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The S.S. Ellesmere

At about 5.30 P.M. on the 27th September the Coastguard reported that a vessel close to the Runnel Stone rocks was flying signals for medical assistance and for a pilot. The weather was rough and threatening, with an E.S.E. gale blow- ing, and it was considered too rough for any pilots to go off in a gig. The Coxswain of the Life-boat Elizabeth Blanche therefore, after consulting the pilots, sent for a medical man, and with him on board proceeded to search for the vessel. She proved to be the s.s.

Ellesmere, of Manchester, and on the Life-boat proceeding alongside, the Cox- swain was asked to put the doctor on board. This was accordingly done, the Life-boat remaining alongside until he was ready, when the boat returned to Penzance..