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Prince Lewellen & The Scotch Fishing Craft Victoria

In the early morning of the 6th September a tele- phone message was received stating that two steamers had been in collision about four miles to the southward of the Point, and that one was apparently sinking. The crew of the No. 1 Life- boat R.A.O.B. were at once assembled, and the boat proceeded to the spot, a tug towing them part of the way. They found the s.s. Cambric, of Hull, exten- sively damaged and the crew in the ship's boats. At the request of the Master, his wife was taken into the Life-boat and several Life-boatmen were put on board to make a hawser fast between the damaged steamer and the tug. The Cambric was then towed with difficulty to Dover, the Life-boat going with her in case any further help might be required..