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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1907

Jan. 10.—Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed, and 11.10s. each to five men, one of whom was the Coxswain of the Poole Life-boat, for rescuing at great personal risk .one of two men whose boat was capsized on Christchurch Ledges, in a heavy ground sea on the 18th December, 1906.

Jan. 10.—Voted II. 10s. to three men belonging to the brigantine George Carson, for saving in the ship's boat two of three persons whose boat was capsized off Deal in a moderate W.S.W. gale and rough sea on 16th November.

Also 11. 2s. fjd. to three other men who put off from the shore and landed the rescued men, the ship's boat being unable to do so.

Jan. 10.—Also 20/. 10s. to the crews of boats and cobles, who gave valuable help in assisting to rescue the crew of the s.s. Awa Maru, of Tokio, wrecked off Redcar in a whole N.W.

gale and very heavy sea, on the 27th December, 1907.

Jan. 10.—Five men rescued at considerable risk three men whose boat was damaged by a steamer, and sunk off Dover in a moderate W.S.W. gale and heavy sea, on the 12th December.

—Reward, SI. 15s.

Jan. 10.—Seven men put off in a haddockboat, and at some risk saved one of three persons from a smaller boat, which broached to and was swamped on the bar at Helmsdale, Sutherlandshire, on the 13th December. Two of the men were unfortunately drowned before help reached them.—Reward, 31. 10s.

Jan. 18. — Seven Whinnyfold fishermen saved the crew of ten men of the steam trawler Star of the Isles, of Aberdeen, which stranded on the Cruden Scaurs, in a strong S.S.W.

breeze and moderate sea.—Reward, 51. 5s.

Jan. 22.—The crew of seven men of the steam trawler Dunrobin, saved the coble Lily of the Valley and her crew of three men, which was in distress off Scarborough in a strong E.S.E. gale, and very heavy sea.— Reward, 3Z. 3s.

Feb. 14.—Nine men saved seven persons, the crew of the fishing-boat Stately of Stornoway, wrecked at Lochboisdale in awholeN.E.

by E. gale and rough sea, on the 5th December, 1906. The salvors incurred great risk and their boat was damaged.—Reward, 111.

Voted a further sum of SI. 4s. to defray the cost of the repairs of the boat.

Feb. 14.—Five men rescued six of the crew of nine persons of the steam drifter Bessie, of Wick, which stranded in moderate weather off Wick on the night of the 9th January.— Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

Feb. 17.—Four men put oft in a coble to save the crew of the ketch Fairy, of Montrose, which stranded at Holy Island in a whole N.W. gale and heavy sea. Six men assisted the coble when returning ashore.—Reward, 4:1. IS.

March 14.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum and framed, and 21. to JOHN ANDERSON, and 21. each to ten other men for saving 17 of the crew of the German barque Nordwin, which stranded at Skerries, Shetland Islands, on 16th December, 1906.

March 14.—Four men put off in a boat and at moderate risk saved the crew of nine hands off the s.s. Kilrenny, of Aberdeen, which stranded off Durness, Orkney, in a strong N.E. breeze and rough sea on the 19th February.

—Reward, 4i.

March 18.—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. W. MUBRAY and to Mr. JAMES AGNEW—the latter also being granted a reward of 21., tor rushing into the surf, and, at considerable personal risk, saving one of five persons whose boat was capsized at Lendalbay, Ayrshire, in a strong N.N.W. gale and very heavy sea.

April 5.—Granted 21.2s. to a tug which was sent out to try and save life on the occasion of an accident to a pleasure boat oft Kingstown in fine but squally weather on the 1st April.

April 11.—Ordered a letter of thanks to be sent to Captain BONIB, of the French ship Ville de Mulhouse, and voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to JEAN LE BROZEC, second mate, and 31. to two seamen for putting off in the ship's boat and saving one of two men whose boat capsized in a squall in Queenstown Harbour, on the 2nd April. The second man was unfortunately drowned.

April 11.—Voted the Silver Medal and 51. each to GEORGE ANDERSON and WILLIAM WILLIAMS, two seamen belonging to the s.s. Suevic, who specially distinguished themselves during the work of rescue, when the vessel was wrecked at the Lizard on 17th March.

April 13.—A pilot saved two other pilots whose boat was capsized when attempting to board a schooner in the race just inside Strangford Lough, in a whole easterly gale and rough sea.—Reward, 11. 2s. 6d.

April 28.—Five men put off in a boat and saved two out of three persons whose boat capsized in a strong and squally N.N.W.

breeze and rough sea, off Deal.— Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

May 9.—A man saved at slight risk to himself another man whose coble was capsized and sank, at the mouth of the River Tees, in very squally weather on the 8th March.— Reward, 10s.

May 9.—Granted SI. 13s. to the crew and helpers at the Mumbles for putting off the Life-boat's boarding boat for the purpose of assisting the ketch Hector, of Swansea, which stranded on the Mixon Shoal on the 23rd April.

June 24. — Three Coastguard men very promptly put off in a boat and saved a man whose boat was being driven out to sea, off Ringsend, Dublin, in a N.W. gale and heavy sea at 11.20 P.M.—Reward, 11. 2s. 6d.

' July 4.—A man saved a fellow-fisherman whose boat had capsized off Exmouth, when returning to harbour, in a southerly gale and" heavy sea.—Reward, 10s.

July 11.—Voted the Gold Medal of the Institution to Mr. DANIEL BEES for his intrepid conduct in putting off in a very small boat in rough weather and saving, at very great personal risk, two persons from a small yacht which had capsized off Lavernock Point, Glamorganshire, on the 16th June. Also awarded the Silver Medal to Mr. IVOR REES, and the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Mr. D. MORGAN BEES for their gallantry on the same occasion. Ordered a letter of thanks to be sent to Mr. H. M. LLOYD, who observed the accident and displayed great promptness and energy in securing assistance.

(See the Life-boat Journal, November, 1907.) July 11.—Voted the Silver Medal, together with a reward of 21. to JOHN SIMPSON for a gallant rescue of two persons near Johnshaven, Scotland, on the 7th June, whose boat had been swamped and sunk. Simpson, hearing the cries of the drowning men, put off in a flat-bottom surf-boat and at great danger rescued them. The boat struck the rocks on two occasions, but Simpson by jumping out managed to push it clear. Also awarded 5s.

each to two men who attempted to assist by ropes from the rocks and helped the men when landed.

July 18.—Five men went into the surf at Kessingland and saved a man whose boat was swamped when landing.—Reward, 11. 5s.

Aug. 1.—Two men put off in a boat and at moderate risk saved four men whose boat was capsized in a sudden squall in Lough Foyle on the 30th June. There was a moderate sea at the time, and a fifth man was unfortunately drowned before help reached him.—Reward, II. 15s.

Aug. 4.—Pour men with promptness rescued two men whose boat capsized oft Deal pier in fine weather and smooth sea.—Reward, 10s.

Aug. 7.—A man very promptly saved an old fisherman whose boat capsized in a squall off Teignmouth in a smooth sea.—Reward, 7s. 6d.

Aug. 22.—Three men put off in a boat and rescued two persons who were in difficulties in a pleasure skiff about two miles from Deal in a moderate N.N.W. breeze and- fairly smooth sea.—Reward, 12s.

Aug. 25.—Two men saved at moderate personal risk three persons from the small yacht Bob Tit, of St. Margaret's Bay, which capsized near Hope Point in a strong S.W. wind and moderate to rough sea.—Reward, 11.

Sept. 2.—The crew of ten men of the pier Life-boat W. H. Gibson at Brighton, put off in their boat and saved the life of one of two men, whose boat had capsized in rough squally weather.—Reward, SI.

Sept. 12.—Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and 11. each to Messrs.

ARCHIBALD M. BEES, EVAN DA VIES, and WILLIAM WILLIAMS, for gallantly putting off in a boat and, at considerable risk to themselves, rescuing two of three men whose boat was swamped and sunk off Borth, Cardiganshire, in a strong S.W. wind and very rough sea, on the 22nd August, 1907.

Also allowed 31. to defray the cost of repairs to the salvors' boat which was damaged.

Sept. 12. —Three men put off in a boat and saved three men who were in difficulties about two miles off shore near Redcar, in a strong westerly breeze on the 25th August.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Sept. 16.—Six men put off in a boat and rescued the crew of four persons of the ship Dart, of Arbroath, which was totally wrecked on the Plough Seat, Holy Island, in moderate weather.—Reward, 11. 4s.

Oct. 10.—Ordered a special letter of thanks to be sent to Mr. DOWNING, Fishery Inspector under the Congested Districts Board, and voted the sum of 12Z. to twelve men for their prompt and very valuable services in saving the lives of twenty-seven persons from a boat which capsized in Mynich Bay, Co. Galway, in a rough sea on the 18th July. A party of thirtyfive persons were in the boat when the accident occurred, and unfortunately eight were drowned before help reached them. Two of the salvors, sergeants in the Royal Irish Constabulary, rendered very efficient help in restoring the apparently drowned, and their admirable services were brought to the notice of the Constabulary authorities.

Oct. 10.—Two men promptly rescued two men whose boat capsized and sank in Stromness Bay, in a strong westerly breeze, on the 29th August.—Reward, 10s.

Oct. 10.—Six men assisted the fishing boat Trio, of North Sunderland, which lost her mast during a strong S.S.E. gale on the 5th September, when six miles from harbour.— Reward, 11. 10s.

Nov. 1.—Six men put off in a boat from Mousehole, Penzance, and at great risk saved five persons from the ketch Baltic, of Newport, Isle of Wight, wrecked on St. Clement's Isle, in a strong S.E. gale and very heavy sea.— Reward, 121.

Nov. 14.—Voted an aneroid barometer, mounted on a shield and bearing a suitable inscription, to Mr. T. F. DAVIES, Honorary Secretary of the Pakefield Branch, and to Mr. E. W. FULLER, for their services in wading into the sea up to their armpits in a rough surf, in order to get communication and assist the fishing lugger Maggie May, of Lowestoft, which stranded about 150 yards from the beach at Pakefield, on the 1st November.

Nov. 14.—A man put off in a dinghy from a small steam yacht and saved, at some risk, two of three persons from a pleasure boat which capsized near Puffin Island, in a north-westerly breeze and short, choppy sea, on the 20th August.—Reward, 11.

Nov. 14.—Voted 201. towards a fund raised locally for the benefit of the fishermen of Quilty, Co. Clare, who displayed great bravery and endurance in saving part of the crew of the ship Leon XIII. of Nantes, which was wrecked in a strong S.W. gale and very heavy sea, on the 2nd October.

Also allowed 51., the value of one of- the canoes which was thrown on to the rocks_and lost on this occasion.

Nov. 20.—Six men put off in a boat from Ilfracombe to assist the ketch Nouvelle Marie of Bideford, which was in difficulties off Morthoe Point, in a light westerly breeze and smooth sea.—Reward, 3Z.

Nov. 30.—Pour men saved at considerable risk to themselves five men from the fishing boat Mary, of Newbiggin, which stranded near the south pier at Amble, in a very heavy ground swell.—-Reward, 4J. The boat used was damaged, and the cost of repair, amounting to 10j., was also allowed the salvors.

Dec. 12.—Four men rescued, at'.some risk, four men from the steam drifter Scotia, of North Shields, which had been in collision and foundered off Lowestoft, in a strong S.S.B. breeze and very heavy sea, on the 22nd November. Two of the salvors having left Lowestoft it was not possible to reward them.

—Reward, 11.10s..