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TheSmall Lug Sail Boat Moa

About 10.30 P.M. on the 23rd July, three youths engaged a small lug-sail boat, called the Moo, to go for a moon- light sail. They were caught by the tide and being inexperienced in boating were unable to make any headway and drifted to the north of Black Head, -where they were able to pull in near the shore.

Next morning the owner of the boat missed her and having given the alarm it was found that the three young men were still absent. It was then blowing freshly from S.E., and the sea was moderately rough; the Life-boat was therefore sent out at 7 A.M. and pro- ceeded to search for the missing boat and the occupants. About an hour later she fell in with the boat and found the youths much exhausted and frightened by the experience. They were taken into the Life-boat which then took the boat in tow and returned to harbour..