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Queen Louise

At 2 P.M. on the 6th May, the steamer Queen Louise, of Glasgow, carrying a crew of twenty-nine persons, stranded oi\ the rocks half a mile south of Seaham. There was a moderate N.E. wind blowing with a heavy ground swell, and this prevented any shore-boat getting near the steamer, as she was surrounded by rocks, on which the seas broke heavily. Towards even- ing the Life-boat Skynner was launched, and proceeded to her, and at the captain's request ran ropes to the tugs, as they also were unable to get near to the steamer. The seas frequently broke over the Life-boat, but she cleared her- self well, and about 8.30 P.M. the tug succeeded in towing the steamer clear.

The boat remained with the vessel until it was ascertained that the damage was not serious, and then returned ashore, arriving at 9.30 P.M. The Honorary Secretary of the Branch, Captain JOHN SMITH, was on board the Life-boat during this service, and was specially thanked by the Committee of Management for his valuable co-operation..