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Life-Boat Saturday Fund

BAD times, bad trade and, last not least, bad weather, have all militated against a full measure of success to the efforts and labours of the Life-boat Saturday workers during the past year, but notwithstanding difficulties, often of no small calibre, excellent and sometimes surprising results have been obtained.

The great Napoleon used to say that an Englishman never knew when he was beaten, and we think he was right, but the same satisfactory " state of ignorance " would also seem to apply to the average Englishwoman. Whether or no, however, either view is correct as a general maxim, it is clear that both are true as far as Life-boat workers are concerned. Whatever obstacles come in their way or whatever disappointments befall them, they always—man, woman and child—" come up smiling," and go on zealously and enthusiastically as if nothing had happened. But why is this? Because they feel, and feel rightly, that the great work of lifesaving, carried on now for more than fourscore years by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, is one of the grandesb and most useful works ever launched by Britishers, and ought to have all the countenance and support it so much needs. The Life-boat Service whilst it appeals to our patriotism shows at the same time our wish and anxiety to aid all other nations ; for the British Life-boatman never waits to inquire as to the nationality of a distressed vessel driven by the tempest and tossed by the storm, but is only too anxious to launch the Life-boat and man an oar to save with the utmost despatch those " in peril on the sea," whether they hail from the north, south, east or west. A new Life-boat Saturday Fund " season " is beginning, and we would cordially wish each and all of the workers for the Life-boat Institution a very hearty " God speed." They must not look, back at the difficulties and failure of the past beyond utilising the valuable experience these brought, but they should rather look forward with confidence and hope, feeling assured that if they "sowplentifully " they shall " reap plentifully.".