M., Bahamas.

Sarony, 0., Scarborough.

Sauvage, M. C., French Ftah- Ing-boatlsooeBs.

SawteU, Edwin, 0.9.

Bosnian, Maurice, O.G.

Scarlett, R., Harwich.

Schofleld, Wm., Coxswain of Clacton Life-boat.

Sclanders, J., Chief Engineer Qorleston Steam Life-boat.

Scott, Major Henry, Dover.

Scott, G. R., St. John, N.B.

Scott, J.

Belly, W. H, C.G. (2) Sergeant, Lt. J., B.N., C.G.

Sewell, Lt. H. F., R.N., C.G.' Sewell. Master John, Belfast.

Hh mah«t»_ Michael, Bere.

Shankey, R., C.G. (2) Shannon, P., C.G., Kilrush.

Sharrock, J. P., C.G.

Shaw, Lt C., B.N., C.S.

Shea, D., late Cox. Padstow Life-boat (3) Shea, D., C.G., Porthcawl.

Shieldon, Root., late Cox.

Redcar Life-boat.

Simmon*, A., Chief Engineer New Brighton Steam Lifeboat Simpson, Jas., late Mate of Ranugate Harbour togs.

Simpson, John.

Sims, Lt. And., R.N. (2) Sims, J. C.Q., Dungeneas.

Sinclair, B., Thnrso.

Sinclair, D., late .Cox. Irvine Life-boat. [more.

Slnnott, B., C.G., Mnllagh- Smallridge, J.H., late Cox.

Brannton Life-boat (2) 8mith,F Boatman,Lowestoft.

Smith, Hy., Pilot, Gloncester.

Smith, J., Pilot, Shields.

Smith, J, Thurso.

Smith, 0., M.M., Bldeford.

Smith, Peter, C.G., Lydd.

Smith, T., C.G., Ballina.

Smith, Wm., Bomb., R.A.

Smith, W., Aldebnrgh.

Smyth, H., C.G., Eilmore.

Snell, Lt G., R.N., C.G.* SomervUle. Lt. J.. R.N., C.G.

Sotheran, Shepherd, Cox.

Hartlepool Life-boats.

Soothey Lt.,R.N.,C.O. [(2)* Spark, A., M.M.

Splndler, H., late Cox.

Thorpeness Life-boat.

Spraggs, J., Seaman, Hayllng.

Stables, R., Holyhead.

Standing, Edward. [wold.

Stannard, F., M.M., Sonth- Stap, B., C.O., Dunbar.

Stark, Lt P., R.N., C.G. (2)* Starke, J., C.G.

Starr, L. G., M.M.

Steane, Lt J., R.N., Rye.* Steel, C., C.Q.» Steele, John, Ayr.

Stephens, A., C.G., Tramore.

Stephenson, B., late Cox.

Boulmer Life-boat Stevens, Henry, Gunner R_A.

Stewart, John.

Stewart, W., C.G., Ardmore.

Stokes, R., late Coxswain of Poole Life-boat 3ton«, J., C.G., Bosoaatle.

Stonham, Alfred.

Storr, John, Whltby.

Stout, B., late Oox. Longhope Lite-boat. (2) Stracey - Clltherow, Lieut W. 0., B.N.

Stragnall, Lt, BJf .

Strahan, H., Pilot Strains, J., C.O.

Streader, W. T.. H.M.

Customs, Shoreham.

Strong, Fran. F.M., R.N.

Strowger, G., late Cox. Kessingland Life-boat (2) Stuart, Lt. J., B.N., C.G.

Stuart, Lt T., R.N., C.G. (2) Stnbbs, C., R. C. Tartar.

Stnbbs, H., Athei field.

Slugging, W., late Ast. Cox.

Telgnmouth Life-boat.

Sullivan, J., Newhaven.

Sullivan, Wm. C. L.

Stunner, B., Formby.* Snperville, M., Bordeaux Snrry, W., R.C. Sylvia Sntcliffe, Thos., Serg., B I.C.

Sntcliffe, Trooper. 21st Hns- Sntberland, D., C.O. [sars.

Sutler, J., M.M.

Button, C., Port Taibot.

Swarbrick, W., M.M.

Symmes, Lt, BJI., C.G.* Synge,theRev.A.,Balbrlggan.

Talt, Miss Grace, Shetland.

Taibot, C. R. M., M.P.

Taylor, A., late Cox. Cullercoats Life-boat.

Taylor, Bremner, Orkney Isles.

Taylor, J., C.G., Dundrnm.

Taylor, W.,C.G.(3) Taylor, William, Orkney Isles.

Taylor, W. H.,New Bomney.

Teel, W., late Coxswain Plymouth Life-boat Tegg, T., M.M.

Terrett,T., Constable, Knock.

Thomas, J., C.8., Atherfield.

Thomas, Jas., Cox. Fishguard Life-boats., (2) Thomas, J., C.G., Reckon.

Thomas, B. J., late Cox.

New Brighton Life-boat.

Thompson, D., Thnrso.

Thompson, G.. Annalong.

Thompson, R., C.G. (3)* Thompson, R., late Cox.

Snnderland Life-boat.

Thompson, W., Apprentice.

Thorp, L., Newcastle.

Tlndall, S., Scarborough.

Tindall, W., the late.

Tinning, J. W., late Cox.

Blyth No. 2 Life-boat.

Todd, Wm.,late Cox. Gorleston Life-boat.

Took, Alfred, Sontbwold.

Toole, Capt W., 40th Regt.

Toomey, J.( Kingstown.

Torrens, Capt John A. W.

O'N., Royal Scots Greys.* Tose, Geo., late Cox. Bunswick Life-boat [(2) Town, J., C.Q., Folkestone.

Town, J., C.G.,Castlegregory.

Tradwen, R., Padstow.

Tregldgo, W.H.. C.G. (3) Trent, J., Atherneld.

TreellUn, B.

Trevaskis, B., late Cox. of the Hayle Life-boat. (2) Trewhella, H., late Coxswain Penzanoe Life-boat.

Triphook, B, R.C. aanO- (on.

Trott, T., Boatman, Deal.

Tnckneld, T., Bideford.

Tudor,Capt.J.,R.N.,Wick.(2) Tully, W., Pilot, Newcastle.

Tnmboll, R., Dnnbar.

Tnrner, Lt. C., R.N.* Turner, Jag., C.G., Leysdown, Kent.

Tnrpin, J., C.8., Salcombe.

Tntt, E., C.G., Dunmanus.

Tnvache. M., French M.M.

Tyrrell, Wm., Coxswain of Harwich Life-boat.

UreU, J, C.G.

Usher, J., Brldlington.

Usher, John, Bridlington.

Tan Houten, W., Rotterdam.

(2) Varley, Thos., Marsden.

Terion, Chas., Ramsgate.

Vlcary, Lt. W., R.N., C.G., Atherfield.* Vondy, I.. Cox. Isle of Man Life-boat. (31 Tyvyan, Rev. H., M.A.

William IT., His Most Gracious Majesty King.* Waddy, Dr., Chnrchtown.

Wade, M.M., Padstow.

Wake, Baldwin Arden, Mid.

! B.Af .S* ForcttcTf Wales, G., Broadstalrs.

Wales, J., Broadstalrs.

Walker, Lieut., R.N.

Walker, J., Brlgg.

Walker, W. Lewis, Beaumarls.

(2) Wallace, J., M.M.

Wallace, William.

Wallace, Mrs. William.

Walsh, J., Dublin.

Walsh, Martin, M.M.* Ward, Charles, Bowman Aldeburgh Life-boat. (2) Ward, J., R.C. Sylvia.

Ward, Admiral J. R., The late. (2)* Warder, D. T., C.G.

Warford, G., late Cox.

Pakefleld Life-boat. (2) Warn, W., sen., Atherfleld.

Warn, W.Jun., ditto.

Warren, Lt. C. D., H JT.

Wasey, Capt. E. F. N. K., R.N, C.G. (3) Waters, Wm.,late Ast.'Cox.

Southwold Life-boat.

Watson, T. J., Ramsgate.

Watt, A., Montroae.

Watt, Alexander, Gardenstown.

Watt, Capt. F., Portmsh.

Watt, J., late Cox. Montrose Life-boat.

Watts, Charles, M.M.

Watts, William, M.M.

Watts, Lieut. W. S.. R JT.» Waugh, E., C.G.

Webb, Edwin, C.G.

Webb, Wm.. C.G., late Cox.

Padstow Life-boat.

Weblln, J., C.G., Tramore.

Webster, J., late Cox. Maryport Life-boat.

Wedge, W., C.Q., Salcombe.

Weekes, Wm. Wall, Seaman.

Weldrake, E., Spurn Point.

Welsh, M., M.M.

West, Wm., C.G.

Westbrook, Lt. E. B., R.N.

Wharrier, William, late Eng. Ramsgate Tugs. (3) Wheeler, C., Atherfleld Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Wheeler, R., ditto.

Wheeler, W., Pilot.

White, Jas., late Cox. Fishguard Life-boat (3) White, John, late Cox.

Howth Life-boat.

White, Joseph, Portland.

White, J. K., C.G. (2) Whitley, Ellas, Jersey.

Whyte, Mrs., Aberdonr.

Wickham, E.,Cox.Wexford Life-boat.

Wickham, T., late Cox.

Wexford Life-boat.

Wilds, Robert, late Cox.

Deal Life-boat. (2) Wilkie, C., M.M.

Wilkinson. Geo., Fleetwood.

WUleox, J., C.G., Lydd.

Williams, D.

Williams, H., late Cox.

Kingstown Life-boat.

Williams, Hugh, Penmaen.

Williams, Rev. J.,Holyhead.* Williams, J., M.M. (2 ; Williams, J., Swansea.

Williams, J.M., Padstow.

Williams. J.O., C.G. (2) Williams, Owen, late Cox.

Cemlyn Life-boat.

Williams, Rev. 0. Lloyd. (2) Williams, William, Grocer, Williams, William, Quarryman, Llanddulas.

Williams, William, Seaman Williamson, R. (2) Williamson, Robert, Thnrso.

Williamson, W., PUot, Wick.


Wilson, John, M.M.

Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island.

Wilson, T., M.P.* Wilson,T., Pilot, Holylsland.

Wilson,W.,PilotJIolyIsland .

Wishart, J., Wick, N.B.

Wood, James, s.s. Maarrt.

Wood, T. L., C.G. (2) Woodgate, James, late Cox.

Dover Life-boat. (2) Woodham, Lt., R.N., C.G.

Woods, E. W., Coxswain Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat.

Woodward, Geo., Stoker, Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan.

Wordly, S., Harwich.

Wright, John, Qreenock.

Wright, J.

Wright, Robert, late Cox.

Fleetwood Life-boat. (2) Wyatt, G., Seaman, Harwich.

Wylde, Lt. S., R.N., C.G.

Wyrill, H., Scarboro*.

York, H.R.H. the Duke of, the late (1824).* Yare, Rlchd., Stoker, Ramsgate Steamer Fulcon.

Young, A., C.G., Shoreham.

Young, A. H., C.O., Blatchington.

Llanddnlas. •• Young, Lt. T., R.N., C.G..