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The Ketches The Norvic and The Doric

At about 11 A.M.

on the 19th August information was received that two large ketches had stranded on the N.W. part of the Margate sand. The weather at the time being very unsettled with a strong N.N.W. breeze and choppy sea, it was considered advisable to send assistance.

The crew of the No. 2 boat, Civil Service No. 1, were summoned and the boat launched. She reached the two vessels at 1.30 P.M., and found that they were the Norvic and Doric, both of London.

At the request of the Masters the boat stood by them as the wind had veered to north, and the weather had become very bad with heavy thunder-storms.

About three hours later the wind again changed and moderated, and shortly afterwards the two vessels floated on the flowing tide. As no further assist- ance was required, the boat then returned to her station..