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Witch of Wave

About 10 P.M.

on the 16th March the wind veered to the west and increased to a gale, and half an hour later the Coastguard reported that a ketch, which was at anchor in the bay, was making signals of distress.

The crew of the Life-boat John were immediately summoned and the boat was launched. On reaching the ketch the master stated that he was afraid of his cables parting and his vessel going on to the rocks. The crew of three hands were therefore taken into the Life-boat which then made for her station. On nearing the beach the surf was tofi heavy for them to land, and the Life-boat lay off until 2.30 in the morning, when the tide having ebbed, they were able to come ashore. The ketch was the Witch of Wave, of Belfast, trading between that port and Portaferry. When the crew were landed the vessel was still riding to her anchors..