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The Elder Dempster Steamer Jebba

At about 2.15 A.M. on the 18th March, the Elder Dempster steamer Jetiba,ot London, from Sierra Leone, with passengers, mails, and general cargo, went ashore near Bolt Tail. When the vessel stranded she ran on to the rocks close under the cliffs, and remained fast.

The Life-boat Alexandra was launched, and on arriving at the steamer found she was lying broadside to the shore with her outside rail under water and a heavy sea breaking over her. At each end of the steamer were rocks, making it impossible for the Life-boat to get on the land side of her, and to take off the passengers and crew, who numbered 155, it would have been necessary to haul them by ropes through the sea.

By the time the Life-boat reached the steamer, the rocket apparatus had got communication from the cliff, and was working. By this means, and ropes from the shore, all on board were, with the able assistance of the local fishermen, happily saved, the Life-boat in the meantime standing by in case her services should be wanted. The rescue operations were skilfully carried out, and shortly after all had been saved the ship filled with water..