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The Launch of the Life-Boat

Go forth, thou gallant boat! God speed thee on the main I Not oft, if ever, wilt thou float Thus tranquilly again.

Go I proudly ride the wave— The restless waters sleep; Hereafter thou must breast and brave The fury of the deep.

Gol launched 'mid many a prayer— God aid thy bold design; The stateliest vessel doth not bear A mission high as thine.

Go 1 holier deeds perform 1 On mercy's errand go 1 Confronting death, defying storm, To succour friend and foe.

When, from the surging sea, Or from the rock-girt shore, The danger signal comes to thee Above the breaker's roar,— Go ! dare the ocean's strife; Thy dauntless course pursue— The messenger of hope and life To many a drowning crew.